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Старый 05.11.2008, 17:53   #1
Аватар для Emix
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Elemental: War of Magic

Elemental: War of Magic

Жанр: пошаговая фэнтези 4х-стратегия
Разработчик: Stardock
Издатель: Stardock
Издатель в России: 1C
Дата выхода: 24 августа 2010 года
Дата выхода в России: 10 декабря 2010 года
Мультиплеер: будет
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Описание игры

Некогда в одном фэнтезийном мире произошел сокрушительный магический катаклизм, едва не уничтоживший всё и вся. Невероятно, но даже после этой страшной катастрофы и заката древних цивилизаций здесь не прекратились кровопролитные войны. По воле новоявленных правителей и военных вождей из праха возникают королевства людей. Орды злобных и жестоких существ, известных как Падшие, объединяются под знамёнами тёмных лордов и чернокнижников. Повсюду от векового сна пробуждаются древние создания, чтобы нести ужас и разрушение на земли смертных.

Создав персонального героя-аватара с уникальным набором характеристик и навыков, игроки отправятся исследовать необъятную полную опасностей вселенную. Свежеиспечённым героям предстоит воевать с вражескими государствами и противостоять устрашающим монстрам, создавая свою собственную, неповторимую историю Elemental.

Особенности игры
  • Классическая пошаговая стратегия с инновационными ролевыми элементами.
  • Огромный игровой мир, сотни персонажей, готовых присоединиться к новой империи, и несметные полчища опасных мифических существ.
  • Великолепный сюжет, раскрывающийся по мере знакомства игрока с огромной вселенной Elemental.
  • Захватывающие магические поединки и кровопролитные военные кампании в многопользовательском режиме.
  • Широкие возможности для моддинга: от выведения невиданных чудовищ до создания целых континентов.

Последний раз редактировалось Emix; 26.11.2010 в 11:49.
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Старый 02.11.2010, 15:27   #61
Опытный игрок
Аватар для Ellodssa
Регистрация: 29.09.2009
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Октябрь кончился, а где игра? Где!?! Я не понял, я я я (пошёл биться головой о стенку)
“Я редко слушаю новомодные группы, обычно они слушают меня...” Оззи Осборн
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Старый 02.11.2010, 19:41   #62
Аватар для Tarnum
Регистрация: 04.02.2008
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В последнем номере Навигатора игрового мира была рекламка локализации с ноябрем этого года в качестве даты выхода.
Интересно только почему ни 1С ни снежки не объявили о переносе. Обещали в октябре и даже ничего не сказали.
И хотелось бы узнать, тот мегапатч, который должен был внести кучу фиксов, вышел? А то не следил последнее время. Если да, то привёл ли он игру в более-менее играбельное состояние?
And the Heavens shall tremble... © Diablo III
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Старый 02.11.2010, 22:02   #63
Аватар для Emix
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Интересно только почему ни 1С ни снежки не объявили о переносе.
Возможно потому что они сами точной даты не знают.
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Старый 02.11.2010, 23:06   #64
Аватар для Tarnum
Регистрация: 04.02.2008
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Возможно потому что они сами точной даты не знают.
Ну хотя бы могли сделать заявление, что не успевают в заявленный срок, и предположительно локализуют в ноябре. Обычно так вроде делают. А тут получается просто молчок, на сайте снежков в статусе вообще стоит "в разработке", у 1С просто 2010 год. Хотя бы примерно в курсе дела можно ведь держать потенциальных покупателей. А то непатченой пираткой с промтом портить впечатление неохота, а на английском играть в подобного рода игру, думаю, мне будет затруднительно. А тут ещё и сроки задерживают и никак не оговаривают.
And the Heavens shall tremble... © Diablo III
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Старый 03.11.2010, 20:48   #65
Аватар для Emix
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Tarnum, Я думаю, что вряд ли бы пустили рекламу с датой выхода в виде ноября, если бы не были хоть чуточку в этом уверены. Подождем немного еще.
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Старый 04.11.2010, 08:29   #66
Аватар для klop
Регистрация: 09.10.2006
Адрес: IS, FedCom, New Exford
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Tarnum, "Мегапатч" будет в ноябре, я писал до этого о некоторых его нововведениях, да и о предыдущих хотфиксах тоже, если коротко, то изменений море, игра почти конфетка, патч 1.1 сделает из нее очень хорошую игру, выйдет он в ноябре, так же возможно из за этого и перенесли игру, я уже делал предположения, что игру у нас выпустят после патча 1.1

Появились новые подробности о мега патче 1.1, первой UI, добавят новое всплывающее окно, когда город ничего не делает, а так же будут сильно переделаны статы юнитов

Скрытый текст:
One detail part of the rebalance is that we had to review what all the stats did. This is was they do in the current version of Elemental:
Strength- Every point of strength over 10 gives +10% to damage.
Dexterity- Every point of dexterity over 10 gives +10% to your armors absorption (aka:defense).
Constitution- Constitution is added to your max hit points.
Intellect- Intelligence is used by various spells to adjust damage/effects.
Wisdom- Wisdom was kind of a non-used stat but in some places Essence was referred to as wisdom, Essence increased your max MP.
Charisma- Charisma is used to reduce the cost of recruiting NPC's (champions). Charisma didn't do anything for champions.
In 1.1 they have been changed to the following:
Strength- Modifies damage
Dexterity- Modifies dodge
Constitution- Modifies hit points
Intelligence- Modifies spell resistance, boosts some spells, required for Champions to cast some spells
Charisma- Sovereigns Charisma modifies Champion recruit costs. Champions and the Sovereign give a prestige boost to the city they are in.
That leaves us with the following formulas:
Attack (which is damage) = Weapon Attack + ((Strength - 10)/2)
Defense (which is damage absorb) = Armor Defense
Accuracy = 15 + (Level * 2)
Dodge = Dexterity / 2
Hit Points = 10 + ( (Constitution / 5) * (2 * Level) )
Spell Resistance = Intelligence / 2
Prestige Boost in City = Charisma / 5
Elemental uses opposing roles for combat. So if I have 23 Accuracy (I'm 4th level) and you have 5 Dodge (you have a Dexterity of 10) then we both roll from 1 to our rating and the highest roll wins. I get a random number from 1-23 and you get a random number from 1-5, meaning there is about a 87% chance I will hit you. The numbers are strongly weighted in the attackers favor as we didn't want to have long strings of misses going back and forth. (in fact as I look at it now I think it may now be weighted enough, we may need to change accuracy to level * 3)
The nice thing about this system is that it never becomes impossible to hit or damage anyone. It may become unlikely, but its never a waste of your time, and no creature is ever not a threat.
Strength modifies damage as it did before but its no longer such a huge impact. We were having problems balancing weapons because a 15 attack weapon on a 40 strength guy is 45 attack. Now that would be a 30 attack, still huge but workable.
Dexterity used to add to your damage absorption. Which is fairly non-intuitive for Dexterity and kept us from designing more specialized creatures. We want some creatures to be easy to hit and hard to damage, and others to be hard to hit but easy to damage, to makes them more or less difficult against different parties and attackers. It gives us design room to grow into.
Constitution now modifies hit points per level. But the most important part is that hit points are now modified per level! As your sovereign and champions levels up they will gain hit points, no more glass cannons. We have played with a few numbers to get a progression that values level and the players constitution reasonably, but all the above formula's might be tweaked based on playtest feedback.
Wisdom is gone now. There are now 5 base stats (as there are 5 factions on each side, 5 tech tree branches, etc) and Intelligence is the "magic" stat. We have to balance this stat a bit differently than most games because every sovereign is a caster but we don't want to make it isn't worth putting points in other stats. We also use it as a limiter for what spells champions can cast, but your sovereign's don't have the restriction.
Charisma is our non-combat stat. We really wanted to allow players to build sovereigns that were never planned for combat. They stay at home. Charisma is a great stat for that. The city your sovereign is in will get increased prestige, you can recruit cheaper champions (and let them fight your wars for you) and if you recruit high charisma champions you can use those in your cities to push prestige even higher.
So why do we focus on stat adjustments? It certainly isn't the sexiest part of the game, and many players will play without even noticing they changed. From a code perspective removing a stat is harder than adding a stat (since you have to get everything that references it) so it's a lot of work without much direct payoff.
The reason is that it's where you have to begin to balance anything after. In order to balance the armor we have to know what the stats effect on armor is (formerly +10% per point of dex over 10, now no effect on armor). In order to balance weapons we have to know strengths exact effect, previously we couldn't create high attack weapons because strength had such a huge impact that it was exponential. Making strength more linear allows us to make weapons more varied. Now that we have accuracy and dodge in we can create big weapons with high damage but penalties to hit, or small weapons with bonuses to hit or speed, but low damage. We have more range to work with.

в этот раз даже примерно не буду переводить уж извините, и так много текстов надо переводить с анг на рус

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в общем это очень интересно, ждем, а так же ждем русскую версию с патчем 1.1, очнь надеюсь что мы ждали ее именно для того чтобы в ней был этот мега патч

кстати, вернемся к дате выхода, на озоне тоже значится датой ноябрь, так что вроде скоро будет нам счастье

Последний раз редактировалось klop; 13.11.2010 в 01:23.
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Старый 18.11.2010, 18:49   #67
Опытный игрок
Аватар для Ellodssa
Регистрация: 29.09.2009
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Кажется мне игра будет крутой, но продаваться будет плохо.
“Я редко слушаю новомодные группы, обычно они слушают меня...” Оззи Осборн
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Старый 18.11.2010, 20:49   #68
Аватар для Emix
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Сообщение от klop Посмотреть сообщение
кстати, вернемся к дате выхода, на озоне тоже значится датой ноябрь, так что вроде скоро будет нам счастье
Недавно пришло уведомление с АГ о смене даты на декабрь. Логично, т.к. ноябрь уже близится к концу, а сообщения об отправке локализации в печать до сих пор не было.
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Старый 20.11.2010, 21:15   #69
Аватар для Tarnum
Регистрация: 04.02.2008
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Сообщение от Emix Посмотреть сообщение
Недавно пришло уведомление с АГ о смене даты на декабрь. Логично, т.к. ноябрь уже близится к концу, а сообщения об отправке локализации в печать до сих пор не было.
Хоть бы к новому году что-ли подарок стратегам сделали, жесть какая-то так задерживать. Единственное благо задержки - возможный выход с установленным патчем.
And the Heavens shall tremble... © Diablo III
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Старый 20.11.2010, 23:23   #70
Аватар для klop
Регистрация: 09.10.2006
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Эх блин (если все таки на декабрь перенесут обидно будет, прийдется еще немного не поиграть по сети с друзьями), а вообще если действительно качественно локализуют, да и патч 1.1 будет, так просто совсем замечательно будет, и еще нужен конечно хотсит =). просто знакомые есть с которыми мы в цивилку то рубимся, а вот в элементал на англицком не хотят играть

И так, еще новости, во-первых это изменения в книге магии для патча 1.1, и хотфикс 1.9n, который позиционирается как бета первого патча

Начнем с первого

Оригинальный пост
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Since launch, one of the major complaints about Elemental: War of Magic was that the last bit of our title (the "Magic" part) was found to be...lacking (to put it gently). Global mana addresses areas of cheese, but without a significant overhaul to the Spellbooks and Spells you’re casting, that side of the game would still feel weak. We’ve taken the following steps to rectify this in 1.1....

1. Spellbook Re-evaluation: There were several problems with the way spells have been organized in Elemental thus far, the most damning being the selection of Elemental based spells when designing your Sovereign. We’ve now moved these out of customization and into the tech tree, so you can make the choice to grab those books as shards are discovered. In their place, players can select books specific to a given strategy. The “Mobility” book has movement and teleportation spells, “Enchantment” gives the players city buffs, “Combat” does damage and protects friendly units relative to the caster’s INT, and “Terraforming” gives players the ability to sculpt the landscape in interesting ways.

2. No two spells should feel the same: Spellbooks in v1.0 through v1.09 were filled with tons of spells that all felt the same: Lightning, Fireball, Hurl Boulder, etc. They were various tweaks on the formula, but the end result was a magic system that lacked interesting (and cool) choices. Our motto going into 1.1 was that each and every spell (and each spellbook, for that matter) should feel unique and tempting over the use of another.

3. Bigger, badder, more ballsy high level spells: When I get a level 5 spell, it better not be a ‘slightly stronger version’ of a level 1-4 spell, ‘cause that would be lame. Instead, I demand serious L5 muscle to my magical might - uniquely awesome options as I conquer the world. For example...

L5 Mobility - Call of the Titans
A unstoppable spell that gathers ALL friendly unstationed troops and lets you target them directly into enemy territory.

L5 Air - Tornado
Cast upon the army of your foe, this spell will scatter all units in the stack, making them easy targets to pick off.

L5 Life - Death Ward
Taking 250 mp and 1mp/turn maint., Death Ward will allow any champion unit to escape death at the end of a losing battle (even if the battle is fought on enemy soil).

At the end of every spellbook the player will be greeted by a spell that was worth the effort to learn it.

Most of the old spells have been stripped out, and the v1.1 beta will have 68 new and improved spells. While the final 1.1 build will have around 75 spells to help your rise to power, we’ll continue taking suggestions on how to best make the ‘Magic’ half of our subtitle really shine!


Ссылка на новость
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Три самых интересных фишки:
1. Выбор книг магии более не будет привязан к созданию персонажа, нам позволят изучать их через древо технологии, тоесть теперь можно будет выбирать школу магии для повелителя уже исходя из того какой шард мы найдем
2. Книги магии станут более уникальными и интересными
3. Добавят очень мощные заклинания 5го уровня

Далее хотфикс 1.9n

Список изменений
Скрытый текст:
1.09n Changelog (1.1 Beta)

Scheduled for release on Friday 11/19/2010

*** Beta requires an internet connection to play ***

*** This will break save games ***

*** The campaign is not playable in this version of the beta patch (it will be resolved before the final 1.1 patch) ***


+ Beacon of Hope kingdom improvement added (+2 prestige, 1 per faction).

+ Removed refund of global limited improvement instance counts for world wonders, so that once a world wonder is built, even if it is destroyed, it can't be built again

+ Outpost hubs for levels 1-5 now require 1 food per turn (you cannot build a settlement if you do not meet the 1 food cost)

+ Fixed bug where outposts with no population themselves, but in a faction that had some population available for training, would still not allow the player to train a unit until the city had some population

+ Fixed bug where rationing wasn't actually reducing the production of resources in a city unless that city already had some multiplier on its production, and fixed the disparities between the lorebook breakdown of resource storage in cities under rationing that was caused by this

+ Added ability to clear forests adjacent to your cities which costs 25 gildar and provides 2 materials.

+ Improvements now extend influence.

+ Tower of Civilization imperial improvement added (+2 prestige, 1 per faction).

+ Tower of Essence kingdom improvement added (+2 mana, city size 3, city has to have a shard).

+ Tower of Doom empire improvement added (+2 mana, city size 3, city has to have a shard).


+ Added a 1 available specialist cost to all the default and base unit types for the core factions and race types, so that training a unit will tie up one in the population, and the amount that is tied up scales with the grouping type (so a party of 4 ties up 4 population, etc.).

+ New Ability Bonuses for Great Defender and Immobilized (when immobilized a unit can’t move).

+ New "Guardian Ward" unittype added.


+ All spells now use global mana

+ Sovereigns now produce +3 Global Mana per turn

+ Spellbooks reorganized, new ones added

+ Added ability to specify a minimum stat score that a spellcaster needs to cast a spell to a spell def

+ Spells with durations will now be canceled on end-of-battle (note that tactical enchantment spells w/o duration will still be permanent)

+ Air Spells will be properly affected by an Air Shard and the Caster’s Intelligence

+ Imbue Champion now immediately available, takes 1 mana per turn

+ New Paintings hooked up for appropriate Spells

+ Spells cast on / removed from a city will now update their HUDs to properly reflect stat changes

+ Added a IsResistable tag to spells, will be used for magic resistance.

+ Sovereigns now ignore the min stat requirements for casting spells

+ "All Enemy Units" can be targeted by a given spell

+ "Random Enemy Unit" can be targeted by a spell

+ Increased the time it takes to learn each new spell level to 25/50/100/200 for levels 2 through 5

+ Players start with more generalized spellbooks (terraforming, enchantment, combat, mobility). Elemental and advanced spellbooks are unlocked through the tech tree.

+ Terraforming spellbook:

Raise Land- water into land and land into hill
Lower Land- mountain into hill, hill into land
Revive Land- tile becomes grassland
Desecrate Land- tile becomes forsaken
Erosion- erode Cliffside into beach
Create Mountain- raise land into a mountain
Destroy Land- lower land to water

+ Enchantment spellbook:

Nature's Bounty- settlement gets +1 food
Alchemy- settlement gets +1 gildar
Invisible Workers- settlement gets +1 materials
Inspiration- settlement gives +1 tech
Call to Arms- automatically completes training the unit in target settlements queue
Enchanted Hammers- reduces the build time of improvements in the target city by 25%
Greater Alchemy- settlement gets +3 gildar
Guardian Ward- provides a powerful city defender that can’t leave the city.

+ Mobility spellbook:

Blink- teleport unit to an empty tile in tactical combat.
Return- teleport to the capital city.
Teleport- teleport to any friendly tile
Mobility- target unit gets +1 movement
Haste- target unit gets combat speed +1
Greater Mobility- target unit gets +2 movement
Escape- entire army escapes from tactical combat
Greater Haste- +1 combat speed of the army in tactical combat
Call of the Titans- all the players units that aren’t in cities are teleported to the selected tile

+ Combat spellbook:

Arcane Weapon- target unit gets +5 to attack
Arcane Arrow- deals ¾ the casters Int in damage to target
Guardian Aura- targets dodge rating is doubled
Spell Blast- targets units within 1 radius receive ½ the casters Int in damage
Berzerk- target units defense is moved to attack for battle
Spell Immunity- target unit is immune to spells
Touch of Entropy- target unit takes 50 damage
Blood Rage- unit gains HP and strength for all damage dealt

+ Earth spellbook:

Pull of the Earth- combat speed is halved for 3 turns
Stone Skin- target unit gets +10 defense
Rock Slide- target tile blocks, unit in tile knocked back and loses 1 turn
Summon Earth Elemental- summons an earth elemental
Earthquake- destroys random improvements and resets the training and build queues of nearby cities

+ Air spellbook:

Evade- target unit gets +1 to dodge
Eyes of the Eagle- fog of war revealed for a 6 radius around the caster
Bottled Gale- target unit is knocked back 2 tiles
Storm- random enemy hit by a lightning bolt for 5-8 damage
Greater Evasion- target unit get +2 to dodge
Tornado- randomly disperses an army across several tiles and immobilizes them for a turn

+ Fire spellbook:

Burning Hands- target unit takes 8 damage (range 1)
Flame Dart- target unit takes 5 damage
Fire Ball- target unit takes 8 damage + 4 per fire shard
Fire Storm- area with radius 1 takes 10 damage + 5 per fire shard
Curgen's Inferno- causes a volcano to explode and destroy target city

+ Water spellbook:

Grip of Winter- target has a 25% chance of losing its next turn
Blizzard- damage to units within 2 tiles
Greater Grip of Winter- freezes all enemy units, giving them a 50% chance of losing their next turn

+ Life spellbook:

Summon Familiar- summons a familiar
Heal- heals target unit by 20hp
Regeneration- target unit hals +2 hp per turn (in and out of combat) and +3 con
Fertility- target settlement gets +1 prestige
Glyph of Life- target units hp increased by 20
Death Ward- imbued hero will be saved if they fall in battle (as a sovereign is)

+ Summon spellbook:

Summon Imp- summons an imp
Nature's Ally- summons natures ally
Demonic Ally- summons a lesser demon
Pariden's Return- summons Pariden to fight for one battle

+ Death spellbook:

Summon Spy- Summons a spy
Blindness- target unit gets -50% to accuracy
Wither- reduces the strength and constitution of target unit
Contagion- all enemies take damage per turn
Sacrifice- target city you control loses 100 citizens and provides 50 mana (or .5 mana per citizen if population is less than 100).

+ Mastery spellbook:

Spell of Making- wins the game.


+ In tactical battles you can now click on units outside of your attack range in order to set an attack destination unit.

+ Cities now use modifier instances (from Spells) for factoring in DefendingUnitBonuses

+ Quick battles now prevent popups until after the battle is over so that you can see what is happening

+ When a sovereign gets killed in non-hostile territory, instead of spending essence to retreat, they now spend half of their mana and are then immobilized in the city they retreat to for 5 turns.

+ Increased the speed of tactical animations, particuarly with archers and mounted units.


+ Trade equipment screen now only allows champions, no units. It was confusing that the screen allowed you to give equipment to trained units, but they could do nothing with it, since only champions can equip stuff. The downside is you cannot give your trained units potions and other consumable stuff via this screen anymore.

+ Trade equipment screen now supports drag-and-dropping of entries to trade

+ Trade equipment screen now supports double-clicking of entries, which behaves the same as selecting the entry and hitting the trade button.

+ Can now just high light entries on the trade equipment screen to refresh the context area and see what an item provides, previously you had to select something for that area to update.

+ Asking for the player's population (and the population display in the UI) now shows just the population of the player's cities, and no longer counts units on the map. This way the population can represent the "resource" that player has to manipulate and spend on training units and building improvements, and keeps us from having to have recruited units use available specialists, which when traded or killed would just decrement the specialists and total population simultaneously (e.g. 10/10 would to go 9/9)

+ Main Game Window changes:

Kingdom and Turn button now have labels.

Equip button is back, with a label instead of just a shield icon. It's for when you have a unit selected, otherwise it’s hidden.

Turn counter has been moved from upper right area, to the new upper left area.

On the vitals tab when a unit is selected, the 4th displayed stat is now CurHP/MaxHP instead of combat speed.

Implemented Faction Power Wnd, which is a little dockable window that displays the Power Rating of each player in a game. It is always shown at the start of a game. You can toggle it on/off via a button in the upper right of the main game window. List is sorted by power rating, in descending order. Only shows players that the local player has met. When they meet a new faction, the list is refilled and re-sorted by faction power, so it's always up to date.

+ Added displays of income tax to the kingdom report window and the lorebook info for cities

+ Moved the hotkey strings from the entry text of the unit actions into the tooltip for an action, when that action can be performed

+ Shortened the display name of some of the unit actions, so that they don't clip in the unit actions entries

+ Made the status bars in the city context (showing training and building progress) transparent, so that the button that takes up the whole back of them now can be clicked through the status bars still

+ Added a unit action type to open the spellbook for casting a spell

+ "Disable Particle Effects" option now works in tactical battles

+ AI is moving dialog now only shows in MP

+ Added a new Build List. Added short text info about why an improvement can't be built to the improvement entries themselves. Added any placement limits on improvements (e.g. one per city, or world wonder) to the notes section for the highlighted improvement's stats. Cleaned up some behavior, like disabling and highlighting, adding more info for demolition, and what stats to show when opening the thing the first time, and got rid of some hardcoded badness for adding notes for specific improvement types

+ Vitals tab for caravans and wild improvements now hides the level icon next to the status bar that is used for unit vitals

+ Made it so that when either a construction project or unit completes training, it checks if the city is idle (ie. not training anything else and not building anything else). If so, and it's the local player, they are warned with a popup that the city is idle. The camera now only scrolls to that location, if you select BUILD or TRAIN. So if you hit close to dismiss the dialog, the camera will not have moved from whatever it was you were doing elsewhere.

+ If you load a custom map, either in SP or MP, on the world setup window, it will change the world name to match the display name of the map you selected. You can still change it if you'd like though.

+ The train unit screen now shows the faction's available specialist count at the top instead of the total population of the city the popup was opened from.

+ Disabled "pedestrian LOD override" in tile editor (Makes it easier for our artists and modders to place pedestrians in tile designs).

+ Cleaned up the info cards for caravans, fixing bugs in resizing that kept lots of information from showing up, adding a line saying what city the caravan belongs to, and adding resizing code to ensure that the trade route's resource bonus shows up correctly at the bottom of the info card

+ Added home and trade city info to the vitals tab for caravans, since this is something people have said they wanted to know

+ Info cards pop up for improvements in demolish mode now, so the user knows what they are mousing over

+ Hooked up "M" as the hotkey for the cast spell unit action, added strings to let the user know about that in the new actions context

+ Tactical screen now supports the "Disable Outlines" option

+ Reset Quality and Quantity when you bring the training window back up

+ Clicking on any global resource entry is a shortcut to bring up the city list.

+ Changed all the unit stat displays to show stats as integers, always rounded up to the nearest integer, and to use the same breakdown tooltip to see where the numbers are coming from.

+ In some screens, added descriptions for the stats as the tooltip when mousing over the name or icon of a stat, such as on the level up window, lorebook window, and unit design window (when the user might want to know what their changes are doing to the units)

+ Created a new tooltip breakdown that shows the contributions each member of an army is making to an accumulated stat value, like for the army vitals context when an army is selected on the main screen, to replace the confusing breakdown of only battle bonuses used before

+ All functions and UI now grab the full stat value for a unit, instead of just the value without any geographic bonuses from the terrain they were on or whatever. Also made all stat functions return the full value by default, instead of the partial value (which was the default before).

+ Reenabled tooltips in the lorebook stat entries, so that breakdowns and stat descriptions can be shown.

+ Fixed bug where some trade info for cities weren't initializing their caravan IDs, so that if the trade info was cleared (from one of the cities getting destroyed), it picked an essentially random unit to disband for the caravan of the trade route being destroyed along with the city (aka: Kwilas memorial sovereign caravan assassination bug).

+ New tooltips for the resources in the global resource area of main game window.

+ If per turn amount of a global resource is negative, the number text will be red

+ Terrain Window no longer shows up by default.


+ Fixed bug where the AI was designing units with equipment that their model type did not support, caused the larger fallen races, like trogs and quendar, too use female armor that was too small for them (aka: the cross dressing quendar bug).

+ Pioneer Pack no longer an item you can equip dudes with.

+ Fixed quest "Alzor's Armor" to actually give you armor of that name, rather than some similarly (but not exactly) named armor.

+ Fixed bug that caused fallen to not have access to the Soldiers cloak

+ Changed "potion of lesser essence" to "Potion of Intelligence" and it now increases drinker's intelligence by 1

+ Fixed some minor issues from the new tech trees and finish first balance pass of weapons and armor.


+ Changed stat calculations for prestige bonus (from charisma), dodge, accuracy, attack, defense, and max HP.

Strength- Modifies damage
Dexterity- Modifies dodge
Constitution- Modifies hit points
Intelligence- Modifies spell resistance, boosts some spells, required for Champions to cast some spells
Charisma- Sovereigns Charisma modifies Champion recruit costs. Champions and the Sovereign give a prestige boost to the city they are in.

Attack (which is damage) = Weapon Attack + ((Strength - 10)/2)
Defense (which is damage absorb) = Armor Defense
Accuracy = 15 + (Level * 3)
Dodge = Dexterity / 2
Hit Points = 10 + ( (Constitution / 5) * (2 * Level) )
Spell Resistance = Intelligence / 2
Prestige Boost in City = Charisma / 5

+ Added a Magic Resist stat to units.

+ Made essence a hidden and non-upgradeable stat, so that it should be gone from all the UI and act only as an under-the-hood mark of being a spellcaster

+ Marked some stats as non-upgradeable, and gave them 0 points per level up point. Core stats (strength, intelligence, dexterity, charisma, and constitution) should now all default to 10, be upgradeable, and get 1 point per level up point.

+ Units now get 3 points when they level up.

+ Removed wisdom from the list of core stats.

+ Removed Morale.

+ Changed Intimidating and Cowardly Sovereign talents/weaknesses to affect spell resistance of the sovereign’s army.

+ Changed Natural Leader to Tactician and Cruel to Reckless, and they now affect Dodge of the sovereign’s army.


+ Players always have a choice of a breakthrough whenever they reach a new tech level.

+ Quests now save/load their 'Subject Unit' (this fixes the Sarog's Egg quest, along with any others that use the subject unit when saving/loading).

+ In SP, popups now prevent units from moving until the popup is closed, and the WaitingForUserResponse flag gets unset immediately after kicking out of the loop, to prevent stuck turns

+ Trade routes set up by caravans now provide 10% bonuses to gildar production in the two cities they connect. Upgrading the roads now provides a 20%, 30%, and 40% bonus for the 4 road levels defined in RoadLevelDefs.xml. Made trade route length and wagons not affect the bonus anymore.

+ There is now the concept of a game year, which starts at 159 A.C.. There are 4 seasons in a game year. A turn is a season. Game year and season are now displayed in the upper left hand corner of the main game wnd, instead of turn num.

+ Adjusted %'s techs show up when researching (it’s all 100% now, open to balance).

+ First pass at creature balance, new stats for all creatures in CoreMonsterUnitTypes.xml.


+ The AI is now multi-threaded (so it can spend its time contemplating your doom while you are doing other things).

*** This build does not contain Brad's AI optimizations ***


+ Fixed various crashes, memory errors, and hangs

+ Fixed exploit where you could still use the shortcut key (x) to raze a city, even if you don't yet have the tech that grants you the ability to Raze.

+ Fixed a bug where unit wouldn’t drop treasure after tactical battles unless auto resolve was used.

+ Fixed bug when teleporting units in an army: teleporting the leader would move the army, but teleporting using a sub unit would not but it would use its mana anyway, this has now been fixed so that if you use a sub unit to teleport, the whole army is teleported.

+ Fixed a bug where the AI spellcasters would cast spells that they hadn't learned yet, caused problem that we saw where the AI sovereigns would have stone giants, minions, basically many summons early in the game

+ Fixed bug where looking at spells you haven't learned yet in the spellbook wnd when your faction wasn't creating any spell points per turn would cause it to display a nonsense number for turns to learn, now just says "Will Not Learn"

+ Fixed an autoselection bug in tactical battles such that if a local unit is already selected a new unit is not chosen at the start of the local player's turn.

+ Spell effects should now spawn at an appropriate tile offset for units not at the center of their tiles.

+ Tactical window now caches unit IDs to avoid mysterious unit deaths after a battle.

+ Fixed a bug where absorbed damage was not detected properly.

+ Fixed a bug that caused double battle report text.

+ Fixed a bug where defending units had incorrect damage done in battle reports.

+ Fixed bug where the pass turn action in tactical was allowed only when stuff was animating, instead of the other way around, making it not do anything most of the time

+ Fixed bug where entries couldn't be dragged onto a listbox that doesn't already have at least one entry

+ Fixed bug where the AI would sometimes overwrite the description of unit types depending on what they were doing, which caused units of the same type owned by the player to lose their descriptions and show something that wasn't applicable to them

+ Fixed bug where turns to learn a new spell level wasn't being displayed in the spellbook window when selected

+ Fixed bug where after equipping a mount like a horse or warg, if you went to Edit Info Card screen the cloth poses would be incorrect

+ Fixed particle effects not working in tile editor

+ Fixed bugs in tile design shadow generation. Now when you save a tile design in the tile editor, its shadow will generate properly, and it will update in the editor window so it shows the new shadow

+ Fixed bug where icons on cloth map were being rendered over top of unit markers

+ Fixed "flickering" decals bug (If there is no texture or the texture is not loaded, the decal is not rendered).

+ Fixed bug where the actions entries and the item entries in the unit vitals tab had their pictures sized differently, causing them to look mismatched

+ Fixed beam effects not working

+ Fixed bug where decals would flicker and the wrong decals would show up for objects in tactical battle after multiple battles

+ Fixed bug where the valid demolish cursor did not show up when mousing over an improvement that could be demolished in demolish mode

+ Fixed bug where the train unit queue wasn't being shown in the context area when the train unit wnd was open, so that you couldn't see the state of the queue while adding to it

+ Fixed bug where the first time the city right context wnd was unhidden on starting/loading a game, clicking the train unit button or build button didn't do anything because the new data was getting cleared out by on start new game code

+ Fixed bug where the resource breakdown for a certain resource in a city would sometimes not match what was actually being produced because the city hub and improvements under construction were often being ignored in the breakdown; now all improvements in a city are looked at no matter what, the improvements themselves are smart enough to tell the lorebook what modifiers they apply or not based on if they have finished construction

+ Fixed bug where images in the conversation window did not scale properly

+ Fixed bug where Edit Info Card screen would display the unit type's name rather than the unit's name

+ Fixed bug where global resource area would not always resize correctly.

+ Fixed bug where destroyed units would still get counted in a player's resource production for the duration of the turn before the player actually removed them from their unit list

+ Fixed bug where caravans still had the Guard action available when they started trading, which could cancel their directive to travel along their trade route

+ Fixed bug where two caravans on the same road (but going in opposite directions) were applying their effects on the road separately instead of together, causing it to not take a shorter time for a road to grow levels by having two caravans on it versus one

+ Fixed problem where roads between cities, where one of the cities got destroyed, were not being deleted and removed from the world now that they were no longer needed

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Список изменений как всегда огромен, ждем финальный патч 1.1

Последний раз редактировалось klop; 25.11.2010 в 11:09.
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Старый 25.11.2010, 11:08   #71
Аватар для klop
Регистрация: 09.10.2006
Адрес: IS, FedCom, New Exford
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Новый грядущий хотфикс 1.09о (в предыдущий пост все не влезло =))

Список изменений
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*** Patch 1.09o has not been released yet ***

Resolved Issues:

1. Fixes an issue where animals won't attack cities (looks like combat will start but then it ends without combat).

2. Fixed a crash when clicking on the game concepts or walkthru entries in the Hiergamenon.

3. You can no longer drink some quest items (like the magic flute).

4. Storm now correctly has a mana cost.

5. New diplomatic conditions: - You killed my kid -5 to diplomacy - You're wiping others out -2 - Seriously, you're out of control -5 - Early game +1 - Not very strong +1 - Focusing on other enemies +1

6. AI: AI is more thread safe (fixes crashes).

7. AI: Monsters will run away from tougher enemies.

8. AI: Monsters will tend to combine into larger groups.

9. AI: Monsters more intelligent regarding selecting victims.

10. AI: Monsters are more aggressive.

11. AI: More Monsters are spawned early on.

12. AI: Pioneer behavior is more intelligent in selecting area.

13. AI: AI more effective at defending cities.

14. AI: AI more effective at reinforincing cities that are under threat.

15. Some strategic buff spells now have no range requirement (easier for human and AI players).

16. Non-capital cities have a population storage of 10 (instead of 0 for the outpost which caused problems).

17. Bows reduced from:

Crude Bow: Attack 6, Accuracy -2, Range 8
Cedar Shortbow: Attack 15, Accuracy -2, Range 8
Cedar Longbow: Attack 23, Accuracy -2, Range 8

New stats:
Crude Bow: Attack 4, Accuracy -2, Range 6
Cedar Shortbow: Attack 9, Range 8
Cedar Longbow: Attack 12, Range 10

18. Pioneer Packs are available when designing units.

Known Issues (with 1.09n):

1. Storm lightning bolt hits the caster, though damage is still correctly applied to a random enemy (cosmetic).

2. Natures Bounty is castable on cities that aren't producing food (it's supposed to only be able to target cities that produce food).

3. Minor Factions complain when players are to close to their cities even though they don't have influence anymore.

4. Zone of Control sometimes shrinks when save games are reloaded.

5. The campaign isn't playable.

This list will be updated as fixes are checked in (so you can see if an issue you are experiencing has been fixed yet).

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Самое интересное в пачте:
1. Дальнейшее улучшение ИИ
2. Ребаланс луков в меньшую сторону
3. Добавление новых дипломатических сообщений
Скрытый текст:

1. Ты убил моего ребенка -5
2. Ты уничтожил другое государство -2
3. Серьезно. вывышли из под контроля -5
4. Ранний старт 1
5. Не очень сильный 1
6. Сфокусироваться на врагах 1

так же появился новый интересный мод добовляющий 3 рассы: Рассы гоблинов, рассу живого камня, и големов рыцарей

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Последний раз редактировалось klop; 25.11.2010 в 11:16.
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Старый 25.11.2010, 19:23   #72
Опытный игрок
Аватар для Ellodssa
Регистрация: 29.09.2009
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Так, когда выйдет? Ну когда же ноябрь кончается а где игра?!
“Я редко слушаю новомодные группы, обычно они слушают меня...” Оззи Осборн
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Старый 25.11.2010, 19:30   #73
Аватар для Tarnum
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Сообщение от Ellodssa Посмотреть сообщение
Так, когда выйдет? Ну когда же ноябрь кончается а где игра?!
Так Emix же писал что на декабрь перенесли.
And the Heavens shall tremble... © Diablo III
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Старый 26.11.2010, 11:48   #74
Аватар для Emix
Регистрация: 08.01.2008
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С АГ пришло письмо об изменении даты на 10 декабря. Видимо сегодня должна появиться новость от 1С.
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Старый 26.11.2010, 17:15   #75
Опытный игрок
Аватар для Ellodssa
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Emix,мда, надеюсь перевод и патч того стоит
“Я редко слушаю новомодные группы, обычно они слушают меня...” Оззи Осборн
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Старый 26.11.2010, 17:36   #76
Аватар для Lightman
Регистрация: 27.02.2010
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to klop
вот те раз.. я уже ставил эту игру, и в прошлый раз всё было нормально. Поставил сейчас заново... И В НЕЙ ТАКИЕ ЖЕ КАК В TW2 ПОЛИГОНЫ!!! Что делать? Перестановка OS может помочь??

Добавлено через 56 минут
Вот вам всем загадка:
Удалил драйвер подчистую - полигоны пропали!!!! Всё хорошо =))
Поставил драйвер снова - полигоны вернулись!!!! =((
В чём дело и как быть??

Последний раз редактировалось Lightman; 26.11.2010 в 18:40. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
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Старый 26.11.2010, 21:13   #77
Аватар для Emix
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Lightman, Версию драйвера попробуй взять не самую новую. Бывает, что какие-то версии вызывают проблемы.

Последний раз редактировалось Emix; 27.11.2010 в 11:11. Причина: опечатка
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Старый 26.11.2010, 22:27   #78
Аватар для Lightman
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Вообщем после долгих эксперементов я нашёл решение - снёс драйвер и поставил заново всё кроме catal.control centr. Итог: всё работает =)
Жаль только что CCC у меня теперь нет =((

P.S. Emix, думаю ты прав. Чуть позже попробую)
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Старый 27.11.2010, 14:59   #79
Опытный игрок
Аватар для Ellodssa
Регистрация: 29.09.2009
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Lightman, с радиками всегда проблемы))
“Я редко слушаю новомодные группы, обычно они слушают меня...” Оззи Осборн
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Старый 30.11.2010, 20:15   #80
Аватар для Tarnum
Регистрация: 04.02.2008
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«Elemental. Войны магов»: вершить судьбу вселенной

Отправлена в печать пошаговая стратегия с ролевыми элементами «Elemental. Войны магов» (оригинальное название — Elemental. War of Magic; разработчик и зарубежный издатель — Stardock Entertaiment).

Релиз российского издания, в котором игра будет представлена полностью на русском языке, состоится 10 декабря.

В продажу помимо обычного издания в джевел-упаковке, поступит и коллекционное.

В комплекте коллекционного издания:

* DVD с игрой,
* красочное руководство пользователя,
* фигурка дракона,
* карта мира,
* альбом с иллюстрациями,
* книга «Иерогамен»,
* CD с саундтреком игры.

Действие «Elemental. Войны магов» разворачивается в фэнтезийном мире, едва не погибшем в результате магического катаклизма сокрушительной силы. Невероятно, но даже после этой страшной катастрофы здесь не прекратились кровопролитные войны. По воле новоявленных правителей и военных вождей из праха возникают королевства людей. Орды злобных и жестоких существ, известных как Падшие, объединяются под знаменами темных лордов и чернокнижников. Повсюду от векового сна пробуждаются древние создания, чтобы нести ужас и разрушение на земли смертных.

Создав собственного героя с уникальным набором характеристик и навыков, игрок отправится исследовать необъятную полную опасностей вселенную. Ему предстоит воевать с вражескими государствами и противостоять устрашающим монстрам, создавая собственную, неповторимую историю Elemental. Поклонники онлайн-сражений смогут попробовать свои силы в захватывающих магических поединках и масштабных военных кампаниях. Представленные в игре широкие возможности для моддинга позволят воплотить в жизнь самые смелые фантазии: от выведения невиданных чудовищ до создания целых континентов.

And the Heavens shall tremble... © Diablo III
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