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Старый 30.09.2006, 03:18   #1
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Neverwinter Nights 1, 2 - Модификации

Возможно тема расположена не здесь, но всё же попытаюсь...
Подскажите где можно взять хорошие моды к NWN, но чтобы для них не требовался HoU(потому как нигде его не могу найти как 1,5 года ).Желательно русстфицированные.Но если сюжет хороший, то можно и английские...
...Не ищите смысл жизни. Вдруг найдёте...
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Старый 27.10.2011, 19:03   #101
King of Destruction
Аватар для Nelve

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Есть ли на вторую часть реплейсеры или аддоны лиц
Есть моды... но тебе с этим в другой тред.
Оружия тоже дофига вроде.
Is there a bad civilization somewhere?..
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Старый 27.10.2011, 19:17   #102
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S1ritkam, в другой? Разве это не модификации? оО
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Старый 29.10.2011, 14:57   #103
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Так, ладно, неважно

Народ, а есть ли на НВН 2 интересные детективные\воровские\эротические моды? На подобие Arandie и A Dance with Rogues для первой части?
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Старый 29.10.2011, 17:11   #104
King of Destruction
Аватар для Nelve

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Сообщение от Даймос Посмотреть сообщение
Народ, а есть ли на НВН 2 интересные детективные\воровские\эротические моды?
Есть, разумеется.
Сообщение от Даймос Посмотреть сообщение
S1ritkam, в другой? Разве это не модификации? оО
Да я что-то попутал, слепну наверное, думал это тред по проблемам %)
Is there a bad civilization somewhere?..
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Старый 29.10.2011, 17:18   #105
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S1ritkam, можешь тогда названия подсказать) А то мне больше H&S рубилки попадаются)
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Старый 29.10.2011, 18:40   #106
King of Destruction
Аватар для Nelve

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Даймос, да я бы с радостью, но я ещё аддоны даже в NwN2 не осилил, не то что модули
То один билд попробую, то другой.... так и пролетает время незаметно.

А вообще, самый лучший модуль - это с рандомными подземельями ^^
Is there a bad civilization somewhere?..
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Старый 01.11.2011, 19:05   #107
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А как можно прилепить себе лица и прически компаньонов (и других NPC), а то дефолтные по большей части убоги (а к "самоделкам" у меня вообще аллергия)?
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Старый 02.11.2011, 19:56   #108
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Кто нить устанавливал Kaedrin's PrC Pack? Там стока всего вкусного обещают, но боюсь, что там баг на баге...
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Старый 26.11.2011, 15:31   #109
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Попробовал это самый Kaedrin's PrC Pack. Вещь просто мега! Много всего переправлено, три новых базовых класса, куча новых интересных пристижей(Например Fist of Forest, который дает бонусы к AC за очки выносливости... Вот бы Келгара-монаха им сделать))) Или пристиж класс барда Stormsinger, который добавляет хитобойные песни

В общем кого не пугает игнглиш - качайте. Игра засияет новыми красками)))
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Старый 30.11.2011, 09:11   #110
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NeverWinter Nights 2: Kaedrin's PrC Pack

Решил создать тему по самому популярному hak паку\Override моду к Невервинтер 2. Данная модификация стала уже почти обязательной на большинстве англоязычных шардов.
Новые базовые классы
Скрытый текст:
  • Ninja - Ниндзя скользят в тенях, убивая ничего не подозревающего врага и снова исчезая из виду. Они способны проникнуть туда, куда не могут остальные. Они объединяют тренировки в скрытности и убийствах с тренировкой разума. Их строгая подготовка закаляет их тела и разум, давая им сверхестественные навыки в скрытности.Хотя ниндзя уступает в бою войну и варвару, они совершенно овладели своим собственным стилем: появляться и исчезать у всех на глазах.
    Скрытый текст:
    Здоровье: +6
    Базовый бонус атаки: Средний
    Высокий спасбросок: Реакция
    Навыки владения оружием: Простое, Монах и Плут
    Владение броней: Нет

    Классовые умения: Обман, Концентрация, Алхимия, Изготовление ловушек, Изготовление оружия, Изготовление брони, Обезвреживание устройств, Дипломатия, Спрятаться, Слух, Знание, Подкрадываться, Взлом, Поиск, Ловкость рук, Наблюдательность и Акробатика.
    Навыки умений: 6 + модификатор интеллекта

    классовые навыки

    Level 1: Ki Power, Trapfinding, Sneak Attack +1d6, AC Bonus
    Level 2: Ghost Step (Invisible)
    Level 3: Sneak Attack +2d6, Poison Use
    Level 4:
    Level 5: Sneak Attack +3d6, AC Bonus +1
    Level 6: Acrobatics +2, Ki Dodge
    Level 7: Sneak Attack +4d6
    Level 8: Ghost Strike
    Level 9: Sneak Attack +5d6
    Level 10: Ghost Step (Ethereal), AC Bonus +2
    Level 11: Sneak Attack +6d6
    Level 12: Acrobatics +4, Evasion
    Level 13: Sneak Attack +7d6
    Level 14:
    Level 15: Sneak Attack +8d6, AC Bonus +3
    Level 16: Ghost Sight
    Level 17: Sneak Attack +9d6
    Level 18: Acrobatics +6, Greater Ki Dodge
    Level 19: Sneak Attack +10d6
    Level 20: Ghost Walk, AC Bonus +4
    Level 21: Sneak Attack +11d6
    Level 22:
    Level 23: Бонусный эпический навык, Sneak Attack +12d6
    Level 24: Acrobatics +8, Improved Evasion
    Level 25: Sneak Attack +13d6, AC Bonus +5
    Level 26: Бонусный эпический навык
    Level 27: Sneak Attack +14d6
    Level 28:
    Level 29: Бонусный эпический навык, Sneak Attack +15d6
    Level 30: AC Bonus +6, Acrobatics +10

    AC Bonus: Ниндзя тренерован в уклонении от ударов и обладает шестым чувством, позволяющим ему уклоняться от атак. Когда ниндзя не перегружен и без брони, то он добавляет свой модификатор мудрости к своему классу брони. Данная способность не обьединяется с аналогичной способностью монаха и бонус не может превысить количество уровней в данном класе. Так же ниндзя получает +1 к Классу брони(уклонение_ на 5 уровне и растет каждые пять уровней ниндзя.

    Ki Power: Ниндзя может направлять свою Ци, чтобы улучшать свои навыки скрытности и подвижности. Ниндзя может использовать этот навык столько раз на дню, сколько уровней в данном классе он имеет(До 30 в день). Ki Power может использовать только ниндзя не отягощенный броней и не перегруженный

    До тех пор, пока запас ци ниндзя не равен нулю, он получает +2 к спасброску воли.

    Ghost Step: Начиная со второго уровня, ниндзя может потратить одно из своих использований ци, чтобы стать невидимым на три раунда. На 10 уровне ниндзя становится эфирным, а не невидимым.

    Acrobatics: Начиная с 6 уровня ниндзя получает +2 бонус к проверке акробатики. Бонус увеличивается до +4 на 12 , +6 на 18, +8 на 24 и +10 на 30.

    Ki Dodge: Начиная с 6 уровня, ниндзя может потратить один заряд ци, чтобы защититься от одной атаки. Когда ниндяз активирует эту способность, то получает маскировку(20% вероятность промоха) на три раунда.

    Ghost Strike: Начиная с 8 уровня, ниндзя может потратить один заряд ки, чтобы наносить урон призракам, как будто они обладают плотью(точнее игнорирует бонус скрытности) на три раунда.

    Ghost Sight: Начиная с 16 уровня, ниндзя начинает виеть невидимых и эфирных существо так же, как он видит материальные существа и объекты.

    Greater Ki Dodge: Начиная с 18 уровня, способность Ki dodge дарует полноценную скрытность(50% вероятность промаха).

    Ghost Walk: На 20 уровне ниндзя может потратить два своих заряда ци, чтобы переместиться в эфирные планы на больший промежуток времени. Способность действует как заклятье ethereal jaunt с уровнем колдующего равным уровню ниндзя
  • Thug - Не все войны оттачивают свои боевые навыки вместе с инструктором или в военном отряде - некоторые учатся всему на улицах. Путешествуя на легке, они пологаются на свои навыки больше, чем на силу и предпочитают быстрый, подлый удар долгой битве.

    Несмотря на свое название, не все громилы простые хулиганы - многие из них умелые ветераны, которые пользуются своими знаниями, приобретенными на улице, во время своих путешествий.
    Скрытый текст:
    Здоровье: +10
    Базовый бонус атаки: Высокий
    Высокий спасбросок: Стойкость
    Навыки обращения с оружием: Простое и воинское.
    Навык брони: Легкая.
    Навыки умений: 4 + модификатор интеллекта
    Классовые умения: Обман, Создание брони, создание оружия, запугивание, лечение, знание, парирование, ловкость рук, насмешка и акробатикаBluff.

    Классовые навыки:
    Level 1:
    Level 2: Sneak Attack +1d6
    Level 3:
    Level 4: Sneak Attack +2d6
    Level 5:
    Level 6: Sneak Attack +3d6
    Level 7:
    Level 8: Sneak Attack +4d6
    Level 9:
    Level 10: Sneak Attack +5d6
    Level 11:
    Level 12: Sneak Attack +6d6
    Level 13:
    Level 14: Sneak Attack +7d6
    Level 15:
    Level 16: Sneak Attack +8d6
    Level 17:
    Level 18: Sneak Attack +9d6
    Level 19:
    Level 20: Sneak Attack +10d6
    Level 21:
    Level 22: Sneak Attack +11d6
    Level 23: Бонусный эпический навык
    Level 24: Sneak Attack +12d6
    Level 25:
    Level 26: Sneak Attack +13d6, бонусный эпический навык
    Level 27:
    Level 28: Sneak Attack +14d6
    Level 29: бонусный эпическийнавык
    Level 30: Sneak Attack +15d6
  • Scout - Любая организация, будь то армия или группа искателей приключений, нуждается в информации о том, что ждет их впереди и что позади, и, что самое главное - во времени на подготовку к битве. Разведчик быстро перемешается по любой территории и специализируется на нахождении врагов до того, как они заметят его присутствие. В подземелье или на природе, разведчика видно только тогда, когда он сам этого хочет
    Скрытый текст:
    Здоровье: +8
    Базовый бонус атаки: Средний
    Высокий спасбросок: Реакция
    Оружейные навыки: Простое и Вор.
    Навыки брони: Легкая
    очки умений: 8 + модификатор интеллекта
    Классовые умения: Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival, and Tumble.

    Классовые навыки:

    Level 1: Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding
    Level 2: Battle Fortitude, Uncanny Dodge
    Level 3: Dash, +1 Dodge AC, Trackless Step
    Level 4: Бонусный навык
    Level 5: Evasion, Sneak Attack +2d6
    Level 6:
    Level 7: +2 Dodge AC
    Level 8: Бонусный навык, Camouflage
    Level 9: Sneak Attack +3d6
    Level 10:
    Level 11: +3 Dodge AC, Improved Initiative
    Level 12: Бонусный навык
    Level 13: Sneak Attack +4d6
    Level 14: Прятаться на виду
    Level 15: +4 Dodge AC
    Level 16: Бонусный навык
    Level 17: Sneak Attack +5d6
    Level 18: Свобода передвижания
    Level 19: +5 Dodge AC
    Level 20: Бонусный навык, Blind-Fight
    Level 21: Sneak Attack +6d6
    Level 22:
    Level 23: Бонусный эпический навык, +6 Dodge AC
    Level 24:
    Level 25: Sneak Attack +7d6
    Level 26: бонусный эпический навык
    Level 27: +7 Dodge AC
    Level 28:
    Level 29: бонусный эпический навык, Sneak Attack +8d6
    Level 30:

    Battle Fortitude: На втором уровне разведчик получает +1 к спасброску стойкости. Этот бонус увеличинается до +2 на 11, +3 на 20 и +4 на 29

    Free Movement: At 18th level and higher, a scout can slip out of bonds, grapples, and even the effects of confining spells easily. This ability duplicates the effect of a freedom of movement spell, except that it is always active.
Новые пристиж классы
Скрытый текст:
Anointed Knight - Помазанник это священный воин, который потратилд много сил на изучение алхимии с целью стать ещё лучшим войном.
Скрытый текст:

Alignment: Any good.
Skills: Craft Alchemy 3, Lore 3, Spellcraft 1.
BAB: +5
Feats: Iron Will

Class Features

HD: d10
BAB: High
High Saves: Fort, Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: All simple and martial weapons, all types of armor, and all types of shields.

Class Skills: Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Craft Alchemy, Concentration, Diplomacy, Heal, Lore, Parry, Spellcraft, and Tumble.
Skill points: 4 + Int modifier

Class Abilities

Level 1: Anoint Self (Holy Sight)
Level 2: Anoint ancestral weapon
Level 3: Bonus feat
Level 4: Anoint Self (Celestial Strategy)
Level 5: Unbroken Flesh
Level 6: Bonus feat
Level 7: Anoint Self (Call to Battle)
Level 8: Sacred Flesh
Level 9: Bonus feat
Level 10: Bonus feat

Anoint Self: An anointed knight concocts a magical oil with which to anoint herself. Once the oil is applied, the anointed knight permanently gains a new supernatural ability listed below.

Level 1: Holy Sight (Blind-Fight)
Level 4: Celestial Strategy (Toughness)
Level 7: Call to Battle (Alertness)

Anoint Ancestral Weapon: An anointed knight concocts a magic oil with which to coat her ancestral weapon. Once the oil is applied, the ancestral weapon gains a new supernatural ability chosen from the list below for 4 rounds per level. This ability can be used ten times per day.

List of Choices:
Vampiric +2
Massive Criticals (2d10)

Unbroken Flesh: The anointed knight uses a special concoction of magical oils to apply to her flesh at 5th-level granting permanent damage reduction of 3/-. Note: Only Greater Resiliency and the Epic Damage Reduction feats stack with this DR.

Sacred Flesh: Through sacred rituals and special magical oils, an 8th-level anointed knight gains spell resistance equal to 10 + character level.

Bonus Feat: At 3rd level, and again at 6th, 9th, and 10th level, the anointed knight gains a bonus feat(из списка).

Avenger - Мститель - это разновидность Убийцы, которая во многом схожа, за исключением того, что требует не-хаотичное мировоззрение вместо злого.
Black Flame Zealot - Фанатики Черного пламени используют скрытность, священную магию и свой фанатизм для уничтожения врагов
Скрытый текст:

Alignment: Any nongood.
Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd level divine spells.
Skills: Hide 8 ranks, Lore 8 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks.
Feats: Iron Will, 1d6 Sneak Attack damage

Class Features:

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Medium.
High Saves: Reflex, Will.
Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Armor Proficiencies: None.
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, and Tumble.

Class Abilities:

Divine Spellcasting: At each odd-numbered black flame zealot level, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to which he belonged before adding the prestige class level.

Zealous Heart: A black flame zealot is immune to fear, magical or otherwise. Unlike a paladin's aura of courage, this confers no special benefits on his companions. A Black Flame Zealot gains this ability at first level.

Poison Use: At 2nd level, a black flame zealot gains the ability to use poison safely, as the assassin ability.

Death Attack: At 3rd level, the black flame zealot can make a special sneak attack called a death attack. This ability adds to the rogue's sneak attack ability, adding an extra 1d6 points of damage. This bonus rises to +2d6 at 6th level, and +3d6 at 9th level. If used against an opponent not already in combat, a successful Death Attack forces the victim to make a Fortitude save or become paralyzed.

Sacred Flame: Beginning at 7th level, at will, a black flame zealot can command the melee weapons in his possession to burn with a black, deadly fire. The weapons gain the flaming ability, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage per successful attack in addition to its normal weapon damage.

Death Touch: Avengers and Black Flame Zealots gain a death touch ability (1 minute cooldown). This ability takes 2 rounds to cast and rolls 1d6 for each level of Avenger, BFZ, and Assassin and compares that to the target's health. If the roll is higher, the creature dies (if not immune to death magic and crits). This is a replacement ability to make up for the loss of DC on Death Attack (it doesn't account for class levels).

Bladesinger - Блейдсингеры это эльфы, которые обьединяют исскуство, фехтование и магию в единое целое.
Скрытый текст:

Race: Elf or half-elf.
Skills: Concentration 4, Tumble 2
Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Weapon Focus (longsword or rapier)
BAB: +5
Spells: Able to cast arcane spells of 2nd level.

Class Features:

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: High.
High Saves: Reflex, Will.
Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Armor Proficiencies: Light.
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft Weapon, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Lore, Parry, Perform, Spellcraft, Tumble.

Class Abilities

Level 1: Bladesong Style, Spellcasting Progression
Level 2: Skill Focus: Concentration, Mobility
Level 3:
Level 4: Song of Celerity 1/day
Level 5: Spring Attack
Level 6: Armored Caster
Level 7:
Level 8: Song of Celerity 2/day, Battle Caster
Level 9:
Level 10: Song of Fury

Spellcasting Progression: At each odd bladesinger level (1, 3, 5, 7, and 9), the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the prestige class. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a bladesinger, she must decide which class she increases when she gains a level.

Bladesong Style

When wielding a longsword or rapier in one hand (and nothing in the other), a bladesinger gains a dodge bonus to Armor Class equal to her class level, up to a maximum of her Intelligence bonus. If the bladesinger wears medium or heavy armor, she loses all benefits of the bladesong style. This bonus will not stack with the AC bonus granted by Invisible Blade or Duelist.


At 2nd level, a bladesinger gains Mobility as a bonus feat.

Song of Celerity

Once per day, a bladesinger of 4th level or higher may grant her party the benefits of the haste spell for a number of rounds equal to three times her class level. At 8th level this increases to two uses per day.

Spring Attack

At 5th level, a bladesinger gains Spring Attack as a bonus feat.

Armored Caster

At 6th level, bladesingers do not suffer spell failure penalties while wearing light armor. However, they suffer the full arcane spell failure penalties from casting spells while wearing medium or heavy armor, or while equipped with shields.

Battle Caster

At 8th level, bladesingers do not suffer spell failure penalties from wearing medium armor. However, they suffer the full arcane spell failure penalties from casting spells while wearing heavy armor or while equipped with shields.

Song of Fury

When a 10th-level bladesinger makes a full attack with a longsword or rapier in one hand (and nothing in the other), she can make one extra attack in a round at her highest base attack bonus, but this attack and each other attack made in that round take a -2 penalty.

Canaith Lyrist - Воин, вор, шпион, поэт, woodland champion: Canaith lyrist это легендарная фигура, которая служит герольдом и учителем великих королей, героем сказок и хранителем давно забытых знаний.
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Alignment: Any neutral.
Required Class: Bard.
Skills: Diplomacy 7, Lore 7, Perform 13, and Sleight of Hand 7.
Special: Evasion
Arcane Spell Level 2

Class Features:

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: High.
High Saves: Reflex, Will.
Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Armor Proficiencies: None.
Skill Points: 6 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Perform, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Survival, Tumble, and Use Magic Device.

Class Abilities

Spellcasting: At each Canaith lyrist level, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in an arcane or divine class.

Bardic Music: A Canaith lyrist adds her lyrist level to her bard level to determine the number of times per day she can use her bardic music, which bard songs she knows, and the power of those abilities.

Champion of the Silver Flame - Воители серебрянного пламени посвящают свою жизнь борьбе со злом и угрозой с внешних планов.
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This is a 22 level prestige class.


Alignment: Lawful Good.
Class: Paladin
Feats: Smite Evil 2/day
Skills: Lore 8.
Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd level divine spells.
Required Spell: Angelskin

Class Features

HD: d10
BAB: High
High Saves: Fort, Will
Weapon proficiency: None
Armor proficiency: Tower shields.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Lore, Parry, Spellcraft, and Tumble.
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier

Class Abilities

Level 1: Bonus Feat: Extra Turning, Blessing of the Champion, Spellcasting Progression, Turn Undead
Level 2:
Level 3: Darkvision, Bonus Feat: Extra Smiting, Resist Compulsion
Level 4:
Level 5:
Level 6: Weapon of Flame
Level 7:
Level 8:
Level 9: Weapon of Sacred Flame
Level 10: Warding Flame

Bonus Feats are awarded at levels 13, 16, 19, and 22.

Turn Undead: Champion of the Silver Flame levels stack with all other classes for the purpose of turning undead.

Spellcasting: At each level, a champion of the Silver Flame gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a Paladin level.

Blessing of the Champion: A champion of the Silver Flame dispenses the fury of the Silver Flame with her weapons. The champion gains a +1 bonus on Attack rolls and a +1 divine damage bonus. The damage bonus granted by blessing of the champion does not stack with the Sanctify Strikes feat.

Darkvision: If she does not already have it, a champion of the Silver Flame gains darkvision at 3rd level.

Resist Compulsion: Beginning at 3rd level, a champion of the Silver Flame receives a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting spells and effects.

Weapons of Flame: Starting at 6th level, a champion of the Silver Flame deals an extra 1d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit.

Weapons of Sacred Flame: Starting at 9th level, a champion of the Silver Flame deals an extra 1d6 points of sacred (divine) damage on a successful hit in addition to the bonus granted by weapons of flame. This divine damage bonus replaces the bonus granted by Blessing of the Champion and does not stack with the Sanctify Strikes feat.

Warding Flame: At 10th level, a champion of the Silver Flame can bathe herself in silver flame. As long as the warding flame covers her, she gains a +2 sacred bonus to Armor Class and saving throws. In addition, she gains spell resistance 12 + character level.

Champion of the Wild - Чтобы стать лесным воителем, новичек должен облатать навыками фехтования, а так же продемонстрировать спокойствие, грацию и навыки ориентировния.
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Alignment: Any non-evil.
BAB: +7
Skills: Diplomacy 4, Lore 2
Feats: Martial Weapons, Heavy Armor, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Weapon Focus (Longsword, Rapier, or Scimitar)

Class Features:

HD: d10
BAB: High
High Saves: Fort, Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Lore, Parry, Spellcraft, and Tumble.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Touch of the Wild, Bonus Feat
Level 2: Elegant Strike
Level 3: Superior Defense +1
Level 4: Bonus Feat
Level 5: Dash
Level 6: Superior Defense +2
Level 7: Bonus Feat
Level 8: Wrath of the Wild 1/day
Level 9: Superior Defense +3
Level 10: Bonus Feat

Touch of the Wild: Upon entering this class, you gain the ability to heal wounds by touch, much like a paladin's lay on hands ability. Paladin levels stack with class levels as long as you have a Charisma score higher than 11.

Bonus Feat: At 1st level and every three levels thereafter, you gain a bonus feat(из списка).

Elegant Strike: Upon reaching 2nd level, you become able to place your attacks where they deal greater damage. You apply your Dexterity bonus as a bonus on damage rolls (in addition to any Strength bonus you may have) with any of the following weapons: longsword, rapier, scimitar, or universal sword.

Superior Defense: At 3rd level, you learn special techniques for making the best use of your natural agility even while wearing restrictive armor. You gain a +1 Dodge AC bonus at 3rd level. At 6th level the bonus improves to +2 and at 9th level it increases by +3.

Wrath of the Wild: At 8th level, you gain the ability to briefly channel the divine power of a wild deity, enveloping one melee weapon you wield in a veil of incandescent light. You gain a +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls and deal an extra 2d6 points of damage with each melee attack you make for a number of rounds equal to 4 + your Cha modifier.

New Feats are available to gain additional uses per day of Wrath of the Wild:
Extra Wrath of the Wild I (improves to 3 uses/day).
Extra Wrath of the Wild II (improves to 5 uses/day).

Charnag Maelthra - the Charnag Maelthra are the Conclave's feared political police. It's main role is to enforce the will of the Conclave through administering the day-to-day implementation of Sshamath's "laws" and the Conclave's "edicts". Upon admission initiates swear an oath to follow the directives of the Conclave whatever their personal beliefs.
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Race: Drow or Half-Drow
Skill: Intimidate 8

Class Features:

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: High.
High Saves: Fortitude.
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor.
Weapon Proficiencies: Rogue.
Skill points: 4 + Int modifier
Class skills: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Parry, Move Silently, Search, Spellcraft, and Spot.

Class Abilities:

At first level a Charnag Maelthra chooses a path to follow which will dictate the bonuses they gain as they progress.

Way of the Shadow : A Charnag Maelthra who chooses the way of the shadow seeks to master the arts of war and stealth and in doing so gains +1d6 dice of sneak attack at 1st, 3rd, and 5th level.

Way of the Kinslayer: A Charnag Maelthra who chooses the way of the kinslayer seeks to master the art of war with a minor emphasis on stealth and gains +1 Dodge AC at 1st level, a +1 Attack Bonus at 3rd level, and +2 magic damage at 5th level.

Way of the Tome: A Charnag Maelthra who chooses the way of the tome seeks to blend the ways of war and stealth with further studies of magic. They gain +1 level of spellcasting progression as a Wizard at levels 3, 4, and 5.

Child of Night - Children of night are more than spellcasters, more than scholars, and they claim to be more than mortal.
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Skills: Lore 12.
Spellcasting: 2nd level.

Class Features

HD: d6
BAB: Low
High Saves: Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None

Class Skills: Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Concentration, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Spellcraft, and Spot.
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier

Class Abilities

Level 1: Cloak of Shadows, Cold Resistance 5, Spellcasting Progression
Level 2:
Level 3: Dancing Shadows 1/day
Level 4:
Level 5: Cold Resistance 10
Level 6:
Level 7: Dancing Shadows 2/day
Level 8:
Level 9: Cold Resistance 15
Level 10: Dancing Shadows 3/day, Night Form

Spellcasting: At each level except 2nd, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level and spells known as if you had also attained a level in a casting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained such as bonus feats. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a child of night, you must decide which class to progress in. This is a 9/10 progression class in either Divine, Arcane, or Invocation magic.

Cloak of Shadows: Your flesh takes on a hazy, almost translucent hue, granting a bonus equal to your child of night level on Hide checks. At 6th level you become immune to poisons and diseases. At 8th level, your form permanently becomes hazy and you continually have a blur effect (20% concealment).

Cold Resistance: At 1st level, the shaow in your essence provides cold resistance 5. This resistance increases to 10 at 5th level and 15 at 9th level.

Dancing Shadows: At 3rd level, you can grant yourself 50% concealment for one round per class level. At 7th level and above, you can use dancing shadows twice per day. At 10th level, you can use dancing shadows three times per day. This is an instant feat.

Night Form: For 1 minute per day, you can take the form of a Nightwalker while retaining your ability to cast spells.

Daggerspell Mage - Daggerspell mages work to perfect a unique fighting and spellcasting (arcane) style that relies on wielding a pair of daggers at all times.
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Alignment: Any nonevil.
Feats: Weapon Focus (dagger), Two-Weapon Fighting
Skills: Concentration 8.
Caster level: 5th
Required Base Class: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard
Special: Sneak Attack 1d6

Class Features

HD: d6
BAB: Medium
High Saves: Ref, Will
Weapon proficiency: None
Armor proficiency: None

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, and Tumble.
Skill points: 6 + Int modifier

Class Abilities

Level 1: Daggercast, Spellcasting Progression
Level 2:
Level 3: Sneak Attack +1d6
Level 4:
Level 5: Double Daggercast
Level 6: Sneak Attack +2d6
Level 7: Arcane Infusion
Level 8: Arcane Throw
Level 9: Sneak Attack +3d6
Level 10: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting

Spellcasting: At each level except 2nd, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in an arcane or invocation based spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one arcane or invocation spellcasting class before becoming a daggerspell mage, you must decide which class to progress in.

Sneak Attack: Beginning at 3rd level, a daggerspell mage deals an extra dice of sneak attack. It increases to two dice at 6th level and three dice at 9th level.

Daggercast: Daggerspell mages seamlessly blend the use of their twin daggers with powerful spellcasting abilities. A daggerspell mage delivers melee touch attack spells with a dagger attack (adding the base dagger damage plus any enhance bonus from the right hand).

Double Daggercast: As a daggerspell mage advances in level, the connection between his spellcasting abilities and his two-dagger fighting style strengthens. At 5th level or higher, a daggerspell mage delivers melee touch attack spells with both of his daggers (adding the base dagger damage plus any enhance bonus from each dagger).

Arcane Infusion: Arcane Infusion: At 7th level and higher, a daggerspell mage can infuse arcane spell power into his daggers, temporarily enabling them to deal extra energy damage. The daggers deal an extra 1d6 points of magic damage for a number of rounds equal to their class level and has a 5 minute cooldown.

Arcane Throw: At 8th level and higher, a daggerspell mage can imbue arcane spell power into his thrown daggers. The mage can deliver a ranged touch attack spell with one of his daggers, adding it's damage to that of the spell (adding the base dagger damage plus any enhance bonus from the right hand). The dagger returns to the mage automatically.

Improved Two-Weapon Fighting: A daggerspell mage gains Improved Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat at 10th level.

Daggerspell Shaper - Daggerspell shapers work to perfect a unique fighting and spellcasting (druid) style that relies on wielding a pair of daggers at all times.
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Alignment: Any nonevil
Skills: Concentration 8
Feats: Weapon Focus (Dagger), Two-Weapon Fighting, Wild Shape, Sneak Attack 1d6

Class Features

HD: d6
BAB: Medium
High Saves: Reflex, Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None

Class Skills: Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Concentration, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Tumble
Skill points: 6 + Int modifier

Class Abilities

Level 1: Daggercast, Wild Shape (1/day), Spellcasting Progression
Level 2: Dagger claws
Level 3: Sneak Attack +1d6
Level 4: Wild Shape (2/day)
Level 5:
Level 6: Sneak Attack +2d6
Level 7: Wild Shape (3/day)
Level 8:
Level 9: Sneak Attack +3d6
Level 10: Daggerspell flurry, Wild Shape (4/day)

Spellcasting Progression: At each level except 2nd, a daggerspell shaper gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a divine spell-casting class to which he belonged before adding the prestige class level.

Daggercast: When making a melee touch attack spell the shaper uses her dagger to deliver the spell, adding her right hand's dagger damage to the spells (base dagger damage plus any enhance bonus). Supported spells are Cause Light Wounds, Cause Moderate Wounds, Cause Serious Wounds, Harm, and the reserve feat Clap of Thunder.

Wild Shape: Wild Shape: Daggerspell shaper class levels stack with druid levels (along with Lion of Talisid and Nature's Warrior) to determine wild shape abilities. A daggerspell shaper gains one additional daily use of her wild shape ability at 1st level, 4th level, 7th level, and 10th level.

Dagger Claws: When a daggerspell shaper of 2nd level or higher uses wild shape, she adds the enhance bonus from the dagger she is holding in her right hand into the natural attacks of her new form.

Daggerspell Flurry: A 10th-level daggerspell shaper can blend spellcasting with a flurry of dagger attacks. When delivering a touch attack spell and wielding daggers, the daggerspell shaper adds each of her dagger's damage (base damage plus any enhance bonus) to the touch spell's damage. This replaces the Daggercast ability by adding both daggers damage instead of the main hand's damage. Supported spells are Cause Light Wounds, Cause Moderate Wounds, Cause Serious Wounds, Harm, and the reserve feat Clap of Thunder. Each dagger's damage is applied separately of the touch spell's affect.

Dark Lantern - The Dark Lanterns serve as spies and assassins.
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Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skills: Bluff 4, Diplomacy 4, Spot 4.

Class Features:

HD: d8
BAB: Medium
High Saves: Ref, Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Search, Spot, Tumble and Use Magic Device.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Citadel Training
Level 2: Sneak Attack +1d6
Level 3:
Level 4: Sneak Attack +2d6
Level 5: Skill Mastery
Level 6: Sneak Attack +3d6
Level 7: Slippery Mind
Level 8: Sneak Attack +4d6
Level 9: Hide in Plain Sight
Level 10: Sneak Attack +5d6

Citadel Training: At 1st level, you gain a +2 insight bonus for the Diplomacy and Search skills.

Skill Mastery: At 5th level, you become so certain in the use of particular skills that you can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. You gain the skill focus feats with the following skills: Disable Device, Open Lock, and Search.

Dervish - The dervish epitomizes speeds, quickness, and abandon.
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Skills: Perform 3, Tumble 3
Feats: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Focus (any slashing melee weapon)
BAB: +5

Class Features:

Hit Die: d10
Base Attack Bonus: High.
High Saves: Reflex, Will.
Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Armor Proficiencies: None.
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Listen, Lore, Parry, Perform, Taunt, and Tumble.

Class Abilities

Level 1: AC Bonus (+1), Dervish Dance 1/day, Skill Focus (Tumble)
Level 2: Bonus Feat: Dash
Level 3: Spring Attack, Dervish Dance 2/day
Level 4: Dance of Death
Level 5: AC Bonus (+2), Dervish Dance 3/day
Level 6: Improved Initiative
Level 7: Defensive Parry, Dervish Dance 4/day
Level 8:
Level 9: AC Bonus (+3), Tireless dance, Dervish Dance 5/day
Level 10: A Thousand Cuts

AC Bonus: At 1st level, a dervish gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC. This bonus improves to +2 at 5th level and +3 at 9th level.

A dervish gains this bonus to Armor Class as long as she is wearing no armor or light armor.

Dervish Dance: A dervish can become a whirling dancer of death a certain number of times per day. She gains a bonus on her attack and damage rolls; +1 at 1st level, and it increases by an extra +1 at every odd-numbered level thereafter.

A dervish may only perform a dervish dance while wielding a slashing weapon (she may use multiple weapons only if both weapons are of the slashing type). She cannot perform a dervish dance in any armor heavier than light or if she is using a shield.

A dervish dance lasts 1 round for every 2 ranks of Perform that the character has. At the end of a dervish dance, the character becomes fatigued for 1 minute (unless she is a 9th-level dervish, at which point this limitation no longer applies).

Fatigue causes a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity as well as a 10% movement speed reduction.

Dance of Death: At 4th level, a dervish gains the benefit of the Cleave feat while performing a dervish dance, even if she does not meet the prerequisites for the feat. At 10th level this improves to Great Cleave.

Defensive Parry: When she attains 7th level, a dervish gains an extra +4 bonus to Dodge Armor Class when she chooses to fight defensively (Combat Expertise or Improved Combat Expertise is activated).

Tireless Dance: When a dervish reaches 9th level, the character no longer becomes fatigued at the end of a dervish dance.

A Thousand Cuts: When a dervish reaches 10th level, once per day she gains a +2d6 slashing damage bonus on her attacks for one minute.

Dissonant Chord - The typical Bleaknik is a poet, but they also engage in painting (largely in dark shades), dirges, or even near-suicidal stunts.
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Feats: Curse Song, Lingering Song.
Skills: Spellcraft 5, Perform 8.

Class Features

HD: d6
BAB: Medium
High Saves: Ref, Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None

Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Perform, Spellcraft, and Tumble.
Skill points: 6 + Int modifier

Class Abilities

Level 1: Bardic Music, Improved Counterspell, Spellcasting Progression
Level 2: Bonus Feat
Level 3: Break Concentration
Level 4: Bonus Feat
Level 5: Anti-Magic Melody

Spellcasting Progression: At each level, a dissonant chord gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a Bard level.

Bardic Music: A dissonant chord's class level stacks with any levels of bard she has for purposes of determining the number of times per day she may use bardic music and the effects of all bardic music. Dissonant chord levels do not stack with bard levels for determining which songs a bard has access to.

Improved Counterspell: The dissonant chord's ability to counterspell has improved. Instead of protecting against a single spell, it now lasts a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, the duration is extended from 10 rounds to 10 rounds plus your Charisma modifier (along with any other song duration modifiers), and the spell resistance granted gains a bonus equal to half your Charisma modifier.

Bonus Feat: The dissonant chord gains a bonus feat at 2nd and 4th level. This feat is chosen from the following list(из списка):

Break Concentration: At 3rd level, a dissonant chord becomes expert at distracting spellcasters, her discordant ways interfering with spellcasting. Any enemies within 30' of the dissonant chord suffer a penalty to concentration equal to the dissonant chord's class level plus Charisma modifier.

Anti-Magic Melody: At 5th level, a dissonant chord can use her Perform skill to negate magic. This works as Mordenkainen's Disjunctions with a cap equal to her bard level (no prestige classes count and this has a +25 max cap). This potent ability is quite exhausting to use as each time it is activated it uses three of her bardic music uses for the day.

Divine Seeker - The divine seeker infiltrates dangerous places to rescue prisoners, reclaim stolen relics, or eliminate enemy leaders.
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Feats: Stealthy
Skills: Lore 3 ranks, Hide 8 ranks, Move Silently 10 ranks, Spot 5 ranks.

Class Features:

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Medium.
High Saves: Reflex, Will.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple weapons.
Armor Proficiencies: Light armor.
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Traps, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Search, Spot, and Survival.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Sacred Stealth, Skill Focus (Disable Device), Skill Focus (Search)
Level 2: Sacred Defense +1, Sneak Attack 1d6
Level 3: Trapfinding, Trapsense +1
Level 4: Sacred Defense +2, Divine Perserverance
Level 5: Sneak Attack 2d6, Trapsense +2

Sacred Stealth: The divine seeker can call upon her deity's power to shield her from prying eyes and ears. As a standard action, she can grant herself a +10 sacred bonus (or profane bonus, if her patron deity is evil) on Hide and Move Silently checks. This benefit lasts for a number of minutes equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1 minute). This ability is usable once per day.

Trapfinding: Divine Seekers can now use the Disable Device skill to overcome traps with a DC of 20 or more as a Rogue.

Trapsense +1: A level 3 divine seeker gains a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps. This ability improves to +2 at 5th level.

Sacred Defense +1: The divine seeker gains a +1 bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases to +2 at 4th level.

Divine Perserverance: If a 4th-level or higher divine seeker is brought to -1 hit points or lower, she automatically heals a number of hit points equal to 3d6 + her Charisma bonus (if any). This ability is usable once per day.

Dragon Warrior - Dragon warriors are dedicated warriors, members of a special, self-selected class who revered dragonkind and emulate dragons' ferocious martial abilities to the point of taking on some draconic traits.
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BAB: +5
Skills: Lore 2
Special: May not have levels in the Dragon Disciple prestige class.

Class Features:

HD: d10
BAB: Medium
High Saves: Fort, Will
Weapon proficiency: None
Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Concentration, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Lore, Parry.

Class Abilities

Level 1: Dragon Disciple, Dragon Breath, Resistance to Energy 5
Level 2: Dragon Breath 2/day
Level 3: Immune to Fear
Level 4: Elemental weapon +1d6
Level 5: Resistance to Energy 10
Level 6: Dragon Breath 3/day
Level 7: Resistance to Energy 15
Level 8: Blind-Fight
Level 9: Elemental weapon +2d6
Level 10: Resistance to Energy 20

Dragon Breath: A dragon warrior can use a breath weapon once per day as a standard action. The type of breath weapon depends on the chosen dragon type. The breath weapon deals 1d8 points of damage per class level in a 30' cone. The Reflex save DC for the breath weapon is 10 + the dragon warrior's class level + the dragon warrior's Con modifier. This can be used once per day at 1st level, twice a day at 2nd level, and three times per day at 6th level.

Resistance to Energy: A dragon warrior gains resistance 5 against attacks involving the same energy types as the character's breath weapon (for example, acid for a green dragon warrior). At 5th level, the resistance improves to 10. At 7th level it improves to 15, and at 10th level it becomes 20.

Immune to Fear: Starting at 3rd level, a dragon warrior is immune to fear effects due their interaction with the great wyrms.

Elemental Weaponry: Starting at 4th level, a dragon warrior can endow her weapons with elemental energy while she wields them in battle. This energy is of the same type as her breath weapon. At 4th level, this bonus deals an extra 1d6 points of energy damage, and this extra damage increases to 2d6 at 9th level. This ability lasts for one hour per class level at a time (no limit on uses).

Dragonslayer - Dragonslayers combat dragons.
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Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Feats: Dodge, Iron Will.
Skills: Tumble 2.

Class Features

HD: d10
BAB: High
High Saves: Fort, Will
Weapon proficiency: Simple and Martial
Armor proficiency: All armor and shields (including Tower Shields)

Class Skills: Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Intimidate, Lore, Parry, Search, and Tumble.
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier

Class Abilities

Level 1: Aura of Courage, Damage Bonus (vs Dragons), Spellcasting Progression
Level 2: True Strike 1/day, Spell Penetration
Level 3: DR 1/-
Level 4:
Level 5: Energy Resistance 5
Level 6: DR 2/-, Lightning Reflexes
Level 7: Greater Spell Penetration
Level 8:
Level 9: DR 3/-
Level 10: Energy Resistance 10, True Strike 2/day

Spellcasting: At each odd level (1, 3, 5, 7, 9), you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in an arcane, divine, or invocation based spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a dragonslayer, you must decide which class to progress in. This includes Assassin, Avenger, and Blackguard.

Aura of Courage: At 1st level, a dragonslayer gains immunity to fear. Allies within 10 feet of the dragonslayer gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against fear effects.

Damage Bonus: A dragonslayer gains a bonus on weapon damage rolls against dragons equal to his class level.

True Strike: At 2nd level, a dragonslayer may use true strike once per day. At 10th level, a dragonslayer may use true strike twice per day.

Spell Penetration: A dragonslayer gains Spell Penetration as a bonus feat at 2nd level.

Damage Reduction: At 3rd level, a dragonslayer gains damage reduction 1/-. This improves to damage reduction 2/- at 6th level, and to damage reduction 3/- at 9th level. This damage reduction only stacks with the DR granted by Greater Resiliency and the epic damage reduction feats.

Energy Resistance: At 5th level, a dragonslayer gains resistance to acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, and sonic 5. These resistances improve to 10 at 10th level.

Lightning Reflexes: A dragonslayer gains Lightning Reflexes as a bonus feat at 6th level.

Greater Spell Penetration: A dragonslayer gains Greater Spell Penetration as a bonus feat at 7th level.

Dread Commando - Dread commandos are the elite scouts and strike force of a well-trained mercenary band. Source: Heroes of Battle.
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BAB: +5
Skills: Hide 6, Move Silently 6
Feats: Dodge, Mobility

Class Features:

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: High.
High Saves: Reflex.
Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Armor Proficiencies: None.
Skill Points: 6 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Disable Device, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Open Lock, Spot, Tumble.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Sneak Attack 1d6, Improved Initiative, Improved Flanking
Level 2: Armored Ease 2
Level 3: Sneak Attack 2d6
Level 4: Armored Ease 4, Stealthy Movement
Level 5: Sneak Attack 3d6, Superior Initiative

Improved Flanking
You gain Improved Flanking as a bonus feat.

Armored Ease
You learn to adapt your movements to the restrictive nature of armor. Beginning at 2nd level, you gain a +2 bonus to Hide, Move Silently, and Tumble. At 4th level, this bonus increases to 4 points.

Stealthy Movement
You learn to remain quiet and hidden even while mobile. Beginning at 4th level, you gain the Dash feat.

Dread Pirate - A dread pirate has mastered every aspect of larceny on the high seas.
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Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Base Attack Bonus: +4.
Feats: Weapon Finesse.
Skills: Appraise 8, Lore 8.

Class Features:

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: High.
High Saves: Ref.
Weapon Proficiencies: All simple and martial.
Armor Proficiencies: Light armor.
Skill Points: 6 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Perform, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, and Tumble.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Two Weapon Fighting
Level 2: Fearsome Reputation +2
Level 3: Rally the Crew +1
Level 4: Spring Attack
Level 5: Luck of Heroes
Level 6: Fearsome Reputation +4
Level 7: Rally the Crew +2
Level 8: Skill Focus (Tumble)
Level 9: Fight to the Death
Level 10: Fearsome Reputation +6, Leadership

Fearsome Reputation: By the time he attains 2nd level, a dread pirate has developed a reputation on the high seas and gains a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks. This bonus increases to +4 at 6th level and to +6 at 10th level.

Rally the Crew: Starting at 3rd level, a dread pirate can inspire his allies (including himself) to great bravery in combat once per day. This inspiration grants them a +1 bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects, a +1 attack bonus, and a +1 bonus on weapon damage rolls. This is an instantly activated ability and lasts for 1 minute per class level. At 7th level, a dread pirate can use this ability twice per day, and the bonus increases to +2.

If a dread pirate has the inspire courage bardic music ability, he adds this bonus whenever he uses the inspire courage ability. For example, an 8th-level bard/3rd-level dread pirate would provide a +3 bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls. Inspire Courage does not gain the benefit of the Fight to the Death ability.

Fight to the Death: At 9th level and higher, a dread pirate can inspire his allies to carry on against tremendous odds. Each ally affected by the dread pirate's rally the crew ability also gains temporary hit points equal to 10 + the dread pirate's Cha bonus (minimum 10), gains a dodge bonus to Armor Class equal to the dread pirate's Cha bonus (minimum +1), and gains a number of bonus hit points equal to their level. These bonuses last for 1 round per dread pirate level.

Eldritch Disciple - A multiclass warlock and divine spellcaster.
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Class: Warlock
Divine Spellcasting: Level 2
Feat: Turn Undead
Skills: Lore 8

Class Features:

HD: d8
BAB: Medium
High Saves: Fort, Will
Weapon proficiency: None
Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Lore, and Spellcraft.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Turn Undead, Spellcasting Progression, Gift of the Divine Patron
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4: Gift of the Divine Patron
Level 5: Bonus Feat: Touch of Healing
Level 6:
Level 7: Gift of the Divine Patron
Level 8:
Level 9:
Level 10: Gift of the Divine Patron

Spellcasting: At each level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a divine or invocation based spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a eldritch disciple, you must decide which class to progress in. Eldritch blast dice are advanced as though taking warlock levels regardless of which spellcasting progression is chosen.

Turn Undead: Eldritch disciple levels stack with all other classes for the purpose of turning undead.

Gift of the Divine Patron: At 1st level, you gain a sacred gift of power from your divine patron (who is also the source of your divine spells and, directly or indirectly, your warlock invocations). You can spend one of your turn undead attempts to active these powers. You gain another gift at 4th, 7th, and 10th level.

Gift (Damage Reduction): This ability is granted at level 1. You gain temporary damage reduction (overcome by cold iron) equal to 1/2 your class level (minimum 1). This damage reduction stacks with the damage reduction granted by the warlock class. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Cha modifier (minimum 1 round).

Gift (Healing Blast): This ability is granted at level 4. You gain the ability to change your eldritch blast in a wave of healing energy (20' radius, centered on you). The blast heals living creatures instead of dealing damage to them (the damage healed is equal to the damage normally dealt).

Gift (Fiendish Resistance): This ability is granted at level 7. You gain resistance to acid and fire equal to 10 + your class level. This resistance stacks with the energy resistance granted by the warlock class. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Cha modifier (minimum 1 round).

Gift (Wild Frenzy): At 10th level you gain the ability to enter a wild frenzy. You gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls with weapons and eldritch blasts and a +2 bonus on damage rolls for weapons, along with temporary hit points equal to twice your class level. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Cha modifier (minimum 1 round).

Elemental Archer (custom PrC) - Elemental archers wield raw elemental power to supplement their combat prowess with ranged weapons.
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Base Attack Bonus: +8
Required Feats: Point Blank Shot, Manyshot, Weapon Focus in a ranged or thrown weapon.

Class Features:

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: High.
High Saves: Reflex.
Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Armor Proficiencies: None.
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Spot, Survival, Tumble

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Path of Elements, Elemental Shot
Level 2: Accurate Shot (+1)
Level 3: Elemental Shield (5 minute cooldown)
Level 4: Accurate Shot (+2)
Level 5: Elemental Shield (2m:30s cooldown) , Elemental Storm (5 minute cooldown)

All class abilities require that a ranged or thrown weapon be equipped for the ability to work.

Path of Elements: At first level, the elemental archer must choose one of the four elements they wish to channel. All following abilities will use this element for their energy type. Genasi gain a +2 elemental damage bonus with Elemental Shot if they choose the same element as their heritage (stacking with the bonus from elemental shot).

Elemental Shot: At first level, the elemental archer channels their chosen plane through their hands, causing their shots to strike with elemental damage. For each level of Elemental Archer, the player gains 1 point of elemental damage on each shot made. Genasi gain a +2 elemental damage bonus if they choose the same element as their heritage (stacking with the bonus from elemental shot).

Accurate Shot - At level 2 their accuracy at channeling the elements improves, granting them a +1 attack bonus. This bonus improves to +2 at level 4.

Elemental Shield - At 3rd level, the elemental archer is capable of directing their chosen elemental energy into a protective shield about them once every 5 minutes. They gain a damage shield of their element that also adds a shield AC bonus. The shield AC bonus is equal to half their class level (+3 at level 5) and the damage shield's damage is d4 + half their class level (d4 + 3 at 5th). It lasts for a number of rounds equal to their con bonus plus their class level. The elemental archer is able to use this shield more often once they achieve 5th level (every 2 minutes, 30 seconds).

Elemental Storm - Beginning at 5th level, an elemental archer can tap the raw fury of their native plane and direct it against a group of foes. You unleash a hail of attacks imbued with elemental damage in a 40' circle, dealing your weapon damage + 2d6 of your chosen element if you succeed with a ranged touch attack. You can affect up to 5 targets.

Elemental Warrior - The elemental warrior sees that great strength comes from focusing on the most basic aspects of reality.
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Skills: Lore 5
Base Attack Bonus: +7

Class Features:

HD: d10
BAB: Medium
High Saves: Fortitude
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Intimidate, Lore, Parry, and Taunt.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Elemental Affinity
Level 2: Elemental Manifestation
Level 3: Elemental Weapon
Level 4: Elemental Movement (Bonus feat: Dash), Elemental Sanctuary
Level 5: Elemental Strike

Elemental Affinity: An elemental warrior is attuned to one of the Elemental Planes, which imbues her with certain related abilities. At 1st level, she selects one of the four elements (air, earth, fire, or water) as the one for which she has an affinity. She gains resistance 10 to a particular energy type based on her chosen element (electricity for air, acid for earth, fire for fire, and cold for water).

Elemental Manifestation: An elemental warrior of 2nd level or higher can cause her body to manifest aspects of her chosen element. The effect lasts for 1 minute and may be used a number of times per day equal to her class level.

Air: All ranged attacks against her have a 20% miss chance.
Earth: The elemental warrior's skin is partially sheathed in rocky hide. Her natural armor bonus increased by 3 (this is an enhancement bonus).
Fire: A sheath of flame envelops the elemental warrior. Any opponent who lands a successful melee attack against her takes 1d6 points of fire damage.
Water: The elemental warrior becomes coated in water. She gains damage reduction 3/piercing.

Elemental Weapon: At 3rd level and higher, an elemental warrior can imbue her melee weapons with the energy of her chosen element. The imbued weapons deals an extra 2d6 points of energy damage on each hit. The effect lasts for 1 minute and can be used a number of times per day equal to her class level. The bonus is applied to the character so works with all types of weapons.

When an elemental warrior reaches 5th level, this ability improves. The extra damage remains the same, but on a successful critical hit, the weapons release a burst of energy that deals an additional 4d6 damage (Massive Criticals: 4d6).

Elemental Movement: At 4th level, an elemental warrior's base land speed increases by 10 feet (Bonus Feat: Dash).

Elemental Sanctuary: At 4th level, elemental warriors of all kinds also gain the ability to plane shift once per day for 1 minute (equivalent to the ethereal jaunt spell for 10 rounds).

Elemental Strike: Once per day, a 5th-level elemental warrior can channel her chosen element to deal a devastating melee touch attack. No save is allowed against the damage dealt by the attack, but a successful Fortitude save negates the secondary effect. The save DC for these effects is 15 + the elemental warrior's Con modifier.

Air, Earth: Target takes 10d6 points of blunt damage from the crushing touch attack and is knocked down (Fort save negates knockdown).
Fire: Target takes 10d6 points of fire damage and catches fire for 1d4 rounds (Fort save negates catching on fire). The target takes 1d6 fire damage for each round they are on fire unless they make a Reflex save, in which case the flames end.
Water: Target takes 10d6 points of magic damage as moisture is drawn from its body and becomes nauseated for 1 round (Fort save negates nausea).

New Feats: Extra Elemental Strike (adds 2 uses per day of Elemental Strike)

Fist of the Forest - "To be one with the wild, you must become wild yourself. It's only natural." A wicked fusion of monk and barbarian.
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Base Attack Bonus: +4
Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack
Skills: Survival 4.

Class Features

HD: d10
BAB: High
High Saves: Fort, Ref
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None

Class Skills: Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Parry, Move Silently, Spot, Survival, and Tumble.
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier

Class Abilities

Level 1: AC Bonus, Bonus Feat: Dash, Feral Stance 1/day, Unarmed Damage Increase
Level 2: Uncanny Dodge, Ki Strike (Magic)
Level 3: Feral Stance 2/day, Blind-Fight

AC Bonus: While unarmored, you gain a bonus to your dodge Armor Class equal to your Constitution bonus (if any). Only your base Constitution is used for this bonus (spell/item enhancements are not used). This bonus will not work while wildshaped.

Feral Trance: Once per day, you can enter a feral battle trance. While you are in this state, the raw power of the beast flows through you. For the duration of the trance, you gain a +4 bonus to Dexterity and a +2 bonus on attack rolls. A feral trance lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + your Con modifier. At 3rd level, you can use this ability twice per day. The Extend Rage feat increases the duration by 5 rounds.

Unarmed Damage Increase: Your unarmed attacks deal more damage than usual. You deal +1d6 blunt damage when not wielding any weapons.

Forest Master - Guardians of the pristine wilderness and defenders of the ancient trees, forest masters are the living embodiments of sentient nature.
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BAB: +5
Skills: Lore 13, Survival 8
Feats: Alertness, Toughness, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Warmace)
Special: Animal Companion or Plant Domain is required to take the class.
Divine Spellcasting: Level 3

Class Features:

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: Medium.
High Saves: Fort, Will.
Weapon Proficiencies: Martial.
Armor Proficiencies: None.
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Spot, Survival.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Tree Brother, Spellcasting Progression
Level 2: Forest Dominion, Forest's Hammer
Level 3: Oaken Skin (Natural Armor +3)
Level 4: Oak Strength, Bonus Feat: Knockdown
Level 5: Spruce Growth, Oaken Skin (Natural Armor +5)
Level 6: Forest's Hammer (Bursting)
Level 7: Oakheart, Oaken Skin (Natural Armor +7)
Level 8: Deep Roots
Level 9: Forest's Hammer (Cleaving)
Level 10: Forest Might

Spellcasting Progression: At levels 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known) as if you had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. If you had more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming a forest master, you must decide which class gains the increased casting ability.

Tree Brother
The forest master may assume tree shape once per day granting the equivalent of the sanctuary spell.

Forest Dominion
At 2nd level, the forest master gains the ability to damage all plants within 30 ft. His effective level for this ability is his class level (plus any cleric levels if you have the Plant domain), and he may use it eight times per day. The damage done is equal to 1d6 per effective level with a Will save for half (DC is 10 + effective level + Cha modifier).

Forest's Hammer
Beginning at 2nd level, a forest master begins to awaken magical abilities within the wood and metal that make up his warmace. Any warmace used by a forest master is treated as if it were a +2 weapon with either the frost or shock property (the forest master can change which of these elements infuse the weapon at will).

Beginning at 6th-level, the forest master's warmace acts as a +2 icy burst or shocking burst weapon (as the forest master's chooses).

At 9th level, the forest master's warmace acts as a +3 mighty cleaving weapon in addition to the elemental properties.

Oaken Skin
At 3rd level, the forest master's skin changes into a tough, bark-like hide, granting him natural armor +3. This bonus increases to +5 at 5th level and +7 at 7th level. This is an enhance bonus and does not stack with any other natural AC bonus.

Oak Strength
Beginning at 4th level, the forest master gains a +2 bonus to Strength and the ability to make Knockdown attacks (bonus feat). This strength bonus is granted with the Epic feats Great Strength I and II.

Spruce Growth
At 5th level, once per day the forest master can temporarily increase his size and strength as if using a <i>righteous might</i> spell.

Upon reaching 7th level, the forest master's body becomes a thing of wood and leaf rather than meat and bone. His type changes to plant. As such, he is immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and hostile polymorphing. He is no longer subject to critical hits or sneak attacks. However, the forest master becomes vulnerable to fire, and suffers double damage from fire attacks if he fails a Reflex saving throw, or half damage if he succeeds.

Deep Roots
Beginning at 8th level, once per day the forest master may sink roots into the ground. While rooted, the forest master gains fast healing 5, but has an effective Dexterity score of 1 and may not move from the spot in which he stands or the effect ends.

Forest Might:
At 10th level, the primordial forest infuses the forest master with power. He gains a +2 bonus to Strength (thus +4 total), +2 bonus to Constitution, and he takes only half damage from piercing weapons. He also gains 1 point of regeneration. These attribute bonuses are granted with the Epic feats Great Strength III and IV as well as Greath Constitution I and Great Constitution II.

Frost Mage - Frost mages usually hail from lands of cold, snow, and ice: tundra, glaciers even outer planes perpetually shrouded in winter.
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Feats: Spell Penetration
Skills: Lore 8
Spellcasting: 1st level Arcane magic.

Class Features:

HD: d4
BAB: Low
High Saves: Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Intimidate, Lore, Search, Spellcraft, Survival

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Armor of Frost (Natural Armor +1), Spellcasting Progression
Level 2: Resistance to Cold 10
Level 3:
Level 4: Armor of Frost (Natural Armor +2)
Level 5:
Level 6: Piercing Cold
Level 7: Armor of Frost (Natural Armor +3)
Level 8:
Level 9:
Level 10: Armor of Frost (Natural Armor +4), One with the Cold

Spellcasting: At every level you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known) as if you had also gained a level in an arcane or divine spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a frost mage, you must decide which class gains the increased casting ability.

Armor of Frost: At 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th level, a frost mage's body becomes more like the ice he venerates. His skin turns whiter and colder to the touch as the permanent layer of frost grows deeper. This provides an increase to the character's existing natural armor starting at +1 and increasing by +1 each time to +4 at 10th. This is an enhance bonus and does not stack with other Natural AC bonuses.

Cold Resistance 10: Starting at 2nd level, the frost mage's icy skin grants him resistance to cold 10.

Piercing Cold: At 6th level, the frost mage gains the Piercing Cold ability. This allows a frost mage to ignore any cold resistance or immunity with his cold spells. Affected Spells: Burst of Glacial Wrath, Cone of Cold, Creeping Cold, Greater Creeping Cold, Hypothermia, Ice Storm, Lesser Orb of Cold, Orb of Cold, Polar Ray, Ray of Frost, Lesser Aura of Cold, Aura of Cold, and Frost Breath.

One with the Cold: At 10th level, the frost mage's body has become perfectly adapted to cold energy. He gains the cold subtype, granting him immunity to cold. His oneness with cold, however, makes him more susceptible to flame. He gains vulnerability to fire, which means he takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from fire.

Ghost-Faced Killer - Ghost-faced killers act as assassins and spies for hire, mercenaries that hides behind a guise of open and honorable conduct.
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Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack.
Skills: Hide 6, Concentration 4, Intimidate 8, Move Silently 6.

Class Features:

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: High.
High Saves: Fort.
Weapon Proficiencies: All simple and martial.
Armor Proficiencies: Light armor.
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Concentration, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Spot, and Tumble.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Ghost Step 1/day
Level 2: Sneak Attack +1d6
Level 3: Frightful Attack 1/day
Level 4: Ghost Step 2/day
Level 5: Sneak Attack +2d6
Level 6: Frightful Attack 2/day
Level 7: Ghost Step 3/day
Level 8: Sneak Attack +3d6
Level 9: Frightful Attack 3/day
Level 10: Ghost Step 4/day, Bonus Feat: Cleave

Ghost Step: A ghost-faced killer can become invisible for 3 rounds. At 6th level, a ghost-faced killer can become ethereal when using ghost step instead of becoming invisible. This is an instantly activated ability. The ghost-faced killer can use this ability once per day at 1st level, 2/day at 4th level, 3/day at 7th level, and 4/day at 10th level.

Frightful Attack: Beginning at 3rd level, a ghost-faced killer can panic onlookers and even frighten his victim to death by making a sudden strike attack. The ghost-faced killer makes a single melee attack and the victim must make a Will save (DC 10 + ghost-faced killer's class level + Cha modifier).

If the victim succeeds, she is shaken for 1 round per class level; if she fails, she dies instantly of fear. Creatures immune to mind-affecting effects, immune to fear, or with hit dice that exceed the ghost-faced killer's character level are immune to this frightful attack.

In additional, all creatures within 30 feet who see the frightful attack become shaken for 1 round per class level. A successful Will save (DC 16 + ghost-faced killer's class level + Cha modifier) negates this effect.

Heartwarder - Heartwarders are aesthetes and hedonists who actively seek out pleasure and beauty in all things and who nurture the creation of beautiful objects.
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Alignment: Any good.
Skills: Bluff 3, Diplomacy 6
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Special: Three levels in any base casting class (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Paladin, Ranger, Spirit Shaman, Sorcerer, or Warlock).

Class Features:

HD: d4
BAB: Medium
High Saves: Fort, Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Concentration, Diplomacy, Heal, Lore, Perform, Spellcraft.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Great Charisma I, Spellcasting Progression
Level 2: Heart of Passion
Level 3: Great Charisma II
Level 4: Lips of Rapture
Level 5: Great Charisma III
Level 6: Voice of a Siren
Level 7: Great Charisma IV
Level 8:
Level 9: Great Charisma V
Level 10: Fey Metamorphosis

Spellcasting Progression: At each heartwarder level, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting, arcane spellcasting, or invocation-based class she belonged to before adding the prestige class. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a heartwarder, she must decide which class she increases when she gains a level.

Great Charisma: As the heartwarder gains levels in this prestige class, she becomes increasingly more persuasive and attractive.

Heart of Passion: At 2nd level, a heartwarder displays such passionate belief in whatever she does or says that she can sway the thoughts of the most rigid critic. This ability translates into a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks (Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perform, Use Magic Device).

Lips of Rapture: At 4th level, a heartwarder's kiss confers a state of bliss upon its recipient, conferring a +2 morale bonus on attacks, weapon damage, checks, and saves. This ability lasts 5 rounds, and can be used five times a day. The one downside to a heartwarder's kiss is that it also dazes the subject for one round.

Voice of a Siren: At 6th level, a heartwarder's voice is so enticing that she weakens the ability of opponents to resist her spells. She gains the Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment) feats.

Fey Metamorphosis: At 10th level, a heartwarder is so attuned to the forces of natural beauty that she transcends mortal definitions of beauty. She gains the low-light vision ability and becomes immune to charm and dominate.

Hospitaler - Hospitalers are a fighting force of necessity, sworn to poverty, obedience, and the defense of those in their care.
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Alignment: Any nonchaotic.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Spellcasting: Able to cast 1st level divine spells.
Skills: Diplomacy 5 ranks

Class Features:

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: High.
High Saves: Fortitude.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple and martial weapons.
Armor Proficiencies: All armors (light, medium, and heavy) as well as shields (excluding tower shields).
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Heal, Lore, and Parry

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Lay on Hands, Bonus Feat, Divine Spellcasting
Level 2:
Level 3: Remove Disease 1/day
Level 4:
Level 5: Bonus Feat
Level 6:
Level 7: Remove Disease 2/day
Level 8:
Level 9: Bonus Feat
Level 10:

Divine Spellcasting: Hospitalers gain new spells per day and an added level of effective spellcasting in any divine casting class. This spellcasting ability increase is gained at the levels 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10.

Bonus Feats: Hospitalers gain bonus feats(из списка) as a fighter at levels 1, 5, and 9.

Remove Disease: Starting at 3rd level a hospitaler can remove disease with a touch once per day. This increase to two uses per day at 7th level.

Lay on Hands: Beginning at 1st level, a hospitaler with a Charisma score of 12 or higher can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her hospitaler level times her Charisma bonus. For example, a 7th-level hospitaler with a 16 Charisma (+3 bonus) can heal 21 points of damage per day. Hospitaler levels stack with Paladin and Divine Champion for determining the effects of the heal.

Lion of Talisid - The lions of Talisid protect nature and emulate their patron in more concrete ways.
Скрытый текст:

Alignment: Any good.
BAB: +4
Skills: Lore 9, Survival 9
Feats: Sacred Vow
Minimum spell level in divine spells: 2
Animal Companion or Telthor Companion

Class Features:

HD: d8
BAB: High
High Saves: Fortitude, Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Diplomacy, Heal, Listen, Lore, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Lion's Companion, Lion's Courage, Divine Spellcasting progression
Level 2: Scent
Level 3: Wild Shape (1/day)
Level 4: Exalted Companion, Wild Shape (2/day)
Level 5: Lion's Pounce (Spring Attack bonus feat), Wild Shape (3/day)
Level 6:
Level 7: Lion's Swiftness
Level 8: Wild Shape (4/day)
Level 9:
Level 10: Leonal's Roar

Lion's Companion: A Lion of Talisid can add his class levels to his effective druid level (his actual druid level or adjusted ranger level) to determine the capabilities of his animal companion.

Lion's Courage: A Lion of Talisid is immune to fear and gains a +4 sacred bonus on Will saves against other mind-affecting spells and effects.

Divine Spellcasting: At each level, a Lion of Talisid gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a divine spell-casting class (except cleric or favored soul) to which he belonged before adding the prestige class level.

Scent: The Lion of Talisid gains the tracking feat if they do not already have it.

Wild Shape: At 3rd level, a Lion of Talisid gains the ability to turn himself into any animal and back again once per day. This works exactly as the druid's wild shape ability. Lions of Talisid prefer the shape of great cats (cheetahs or leopards at lower levels), but are not limited to such forms.

The Lion of Talisid can use this ability more times per day at 4th, 5th, and 8th level.

A Lion of Talisid who is also a druid can add his class level - 2 to his druid levels to determine his wild shape ability. For example, an 8th-level druid/6th-level lion of Talisid can wild shape as a 12th-level druid, and can thus assume plant forms while changing forms 4 times/day.

Exalted Companion: At 4th level, a Lion of Talisid gains the Exalted Companion feat as a bonus feat.

Lion's Pounce: At 5th level, a Lion of Talisid gains the Spring Attack feat.

Lion's Swiftness: When he reaches 7th level, a Lion of Talisid can act as if under the effects of a haste spell for a total of 1 round per class level. At 7th level he has 7 uses/day and gains another use for each additional Lion of Talisid level (10 uses/day at 10th level). This is an instantly activated ability.

Leonal's Roar: Three times a day, a 10th-level Lion of Talisid can issue a roar that duplicates the effects of the leonal's roar spell (new spell). The saving throw DC is 20 + the lion of Talisid's Charisma modifier.

New Spell: Leonal's Roar
Level: Druid 8
Components: V
Range: 40'
Targets: Nongood creatures in a 40-ft.-radius spread centered on you
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell has the effect of a holy word, and its additionally deals 2d6 points of sonic damage to nongood creatures in the area. A successful Fortitude saving throw negates the sonic damage, but not the other effects of the spell.

The effect of the holy word is:

Any nongood creature within the area suffers the following effects (no save):
HD equals caster level: Deafened for 1d4 rounds
HD up to caster level -1: Blinded for 2d4 rounds, Deafened for 1d4 rounds
HD up to caster level -5: Paralyzed (helpless) for 1d10 minutes, Blinded for 2d4 rounds, deafened for 1d4 rounds
HD up to caster level -10: Living Creatures die. Undead creatures are destroyed. Paralyzed (helpless) for 1d10 minutes, Blinded for 2d4 rounds, deafened for 1d4 rounds

Nongood outsiders are banished (Will save -4 to negate).

Lyric Thaumaturge - The lyric thaumaturge understands better than most how the natural harmonics of the universe pervade all things.
Скрытый текст:

Arcane Spell Level 2
Bardic Music 5/day
Feat: Melodic Casting
Skills: Lore 6, Perform 9, Spellcraft 6

Class Features:

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Medium.
High Saves: Reflex, Will.
Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Armor Proficiencies: None.
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Lore, Perform, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.

Class Abilities

Spellcasting: At each lyric thaumaturge level, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in her bard class.

Bardic Music: A lyric thaumaturge adds her lyrist level to her bard level to determine the number of times per day she can use her bardic music and the power of those abilities. She does not gain new songs for gaining lyric thaumaturge levels.

Bonus Spells: Your knowledge of magic grants you the ability to cast more spells than the average bard. At 1st level, you gain one additional 1st-level and 2nd-level bard spell slot. At 4th level, you gain one additional 3rd-level and 4th-level bard spell slot. At 7th level, you gain one additional 5th-level spell slot.

Clap of Thunder: At 2nd level, you gain Clap of Thunder as a bonus feat.

Sonic Might: Beginning at 5th level, you can expend a use of bardic music to add 1d6 points of sonic damage per spell level to any spell with the sonic descriptor for a number of rounds equal to your lyric thaumaturge level.

Practiced Spellcaster: At 10th level, you gain Practiced Spellcaster (Bard) as a bonus feat.

New Feat (required to take the class)

Melodic Casting
Type: General
Prerequisite: Perform 4, Spellcraft 4, bardic music 1/day
Benefit: You gain a bonus to Concentration checks (equal to the difference) if your Perform is greater than your Concentration skill.
You can weave your music and magic together into a single perfect voice.

Master of Radiance - Masters of Radiance channel the pure, undiluted power of the sun.
Скрытый текст:

Alignment: Any nonevil.
Skills: Lore 8
Divine Spellcasting: Level 3

Class Features:

HD: d8
BAB: Medium
High Saves: Fort, Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 4 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Concentration, Diplomacy, Heal, Lore, Spellcraft, Spot

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Radiant Aura 1/day, Turn Undead, Divine Spellcasting progression
Level 2: Searing Light
Level 3: Radiant Aura 2/day
Level 4:
Level 5: Beam of Sunlight, Radiant Aura 3/day

Divine Spellcasting: At each level, a master of radiance gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a divine spell-casting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level.

Turn Undead: Master of radiance class levels stack with levels of all other classes that also grant the ability to turn undead for the purpose of determining the character's effective cleric level for turning. The character gains the Turn Undead feat if they did not already have it.

Radiant Aura: A master of radiance can emanate an aura of brilliant light that weakens undead creatures. The aura provides bright illumination in a 30-foot radius around the character, and shadowy illumination for an additional 30 feet beyond that. Undead creatures (and those sensitive to light) take a -2 penalty on attack rolls, armor class, and saving throws. Each use lasts 1 minute. It also dispells any darkness spell of 5th level or lower in the area.

Searing Light: Beginning at 2nd level, a master of radiance can use searing light once per round as long as her radiant aura is active. Treat the character's caster level for this effect as the equal to her highest divine caster level + 2.

Beam of Sunlight: A 5th-level master of radiance can evoke a dazzling beam of intense light (the equivalent of a beam from the sunbeam spell) once per round as long as her radiant aura is active. Treat the character's caster level for this effect as the equal to her highest divine caster level + 2.

Mystic Knight (custom) - Mystic Knights study the martial and mystical arts with equal fervor, seeking to find a graceful balance between blade and spell.
Скрытый текст:

BAB: +4
Feats: Spellcasting Prodigy, Dodge, and Martial Weapon proficiency or Bard Weapon proficiency.
Skills: Concentration 2, Lore 8, Tumble 2.

Class Features:

HD: d8
BAB: High
High Saves: Fort, Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Lore, Parry, Perform, Spellcraft, Tumble, and Use Magic Device.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Spellcasting Progression, Skill Focus (Lore)
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:
Level 6:
Level 7:
Level 8:
Level 9:
Level 10:

Spellcasting: At each level, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in any spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level except for the Sorcerer and Wizard. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Mystic Knight, you must decide which class to progress in.

Available spellcasting progression choices include: Assassin, Avenger, Bard, Blackguard, Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Paladin, Ranger, Spirit Shaman, and Warlock.

Special Notes: Warlocks progress with their eldritch blast as well as invocations. Assassin, Avenger, and Blackguard spellbooks cap at level 10 for spells known but caster level continues to 20.

This PrC will default to off for the MP versions.

Nature's Warrior - Nature's warriors are defenders of the wild, protectors of the natural world, and often druids who have spent "too much time" in wild shape form.
Скрытый текст:

Alignment: Any neutral.
BAB: +4
Skills: Lore 8, Survival 8
Feat: Track, Wild shape (Druid or Lion of Talisid)

Class Features:

HD: d10
BAB: High
High Saves: Fortitude
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Survival

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Nature's armament, Wilding, Divine Spellcasting progression
Level 2:
Level 3: Nature's armament
Level 4:
Level 5: Nature's armament

Divine Spellcasting: At each even level, a Nature's Warrior gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in both the Druid and Ranger class (only if the character has those classes).

Wilding: Nature's warrior class levels stack with druid levels (along with Lion of Talisid and Daggerspell Shaper) to determine wild shape abilities.
  • Nature's Armament: The Nature's Warrior can choose a bonus ability while in wild shape from from the following list:
  • Armor of the Crocodile: The nature's warrior's natural armor bonus is improved by +1 per class level. <b>Note: This "stacking" bonus only applies at the time the spell is cast. It does not affect your stats if they later change due to items or spells.</b>
  • Blaze of Power: While in fire elemental form, the nature's warrior is covered in a blaze of power, which functions as a warm fire shield at a caster level equal to her druid level (if any) plus her ranger level (if any) plus her nature's warrior level.
  • Claws of the Grizzly: The nature's warrior gains a +3 bonus on damage when using her natural weapons.
  • Earth's Resilience: The nature's warrior gains DR 3/-.
  • Robe of Clouds: While in air elemental form, her body is wreathed in mist and clouds which is equivalent to concealment (20%).
  • Wild Growth: The nature's warrior gains fast healing 1

Nightsong Enforcer - The enforcers of the Nightsong Guild focus on the stealth-centered combat training that rogues usually learn.
Скрытый текст:

BAB: +5
Feats: Improved Initiative, Evasion
Skills: Hide 10 ranks, Move Silently 10 ranks.

Class Features:

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: High.
High Saves: Reflex.
Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Armor Proficiencies: Light armor.
Skill Points: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Disable Device, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Spot, and Tumble.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Sneak Attack 1d6
Level 2: Agility Training
Level 3: Skill Teamwork +2
Level 4: Sneak Attack 2d6
Level 5: Expert Tactician
Level 6: Impromptu Sneak Attack 1/day
Level 7: Sneak Attack 3d6, Skill Teamwork +4
Level 8: Improved Evasion
Level 9: Impromptu Sneak Attack 2/day
Level 10: Sneak Attack 4d6

Agility Training: The nightsong enforcer gains a +2 bonus to Hide, Move Silently, and Tumble when wearing light armor.

Skill Teamwork: All allies within 30 feet of the nightsong enforcer gain a +2 competence bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks. At 7th level, this bonus increases to +4.

Expert Tactician: If you hit a creature with an attack of opportunity, you and all your allies gain a +2 circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls against that creature for one round.

Impromptu Sneak Attack: You can deny your targeted opponent their Dex mod in the next round, allowing a sneak attack once per day. At 9th level this ability can be used twice a day.

Nightsong Infiltrator - The nightsong infiltrator is the perfect thief and the perfect spy.
Скрытый текст:

Feats: Alertness, Evasion
Skills: Disable Device 10 Ranks, Open Lock 5 Ranks, Search 5 Ranks.

Class Features:

Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Medium.
High Saves: Reflex.
Weapon Proficiencies: None.
Armor Proficiencies: None.
Skill Points: 8 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Trap, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, and Tumble.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Teamwork Trap Sense +1, Trapfinding
Level 2: Skill Focus (Tumbling), Teamwork Infiltration +2
Level 3: Adrenaline Boost 1/day, Trackless Step (self)
Level 4: Teamwork Sneak Attack 1d6, Teamwork Trap Sense +2
Level 5: Defensive Roll, Adrenaline Boost 2/day
Level 6: Improved Evasion, Skill Focus (Disable Device), Skill Focus (Open Locks), Skill Focus (Search)
Level 7: Teamwork Trap Sense +3, Trackless Step (allies)
Level 8: Teamwork Infiltration +4, Teamwork Sneak Attack 2d6
Level 9: Adrenaline Boost 3/day
Level 10: Hide in plain sight, Teamwork Trap Sense +4

Teamwork Trap Sense +1: The nightsong infiltrator grants herself and her allies (within 30 feet) a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps. This ability improves to +2 at 4th level, +3 at 7th level, and +4 at 10th level.

Trapfinding: Nightsong infiltrators can now use the Disable Device skill to overcome traps with a DC of 20 or more as a Rogue.

Teamwork Infiltration +2: The nightsong infiltrator grants herself and her allies (within 30 feet) a +2 competence bonus the following skills: Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, and Tumble. This bonus improves to +4 at 8th level.

Adrenaline Boost: You can exhort your allies to discover a reservoir of energy they didn't think they had. Once per day, as a standard action, you can grant temporary hit points equal to your nightsong infiltrator level to all of your allies within 30 feet (but not to yourself). If the ally's current hit point total is no more than half his full normal hit points, the number of temporary hit points granted to that character is doubled. The temporary hit points last for up to 1 minute per nightsong infiltrator level. At 5th level you can use this ability twice per day and three times per day at 9th level.

Teamwork Sneak Attack: The nightsong infiltrator grants herself and her allies (within 30 feet) a 1d6 sneak attack bonus when flanking an opponent or any time the target would be denied its Dexterity bonus. This bonus increases to 2d6 at 8th level.

Trackless Step (allies): The nightsong infiltrator can grant the trackless step ability to her allies. This benefit lasts for 24 hours.

Shadowbane Stalker - Shadowbane stalkers find evil hidden in civilized areas so that it can be destroyed.
Скрытый текст:

Skills: Lore 8, Search 4, Diplomacy 4.
Divine Casting: Level 2
Special: Sneak Attack 1d6

Class Features:

HD: d8
BAB: Medium
High Saves: Ref, Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 6 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Tumble, and Use Magic Device.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Divine spellcasting progression, Sacred Stealth, Turn Undead
Level 2: Discover Subterfuge +2
Level 3: Sneak Attack +1d6
Level 4: Bonus Feat: Divine Shield
Level 5: Discover Subterfuge +4
Level 6: Sneak Attack +2d6
Level 7: Sacred Stealth +8
Level 8: Discover Subterfuge +6
Level 9: Sneak Attack +3d6
Level 10: Bonus Feat: Sacred Vengeance

Spellcasting: A shadowbane stalker continues training in divine spellcasting as well as learning. At each level gained in the shadowbane stalker class except for 4th and 9th, she gains new spells per day (and spells known) as if she had gained a level in a divine spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the prestige class level. If she had more than one divine spellcasting class before becoming a shadowbane stalker, she must decide which class to progress in.

Turn Undead: At 1st level the shadowbane stalker is granted Turn Undead. Shadowbane stalker levels count as cleric levels for the purpose of turning undead.

Sacred Stealth: A shadowbane stalker can channel some of her divine power to become stealthier. She expends one use of Turn Undead and gains a +4 sacred bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks for a number of minutes equal to her Charisma bonus. At 7th level, the bonus increases to +8.

Discover Subterfuge: A shadowbane stalker trains diligently to detect subterfuge and the misdirection of others. At 2nd level and higher, she gains a +2 competence bonus on Search checks. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level and +6 at 8th level.

Bonus Feats: At 4th level the shadowbane stalker is granted Divine Shield. At 10th level the shadowbane stalker is granted Sacred Vengeance.

Shining Blade - The Shining Blade is a Full BAB PRC that gains increased divine spell ability for 5 of the 10 levels, and the ability to infuse their weapons with divine energy.
Скрытый текст:

Alignment: Lawful Good
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Spellcasting: Able to cast 1st level divine spells.
Skills: Lore 7 ranks.

Class Features:

Hit Die: d10
Base Attack Bonus: High.
High Saves: Fortitude, Will.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple and martial weapons.
Armor Proficiencies: All armors (light, medium, and heavy) as well as shields (excluding tower shields).
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier.
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Heal, Lore, Parry, Spellcraft.

Divine Spellcasting: At each odd-numbered shining blade level, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to which he belonged before adding the prestige class level.

Shocking Blade: Twice per day as a standard action, a shining blade can cause a melee weapon he is holding to become a shock weapon, dealing an extra 1d6 points of electricity damage on a successful hit. The weapon is enchanced this way for up to a number of rounds equal to the shining blade's level plus his Charisma modifier (if any), but only so long as the shining blade is holding the weapon. This increases to 3 times/day at 3rd level, 4 times/day at 5th, 5 times/day at 7th, and 6 times/day at 9th.

Holy Blade:At 5th level, the shining blade can cause a melee weapon he is holding to become a holy weapon, dealing an extra 2d6 points of divine damage against evil on a successful hit. The weapon is enhanced this way for up to a number of rounds equal to the shining blade's level plus his Charisma modifier (if any). In a given combat a shining blade can spend one standard action to make his weapon holy and another to make it a shock weapon with Shocking Blade. Holy Blade shares the same number of uses/day as Shocking Blade.

At 9th level the Shocking Blade and Holy Blade abilities will also grant a +2 attack bonus. If both abilities are used on the same weapon the bonus will stack.

Skullclan Hunter - The skullclan hunter is the acclaimed foe of unlife.
Скрытый текст:

Alignment: Any good.
Skills: Lore 8.
Feat: Turn Undead
Special: Sneak Attack 2d6 (or equivalent)

Class Features:

HD: d6
BAB: Medium
High Saves: Ref, Will
Weapon and Armor proficiency: None
Skill points: 6 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Craft Alchemy, Craft Trap, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Spot, Survival, and Tumble.

Class Abilities:

Level 1: Track, Paladin Spellcasting Progression
Level 2: Divine Strike
Level 3: Immunity to Fear, Sneak Attack +1d6
Level 4: Immunity to Disease, Protection from Evil
Level 5: Sword of Light
Level 6: Sneak Attack +2d6
Level 7: Immunity to Paralysis
Level 8: Immunity to Ability Damage
Level 9: Sneak Attack +3d6, Sword of Darkness
Level 10: Immunity to Energy Drain

Track: A skullclan hunter gains the ability to track to seek out undead and those that aid them.

Paladin Spellcasting Progression: Beginning at 1st level and each additional odd level, the skullclan hunter gains an additional level of spellcasting progression in the paladin class.

Divine Strike: Due to her specialized skill, training, and connection with the forces of light, a skullclan hunter of 2nd level or higher can make a special attack that is infused with positive energy. Effectively, this ability allows her sneak attack damage dice to affect undead. However, you inflict only one-half your normal sneak attack damage (rounded down) when determining bonus damage for such attacks. Any weapons wielded by the skullclan hunter gain the (Death's Ruin) ability.

Hunter's Immunities: As she grows in power, a skullclan hunter develops immunities to special attacks that are common among undead creatures. At 3rd level, she gains immunity to all fear. At 4th level, she gains immunity to disease. At 7th level she gains immunity to paralysis. At 8th level she gains immunity to ability drain or damage. At 10th level she gains immunity to energy drain.

Sneak Attack: At 3rd level, a skullclan hunter's sneak attack damage increases by 1d6. This extra damage stacks with the sneak attack she already deals. At 6th level, her sneak attack bonus damage increases to 2d6. At 9th level, it increases to 3d6.

Protection from Evil: Starting at 4th level, a skullclan hunter benefits from a permanent <i>protection from evil</i> effect upon herself.

Sword of Light: Any weapon wielded by a skullclan hunter of 5th level or higher gains a 1d6 divine bonus damage against undead.

Sword of Darkness: Any weapon wielded by a skullclan hunter of 9th level or higher gains a 2d6 divine bonus damage against undead (replacing Sword of Light).

Stormsinger - The stormsingers have learned the secret methods of harnessing the magic powers of music to influence and control the weather.
Swiftblade - Swiftblades gain increased spellcasting abilities, heightened speed, and unparalleled understanding of the haste spell.
Tempest - The Tempest is a Full BAB PRC that gains increased skill with two-weapon fighting and has a High Reflex save.
Warrior of Darkness - The warrior of darkness, sometimes called the dark knight, is a practitioner of black magic.
Whirling Dervish - Some rogues and monks, especially those that belong to the Ciphers, choose to concentrate on their movement and speed rather than on raw damage.
Wilderness Stalker - The wilderness is unforgiving, and the ability to find food often means the difference between survival and starvation.

А ещё полноценная магическая книга для Черного стража и Ассасина, новый вид ярости для Варвара на выбор, множество новых навыков, включая магические, новые заклинания, новые домены, и ещё много много чего.

Скачать можно тут. К сожалению русской локализации нет, поэтому установка приведет к возврату английского языка...

P.S. Я не осилил перевод всех пристиж классов. ОЧЕНЬ оценю помощь)
P.P.S. Описание всех пристиж классов не влезло. ПРо недостающие можно посмотреть тут
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Старый 20.01.2012, 13:37   #111
Аватар для Кровосток
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Подскажите, пожалуйста, годный билдер на русском. И есть ли какой-нибудь еще сайт с русифицированными модификациями для NWN2 кроме WRG! Team?
Самый страшный противник - одинокий израненный пехотинец. Неспроста ведь этот монстр выжил в одиночку!
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Старый 23.02.2012, 16:51   #112
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Может кто-нибудь помнит мод от игромании с генерацией персонажа или может подкинуть аналог? Включал в себя неписей со всеми вещами в игре по категориям,непися с золотом и свитками и т.д. + можно было все это протестить в соседней комнате где спавнились желаемые мобы.
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Старый 27.02.2012, 21:39   #113
Опытный игрок
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Shikuro, JEGs Training module. Вроде этот. Если, конечно, нужен для второй части
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Старый 27.05.2012, 17:16   #114
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Господа, когда-то находил и использовал модификацию дополняющую описание навыков, там расширялось описание навыков которые можно получить взяв другой, например когда выбирал Могучий Удар, тебе ниже описания самого Могучего Удара даволось описание и Улучшенного Могучего Удара и остальных навыков дя которых МУ был пререквестом, причём это был русскоязычный мод. К сожалению сейчас он утерян как и половина игр со второго винта, если кто-то знает что это за модификаця и где её можно скачать, прошу, скажите, а?
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Старый 27.05.2012, 20:49   #115
King of Destruction
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Shikuro, JEGs Training module.
Я его пробовал как-то, так и не разобрался D:
Пришлось артмани юзать.
Is there a bad civilization somewhere?..
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Старый 28.05.2012, 09:22   #116
Аватар для Wаrlock
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rapaks, кажется, это
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Старый 23.08.2012, 12:36   #117
Аватар для XXX-3
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Какие интересные модули для NWN2 выходили, не тупое рубилово, а "разговорные", пока тайна камня на примете
ЗЫ ну естественно у которых есть перевод на русский
Doki Doki !
Времени на раскачку нет.
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Старый 26.08.2012, 14:51   #118
Аватар для XXX-3
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как можно изменить прическу у Каэлин в MotB?
Doki Doki !
Времени на раскачку нет.

Последний раз редактировалось XXX-3; 26.08.2012 в 14:57.
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Старый 29.08.2012, 11:55   #119
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Нашёл один крупный мод Невервинтера,может пригодится: http://neverwinter.nexusmods.com/mods/135
Вообще лучше всего искать моды на этом сайте.
Casavir вне форума  
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Старый 05.12.2014, 17:23   #120
Регистрация: 20.05.2012
Сообщений: 6
Репутация: 2 [+/-]
Кто-нибудь в курсе, существует ли к первому НВН'у мод, дающий возможность управлять несколькими персонажами? Например давая контроль над присоединяемым наёмником, или изначально дающий вместо него персонажа.
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