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Старый 15.08.2011, 17:30   #1
Аватар для Deakon Frost
Регистрация: 21.08.2006
Адрес: Кр.
Сообщений: 425
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Football Manager 2012

Ну, думаю, уже пора.

Во-первых, программмное заявление: We are proud to announce that Football Manager 2012 will be released before Xmas 2011, and have today revealed a handful of the over 800 new features in the game this year.
На всякий случай перевод: Мы с гордостью анонсируем, что Football Manager 2012 выйдет до Рождества, и сегодня мы показываем некоторые новые фичи, коих всего будет более 800.

Информацию и первые скриншоты можно уже посмотреть здесь: http://www.sega.com/fm2012/

Движок матча смотрим здесь

А интерфейс здесь

Немного о нововведениях:
Скрытый текст:
Играть где угодно и когда угодно - добавлена возможно изменять (добавлять и/или убирать) список играбельных стран (лиг и дивизионов) по ходу игры. Не нужно ломать голову над тем какие страны и лиги нужно загрузить при создании игрового сейва, "легким движением руки" можно выбрать страну где бы вы хотели продолжить свою карьеру в следующем сезоне.

Трансферы и контракты - большие изменения в трансферной и контрактной системе включая дополнительные бонусы, как скажем "за лояльность", более детализированная и проработанная система молодежных и юниорских контрактов, улучшенный "трансферный информационный центр". Изменения также коснулись процесса заключения контрактов - теперь в ходе переговоров можно фиксировать отдельные пункты и положения будущего контракта которые не подлежат обсуждению или изменению, таким образом намного проще контролировать бюджет, особенно когда имеешь дело с алчными игроками или, что хуже, их агентами.

Работа "скаутов" - используя практику разведовательной деятельности в реальном футболе, была разработана новая форма отчета скаутов в которую включена аналитическая информация по составу, тактике, забитым голам и многое другое, что должно послужить хорошим подспорьем в подготовке к отдельным матчам так и к успешной игре команды в сезоне в целом.

Трехмерный (3D) движок матча - новые анимации, новое отображение болельщиков на трибунах, улучшенное отображение погодных условий, больше новых и разных стадионов, два новых ракурса камеры просмотра матча (см. видео "Движок матча"). Более того, обращаемый ракурс всех остальных видов (камер) позволяет просматривать и проанализировать любой игровой эпизод матча самым детальным образом.

"Умный" продвинутый интерфейс - новая настраеваемая система интерфейса позволяющая изменять настройки выводимой на экран информации, чем выше расширение монитора тем больше быстродоступной информации вы можете разместить на свое усмотрение (Cм. видео - "Интерфейс"). В вашем распоряжении будут новые фильтры, изменяемые блоки, новый экран тактики, а также множество новых информационных экранов для размещения данных.

Тон и манера общения - новые возможности для ведения общения, с помощью этого нововведения можно придать разговору свой тон - от спокойной расслабленной беседы до вспылчивого крика с битьем фарфоровой посуды. Всего будет представлено 5 градаций комментариев с соответствующим тоном.

Новая система подсказок и обучения игре - в добавок к самой игре была разработана целая система помощи и обучения в Football Manager. Основы основ будет очень интересно узнать новичкам, но и более опытные игроки смогут почерпнуть для себя много нового и полезного для более успешной и полноценной игры.

В добавок ко всему вышесказанному, игра притерпела множество других изменений и улучшений, так например были кардинально переработаны пресс-конференции, СМИ, развитие молодежи, "ньюгены", товарищеские матчи, управление сборными командами, поддержка социальных сетей и многое другое. Обо всех изменениях, нововведениях и дополнительной информации о Football Manager 2012 мы расскажем в видеоблогах в ближайшие месяцы.
Оставайтесь на связи!

Перевод - спасибо уважаемому товарищу Krondor с сайта fm-x.net

У британского издания The Telegraph проскочило свежее интервью с Майлзом Джейкобсоном. Переводить полностью не имеет никакого смысла, основная выжимка:
Скрытый текст:
- Как мы все очень рады выходу нового FM, разработчикам уже можно принимать поздравления
- Новый скромный список нововведений о которых мы уже знаем (в описании использоваты такие слова как "массивный", "огромные", "улучшение", "достигнули" и т.д. )
- Обучение / помощь по игре лучшая из того что когда-либо было, это должно привлечь новых любителей игры
- Новые идеи так и прут отовсюду - от сообщества любителей и поклонников игры + от нашей очень талантливой команды разработчиков, все решения о нововведениях принимаются коллегиально, то есть путем открытого голосования, очень демократичным способом, кстати
- В плане реалистичности разработчики, несмотря на соблазны, стоят на светлой стороне Силы, то есть никаких скандальных околофутбольных штучек в игре не должно быть (секс-скандалы, личная жизнь, наркотики, штрафы за превышение скорости - то есть таблоидные сенсации - прим. переводчика)
- Игра стала слишком сложной? Читайте туториал, а для полных тормозов остальных мы выпустим упрощенные портативные версии (для iPhone и PSP), как ни странно версия для ПК больше не является приоритетом, спрос на упрощенные версии стабильно растет (кто-бы сомневался - прим. переводчика). Ну еще есть забористая онлайн игра Football Manager Online исключительно для южных корейцев, да, там тоже разработчики постараются срубить бабла.
- Почему не пошел консольный FM? Мы серьезно занимались изучением данного вопроса, вообщем, ну как бы кто из домочадцев потерпит что телевизор занят по пол-дня на FM? Мы выступаем против "домашнего насилия", поэтому консольные версии мы врядли увидим, хотя Майлзу очень нравится 3DS...
- Еше о позитиве - почему закрыли Football Manager Live? Ну не вышел каменный цветок у Дэниела-мастера, сколько он не е..лся старался и не рассказывал о своих успехах остальным, но нет худа без добра, теперь Дэниел успешно продолжает каменные и монтажные работы над FM 2012.
- EA имеет эксклюзивные права (лицензию) на команды АПЛ, разработчиков FM конечно душит жаба, ибо они тоже хотели бы откатывать деньги бедным клубам премьер-лиги, но все понимают, что тут не место личным экспрессиям, это чисто бизнес. А вот EA придушить все-таки надо
- Если у вас ничего не получается в FM и вы испытваете полное разочарование, это еще не повод отчаиваться, приходите на форумы сообщества (особенно официальный), там вам быстро объяснят почему вы не правы и почему следующий патч уж точно будет играбельным.

Translated by Krondor
Канал о Football Manager http://www.youtube.com/user/Rustamancha/videos

Последний раз редактировалось Deakon Frost; 20.08.2011 в 14:19.
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Старый 09.12.2011, 23:27   #221
Регистрация: 28.08.2011
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Сообщение от cosmicosme Посмотреть сообщение
что обозначает run at defense и run through defense в криках с бровки?
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Старый 10.12.2011, 03:06   #222
Аватар для Deakon Frost
Регистрация: 21.08.2006
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Сообщение от Zigfrid Посмотреть сообщение
Забавная ситуация случилось. Не получается в этой игре сразу за3мя командами следить. И за основой, дублем и юниорами. Можно как-то сбагрить хотя бы дуль какому-нибудь помощнику. Пускай он сам содержит её...А то каждый день новых игроков предлагают в дубль молодых. Можно так сделать? Чтобы он сам решал кого покупать в дубль.
В дубль никого покупать не надо. Там играют (если турнир дублером есть в чемпионате твоем) игроки из основы, не имеющие практики, разбавленные игроками вышедшими из юниорки (кому больше 18 лет), и юниорами.
Дать указания руководить дублем и юниоркой можно нажав на название своего клуба, перейдя во вкладку "Просмотр клуба" --> "Командная политика" там найдете все, что нужно.

Добавлено через 6 минут
run at defense - кажется, здесь имеется в виду надавить на оборону соперника, то есть, начать прессинг как можно выше.
run through defense - проходить сквозь защиту (то есть, пытаться входить в штрафную при помощи паса/дриблинга, а не палить по воротам с 40 метров по чем зря).
Канал о Football Manager http://www.youtube.com/user/Rustamancha/videos

Последний раз редактировалось Deakon Frost; 10.12.2011 в 03:13. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
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Старый 10.12.2011, 17:43   #223
Аватар для GSC
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Некоторые игроки не довольны своими тренировками (расписания составлял сам), игроков буквально 2-3. Мне что, все расписание переделывать или как то можно им персонально нагрузку понизить? И еще вопрос, на просмотре нашел одного парня, 15 лет, британец, скиллы высокие и скауты говорят, что это игрок который станет для нашей команды ключевым игроком, плюс он любит мой клуб и я у него в любимых персонах. Так вот хочу его развить. Ему 15 лет, оставить его в юниорах или лучше перевести в дублеры? но там его не выпускают.
PS4 pro.
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Старый 10.12.2011, 18:05   #224
Аватар для Desmond Hume
Регистрация: 26.01.2009
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Сообщение от GSC Посмотреть сообщение
Ему 15 лет, оставить его в юниорах или лучше перевести в дублеры?
В молодёжке пусть будет. Для дублёров еще рано.
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Старый 11.12.2011, 10:23   #225
Аватар для Zigfrid
Регистрация: 07.12.2007
Адрес: Краснодарский край.Сочи.
Сообщений: 2,721
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Есть какой-нибудь патч, который добавляет АПЛ? Всмысле фотки игроков, тренеров и т.д.?
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Старый 11.12.2011, 10:58   #226
Опытный игрок
Аватар для David Crash
Регистрация: 28.07.2009
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есть. Искать на российских фан-сайтах игры.
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Старый 11.12.2011, 14:13   #227
Аватар для Desmond Hume
Регистрация: 26.01.2009
Адрес: Омск Клуб:FCJuventus
Сообщений: 2,178
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Zigfrid, На большой русском трекере есть такой.
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Старый 11.12.2011, 21:33   #228
Аватар для Zigfrid
Регистрация: 07.12.2007
Адрес: Краснодарский край.Сочи.
Сообщений: 2,721
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Desmond Hume, Сохранки не спадут? А то что-то мего кайф от игры стал ловить. Такого харда еще ни в одном симуляторе футбола не видел. Самый наверно большой плюс заключается в том, что играть сложно и ничего с этим не поделать.

Как сделать, чтобы игроки выходя один на один с вратарём не били в него, а например, отдавали пас соседнему игроку, чтобы он добил?
А то в который раз получается так, что мои выходят 2 в 1, в 3 и игрок с мячом тупо бьёт во вратаря.
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Старый 11.12.2011, 21:55   #229
Опытный игрок
Аватар для David Crash
Регистрация: 28.07.2009
Сообщений: 1,377
Репутация: 175 [+/-]
не спадут.
попробуй поковыряться в индивидуальных настройках игрока.
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Старый 12.12.2011, 03:11   #230
King Kunta
Аватар для J-West

Регистрация: 01.11.2007
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Расскажите, что ли, у кого как дела идут.

Я вот решил взять Динамо. Сразу же устроил большую чистку, продав игроков на 38 миллионов, на трансферы же потратил 35, взял 3 защитника и одного центрального полузащитника. Сравнивая с опытом игры в Шахтере в фм-11, сразу видно, что Динамо куда скромней в финансах, но с лимитом проблем команда вообще не испытывает. Очень много хороших украинцев, да ещё и талантливых молодых игроков на полноценный состав хватит.

В ЛЧ неожиданно для себя очень легко вышел в группу (попалась Бенфика, которую дома разгромил 6-1), в чемпионате из 14 матчей выиграл 13 и иду с шестиочковым отрывом от второго места. Только вот игра в группе ЛЧ не радует, слил по 0-2 Порту и Валенсии и сыграл 2-2 на выезде с Трабзонспором (причем Вукоевич на последней минуте отметился автоголом). Пока что положение в группе Валенсия (9), Трабзонспор (4), Порту (3) и Динамо (1). Так что надежда хотя бы на ЛЕ ещё есть.
Don't let me get in my zone
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Старый 12.12.2011, 08:02   #231
Аватар для Zigfrid
Регистрация: 07.12.2007
Адрес: Краснодарский край.Сочи.
Сообщений: 2,721
Репутация: 560 [+/-]
Играю с Арсеналом. Ни какой чистке даже и не думал, ибо все игроки молодые, а остальные очень опытные.
Попытался купить Азара, но они предложили его купить с такой ценой, что аж на 10 млн превышает ВЕСЬ мой бюджет.
Купил Дзагоева ))
Тяжелый сезон какой-то, либо у меня состав еще не очень сильный.
Скрытый текст:
Робин постоянно травмирован, Шамах не вписался. Играл с Паком, иногда приходилось брать из дубля Марфи.

Из принципиальных противников победил только Тотенхем, причём победа такая, чтор аж болельщики сразу полюбили. Но а потом Появились МЮ и МС. С МЮ еще как-то поборолся, ну а МС влетел 5 : 1.
Еле-еле пока держусь на 3ем месте в АПЛ, но там очки очень плотно.
А в ЛЧ вообще беда в 1/8. Попался Вилльяреал, думал пробегу их, но 1ая игра 4: 1 в их пользу, а 2ая даже не знаю что дедать.

Вообще у меня проблемы с Защитой и проблемы с составами сильнее моих...С обоими проблемами уже все перепробовал.
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Старый 12.12.2011, 14:01   #232
Аватар для Milan Best
Регистрация: 28.09.2011
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Сообщение от Zigfrid Посмотреть сообщение
Вообще у меня проблемы с Защитой
Ну зашиту настраивать надо и еще по возможности что бы там играющие были в хорошом настроении и сыграны.
У меня в Милане с левым защитом беда была, там и Тайво играл и Антонини ни фига. потом поставил купленого Бассонга написано что играть будет средне так как он центр, но заиграл так что Тайво даже в заменах не сидит. ТАК ЧТО ПЕРЕБЕРАЙ САСТАВ.
Forza Milan!!!!
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Старый 12.12.2011, 15:09   #233
Аватар для Zigfrid
Регистрация: 07.12.2007
Адрес: Краснодарский край.Сочи.
Сообщений: 2,721
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Milan Best, А узнать об их сыгранности?
Просто у меня Гиббс больше на атаку заострён, Вермален классный созидатель-блокировщик, Косельни сильно прогресирует + быстр, ну а Санье я вообще не вижу замены с бюджетом Арсенала. Да и старых я не беру, а беру только перспективных с 4мя минимум звездами, но пока скауты мне таких не нашли.
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Старый 12.12.2011, 19:05   #234
Аватар для GSC
Регистрация: 02.04.2009
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Мой первый и второй состав.

Кака и Джагелка куплены в большей степени для передачи опыта молодым игрокам.
Ращу нового Кака, Лукаса Пиазона.

В первом сезоне был куплен - Лам, Энриксен. Одна продажа Анелька. К январю подтянулся Пиазон, к концу сезона Давилья, так же был подписан Нкулу. Выиграл Кубок Англии, АПЛ - 3 место, ЛЧ - финал. Вот сейчас начался второй, подписал Пулидо, Минеса, Кака, Джагелка, Шакири. В общей сложности вышло около 45 млн. Теперь долго тратится не буду, точно.

Zigfrid, присмотрись к Nicolas N'Koulou. Единственный минус, это адаптация, понадобилось пару месяцев что бы начать отрабатывать трансфер.
PS4 pro.

Последний раз редактировалось GSC; 13.12.2011 в 02:07.
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Старый 13.12.2011, 07:01   #235
Аватар для Desmond Hume
Регистрация: 26.01.2009
Адрес: Омск Клуб:FCJuventus
Сообщений: 2,178
Репутация: 265 [+/-]
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Расскажите, что ли, у кого как дела идут.
Ювентус у меня. Продал всю лишнюю каку, что-то около 15 миллионов принесло прибыли. Купил Неймара - оно того стоило. За 20 матчей наколотил 16 мячей. Еще ни разу не проиграл. Играю по схеме: 4 защитника, 2 опорника, 1 ЦПЗ, 1 АПЗ и два нападающих - Неймар и Матри. Удачно прошли групповой этап ЛЧ. Сложности были с Марселем, хотя на моё удивление с Порту проблем не было. На 1/8 попалась Бавария.
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Старый 13.12.2011, 17:13   #236
Аватар для Darkelf777
Регистрация: 06.08.2011
Сообщений: 27
Репутация: 1 [+/-]
Первым клубом в новой версии решил выбрать свой любимый Реал Мадрид. Хватило меня аж на 2 сезона. В Первом сезоне пол года никого не покупал, потом решил купить Неймара, игрок молодой, прогресирующий, и уже в том состоянии постоянно усаживал ан лавку Ди Марию, так же использовался на острие атаки в роли Свободного художника. Был так же приобритён Г(Х)амшик, который сразу же влился в команду (тому же Неймару потребовалось немного времени). Пара центральных защитников у меня составляли Пепе и Варан, причём у Варана была самая высокая оценка среди защитников на протяжении 2 сезонов, карвально отправился в запас. В первом сезоне выйграл всё, что только можно кроме Чемпионата Испании, причём Барса была впереди на 10 очков!!! ну в следующем сезоне картина была обратная, я выйграл Чемпионат Испании, а в овсех остальных турнираз доходил до финала и везде оступался, в Лиге Чемпионов Интеру, в Кубке и Супер Кубке Испании Хетафе. ЩАс забросил тот сейф, ибо играть за гранда долгое время не интересно, взял Спартак (московский), сезон только начался, видется проблема с игрой на выезде, дома же проблем ни с кем не испытую.
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Старый 13.12.2011, 17:25   #237
King Kunta
Аватар для J-West

Регистрация: 01.11.2007
Адрес: London
Сообщений: 9,226
Репутация: 589 [+/-]
За гранды играть смысла особого нет. Я вот для первого сейва и ознакомления с новшествами игры выбрал Барсу, и сразу без особого напряга выиграл все турниры. Запасные там на 3 головы сильнее ключевых игроков большинства команд.
Don't let me get in my zone
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Старый 13.12.2011, 18:58   #238
Аватар для GSC
Регистрация: 02.04.2009
Сообщений: 832
Репутация: 41 [+/-]
Сообщение от J-West Посмотреть сообщение
За гранды играть смысла особого нет.
Для кого как. Мне надоело играть за середняки или вытаскивать упоротые команды наверх. Я решил взять свой любимый клуб и растить мировых звезд. Без громких покупок.
PS4 pro.
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Старый 14.12.2011, 12:51   #239
Аватар для Milan Best
Регистрация: 28.09.2011
Сообщений: 94
Репутация: 6 [+/-]

Сообщение от GSC Посмотреть сообщение
Сообщение от J-West
За гранды играть смысла особого нет.

Для кого как. Мне надоело играть за середняки или вытаскивать упоротые команды наверх. Я решил взять свой любимый клуб и растить мировых звезд. Без громких покупок.
Согласен что каждому свое. Мне за любимый Милан играть интереснее чем за Болтон или Амкар там какой-то)))....
Forza Milan!!!!

Последний раз редактировалось Milan Best; 14.12.2011 в 12:53. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
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Старый 15.12.2011, 03:13   #240
Аватар для GSC
Регистрация: 02.04.2009
Сообщений: 832
Репутация: 41 [+/-]
Сегодня патч вышел размеров около 300 мб, содержащий следующие изменения
Football Manager 2012 v12.1.0 Changelist
Скрытый текст:

- Fixed bug with promotion from bottom to top achievement not working.
- Fixed sugar daddy flag not being cleared when he leaves club.
- Fixed a dialog with Assistant Manager when asking to scout Marquee Players (they were wrongly called Designated Players)
- Adjusted attendances in matches between club teams and national youth teams
- Person profiles now correctly refer to 'youth apps/goals' as U21 or U20 appearances goals, depending on what nation the player plays for.
- Fixed player looking forward to going on loan then stating they are too good to go out on loan.
- Adjusted the national team assistant manager tendency to send news about players ready for national team duty
- Playing histories now loaded in for people added when new nations are activated.
- Stopped French academy sides getting parent / feeder clubs.
- People marked to have their history retained will now never be retired when removing leagues.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the final playing history entry would not be retained when the player retires.
- All agents now retained in the database when starting a new game.
- 2 season loans now count towards loan limits for the 2nd season.
- Adjusted attendances for Croatian euro matches
- Adjusted attendances in small national team tournaments
- Adjusted continental cup and rivalry attendances in Greece
- Fixed post-match referee panel sometimes been blank.
- Adjusted FA Trophy attendances for small clubs in the final rounds
- Fixed player saying they want to leave in the General Happiness section but having an Unhappiness reason of not wanting to leave.
- Fixed a crash when going to the backroom advice screen when you have a player who hasn't a contract with the club he is at.
- Fixed issue where adding a new nation/league allows users to take control of nations that don't have enough players.
- Fixed a manager interaction reply having been sent from a manager who has left their club, after the time the initial news item was sent.
- Fixed 'Unproven' being considered a better reputation than 'Local' for non-playing staff.
- Fixed virtual players changing names occasionally when signed to a contract.
- Adjusted attendances in youth international final tournaments
- Fixed a few cases of the game adjusting small stadium sizes upwards at the start.
- Fixed potential threading crash on macs with >8 core processors.
- Reduced memory usage a small amount, for best affects start a new game.
- Fixed issue where (random) players could get called up for a national team they weren't eligible for and therefore end up changing nationality if they played a game for that nation.
- Non-contract and amateur players can no longer be fined, as they have no wages in the first place!
- Fixed issue where players on loan in Belgium (and other nations with the continuous rule) would lose their days towards nationality when returning to their parent club, they now have 2 months to return to Belgium before the count is reset.
- Fixed players leaving the club before the end of the season not being included in the best XI.
- Fixed crash in situation where an edited game had an inactive league with one team in it.
- Fixed issue where user could not submit a valid squad for an U19 match.
- Fixed crash in national scouting update news item caused by retiring scout not having had his assignments cleared.
- Fixed crash on hall of fame screen when changing to a different section.
- Fixed crash where user edited cup competition had no host nation set.

ESP - Updated Liga BBVA ad hoarding
FRA - Fixed Nantes away kit

Backroom Advice
- Stopped suggestions to remove good set piece takers who are just in the reserves.
- Stopped recommendations to a transfer list a player who is already transfer listed.
- Meeting reminder news item now states the correct date when the user held a meeting then, rather than the date of the last reminder.
- News item button is now removed when the meeting has finished.
- Player coaches no longer suggest dropping themselves due to poor form.
- No longer suggests the same formation that the user is already using.
- Fixed the set formation button not working.
- Made sure the pre-season meeting request isn't immediately after the end of the season.

- Fixed issue with playing career end date where the player had become a non-player for a nation and then also continued his playing career.
- Fixed players stated as currently on trial in biography when they've signed permanently.
- Fixed occasional instance of retired player's biography miscalculating playing career length.
- Fixed Olympics victory being ascribed to England team in England manager's biography.
- Fixed biography text confusion between length of time managing club and international squad following dual management.

Board Request
- Board will no longer agree to sign the user an extra player if they started the game with transfer budgets disabled.
- Fixed issue when a board request start date was incorrectly getting reported as starting after the completion date in the news item.
- Fixed the board agreeing to signing a player and the transfer budget not been restored when the transfer is cancelled because the player failed to get a work permit.
- Fixed the board agreeing to a contract renewal when a user had only a short time left on their contract and the board wasn't going to offer them a new contract.
- User now gets to pick their feeder club when the board agree to allow the user to pick their own team rather than just pick from suggested clubs.
- When the board decide to build a new stadium the game now adds an entry in the board request progress panel.

Board Takeovers
- Fixed potential issue with B clubs being taken over.

- Some starting international friendlies had the home and away teams the wrong way around.
- Fixed a bug where user was informed that his team has qualified for wrong European competition.
- Fixed bug where a trialists team was being promoted to a customised nation's lowest division.
- San Marino and Andorra now get extra European places if their coefficient increases.
- For leagues where players are made available for youth teams instead of reserve teams, all players in the youth team are always deemed available.
- Fixed bug where more players than what was needed were being loaded in sometimes when leagues were activated.
- Improved friendly match picking for reserve teams.
- Fixed issue where fake players did not get achievements shown correctly in their profile.
- Bans in the World Club Championship now don't carry across to other continental cups.
- Fixed issue where player bought by team he is on loan to, is ineligible for a replay, after being eligible for the original match.
- Fixed issue where unregistered U21 players in leagues which finish in Nov/Dec cannot play in European competitions after the end of their season.
- Some improvements made to fixture re-scheduling.
- Edited fixtures should now import correctly for all league competitions.
- Fixed some issues with league wins for managers not being updated for a few competitions.
- When a view-only league is activated, reserve and youth teams are now setup correctly for clubs.
- When an international friendly is cancelled, the date can now be used to schedule a new friendly.

- Fixed group winners of Asian Confederation Cup not having home advantage in second round.

- Fixed free transfers being possible outside of transfer windows.
- Fixed Second Division start date.

- Fixed a bug where the user could not approach to sign on a Bosman transfer other A-League players when managing in the A-league.
- Fixed A-League clubs to not break the minimum squad size any more.
- Improved the players’ selection when registering the squad for AI clubs in the A-League.
- Fixed an issue where in the A-League Marquee players (only if they are Australian) were renewing their contract as Australian Marquee, which is messing up the club as it will have 2 Australian Marquees and no Marquees.
- Added the contract filter for "A-League salary cap exempt" in the player's search.

- Fixed Belgian Cup Sub Rules.
- Fixed Third Division league sorting rules for Periods.

- Fixed Brazilian Potiguar State Championship teams only playing each other once in league stage.
- Fixed Brazilian Cup draw rules.
- Deactivated the mid-season break in the Brazilian National First Division.
- Update Brazilian Cup draw date.
- Fixed Rondônia State Championship schedule.
- Fixed which teams face each other in São Paulo State Championship semi-final.
- Updated National First and Second league sort rules.

- Fixed "A" Group starting 11 foreign players rule.

- Updated summer transfer window.
- Max of 6 foreign players allowed to be signed for Chinese teams.
- Fixed trial players playing in competitive matches.
- Fixed higher division team not playing at home in Cup.

- Fixed teams being allocated the wrong group in 2011 National Cup.

- Fixed number of rounds for First Division 2013/14 season onwards.
- Fixed number of rounds for Second Division 2014/15 season onwards.
- Fixed Second Division winter break.

- Fixed fixture clashes with Superliga and international fixtures.
- Fixed First Division schedule and matches split.

- Fixed League 2 matches being scheduled for Sunday evening TV coverage.
- Fixed FA Cup final and FA Trophy final clash.
- Fixed wrong mid-week fixture kick off time for Championship, League 1 and League 2.
- Fixed Blue Square North/South clubs not playing on international weekends.
- Fixed draw dates for F.A Cup, Johnstone's Paint Trophy and F.A Trophy.
- Fixed television money for F.A. Cup Sixth Round and for replays.

- EURO Cup final now always played at host stadium.
- Fixed issue where teams knocked out of the Euro Cup were not getting some coefficient points that they should have been getting.
- A European squad can be registered now at the stage where a team is knocked out of the Champions Cup but not yet entered in the EURO Cup competition.
- Fixed some seeding issues with the EURO Cup First Knockout Round.

- Fixed League Cup not taking place when game start date is after the League Cup is supposed to be completed (i.e. selecting England start date).
- Fixed bug with Finnish League Cup final venue.
- B teams can now be promoted to the First Division.

- Updated National Division Schedule.
- Fixed teams from overseas territories not taking part in the French Cup.
- Fixed Ligue 1 Schedule.
- Fixed Ligue 2 Schedule.
- Updated Coupe de la Ligue prize money.
- Updated CFA Schedule.
- User reserve team matches in the CFA now are played in full detail.
- French Cup runners up now take part in EURO Cup if the winners have qualified for the Champions Cup.
- Updated the 2011 Champions Trophy venue.

- Fixed First and Second Division schedules.

- Fixed clash between Greek Cup semi-final and World Cup qualifier.
- 5 points deducted from Panachaiki for match fixing.
- Updated Cup due to number of teams in National C changing.

- Non EU players now don't have "Fgn" player status flags unless they are U18.
- Fixed issue where Dutch Cup doesn't get scheduled correctly when Dutch league is added.
- Removed 3rd match decider in Eredivisie relegation playoff 2nd round.

Hong Kong
- Updated rules and schedules for Hong Kong Senior Challenge Shield.
- Updated rules and schedules for Hong Kong FA Cup.
- Updated rules and schedules for Hong Kong League Cup.

- Stopped trialists being able to play in competitive matches.
- Fixed Upper League Cup group draw not being random draw.

- Updated National Football League prize money.

- Updated Super League number of teams.
- Updated Super League Schedule.
- Updated Super League prize money.
- Updated Premier Division number of teams.
- Updated Premier Division Schedule.
- Updated Premier Division prize money.
- Fixed Super League foreign players rule.

- European Football Championship Second Placed Teams table now uses results against top 5 teams, not 4.
- Fixed some European U19 Football Championship qualifying dates.
- Some African Cup of Nations qualifying dates moved to international match days.
- U23 teams in Olympics now arrange pre-tournament friendlies.
- Fixed some issues with Gold Cup dates in years 2013/17/etc.
- Morocco set as hosts for the 2013 and 2014 Club World Championships.
- Some African Cup of Nations qualifying dates moved to international match days.
- Fixed some North American World Cup qualifying dates.
- Fixed some matches in the Club World Championship being played at the stadium of the home team.
- Game doesn't remove managers after U23 Concacaf Olympics Qualifying tournament.
- Fixed an issue with the draw date for the U20 World Cup.
- Fixed some issues with bans for British players at the Olympics.
- Fixed some issues with European U21 Championship qualifiers scheduling.
- Updated South East Asian Football Championship.
- Improved team seedings for African Cup of Nations group draw.
- Updated 2015 African Under 20 Championship host.
- Stopped international captains being appointed that are going to retire soon.

- Updated Premier Division setup for 2012 season.
- Fixed incorrect prize money for Premier Division winner.
- Fixed sub rules in Premier and First Divisions.
- Fixed All Ireland Cup prize money.

- Fixed Hapoel Nazareth-Ilit not having points deduction.
- Adjusted National League Middle Playoff schedule.
- Updated Premier League Toto Cup Quarter Final draw and round date.
- Updated Premier League Toto Cup Semi Final draw date.
- Updated Premier/National League Toto Cup group draw date.
- Fixed venues for semi-final and final of State Cup, Premier and National Toto cups.

- Randomized Coppa Italia Lega Pro groups.
- Updated points deduction for Serie B and Lega Pro 1st and 2nd Divisions.
- Fixed Italian Cup final fixture clash with international fixtures.
- Fixed Italian Cup runner up not taking part in Super Cup when a team does the double (i.e. a team wins Serie A and Italian Cup).
- Italian Cup semi-final first leg date no longer clashes with international matches every 2nd year.

Northern Ireland
- Fixed All Ireland Cup prize money.

- "Can play against own team" now default choice for loan deals.
- Fixed First and Second Division schedules.
- Fixed Cup Scheduling.
- Fixed lack of full round of matches on the 16th May in Second Division.

- Fixed First Division U21 player on pitch born date.
- Fixed lower division team not playing at home in F.A Cup 3rd round.
- Fixed missing home grown rules for Ekstraklasa.
- Fixed not being able to register free transfers at any time for Ekstraklasa.
- Fixed fixture clashes in Ekstraklasa during World Cup and Euro Championship years.
- Updated Ekstraklasa prize money.
- Updated FA Cup TV coverage and stadium for final.
- Polish cup runners up now qualify for Europe if winner qualifies through the league.

- Squad win bonus news item now doesn't appear halfway through first season.
- Russian Premier Division teams in first season of Russian Cup sixth round play away.
- Updated prize money of Russian competitions.
- Fixed promotion to Russian First Division from Second Division.

- Fixed League Cup semi-final date.

South America
- Teams from same nation play each other in Copa Sudamericana semi-finals.
- Teams from same nation are now not drawn together in the Copa Libertadores group stage (unless they qualify through preliminary round).
- South American Recopa doesn't start until 2012.

South Korea
- Updated reserve league (number of rounds, sub rule and schedule).
- Updated U18 league (number of rounds and schedule).
- Fixed incorrect National League Cup venues.

- Fixed Spanish Cup final fixture clash with international fixtures.
- Fixed LIGA Adelante playoff rules.
- Can now move non-EU players to B teams.
- Fixed Playoff final for Second B Division in user's 2nd season being scheduled on June 30th, the same day as player's are released at the end of their contracts.

- Fixed bug where team went on holiday before promotion playoff.

- Fixed duplicate start of window registration news in Swiss League.

- Correct teams now in the Turkish Second Division groups.
- Fixed European qualification from the 2011/12 Turkish Premier Division and changed it back to a single league format for 2012/13.
- Fixed Wednesday Premiership matches not being televised.
- Stopped trialists being able to play in competitive matches.

- Updated match ban for direct red card.
- Added missing squad registration for Premier League.
- From 2012 Dynamo Kyiv will play home games vs Shakhtar (both league and cup) at NSC Olympiyskyi.
- Fixed lack of discipline rules for the U21 League.

- Fixed trial players playing in competitive matches.
- Free transfers in Uruguay can be registered at any time.

- Designated Players slots are better managed by the clubs.
- Salary cap issues in the budget adjustment bar are now fixed.
- Draft allocations values are now improved and more realistic.
- Added some tweaks to help teams to maximise their rosters.
- Fixed AI clubs to break the squad registration rules.
- Added new squad selection rule of maximum 6 Developmental slots.
- Fixed a bug where injured players coming back from their injury where standing in the roster without being registered (when they should or, alternatively, should be waived at least) due to the code not performing a final squad selection.
- Fixed to not waive any player after the Roster Guarantee Date.
- Guaranteed Contract for MLS players are now counting as guaranteed only after the MLS Registration date as it should be.
- Fixed MLS contract type flag to be wrongly displayed when a player is free agent.
- Fixed an issue where the user couldn't offer a Designated Player contract to a DP player on contract renewal if he wasn't good enough.
- Fixed an issue where MLS Senior players where demanding a Designated Player salary when renewing their contract without being entitled to ask for such big money (not good enough to be a DP).
- Fixed a bug where one of the MLS Combine teams sometimes has far too many players.
- Fixed an issue where MLS players who got waived from the Waiver Draft hadn't the date they left the club displayed in the Achievements screen.
- Improved how the playoff table works.
- Fixed the "Transfer for league Rights" transfer option in the MLS.
- Fixed a bug where you can't offer a Senior Entry Level contract in the MLS who last more than 2 years.
- Fixed Philadelphia, Portland and Vancouver to not intake academy players on season turnover.
- Fixed an issue where MLS clubs managed by AI needed some extra Salary Cap to register all their players and were using wrong and unrealistic money amount to do it.
- Fixed a bug about team confidence in the MLS which was causing managers to get sack too early in the season due to the club expectations being too high.
- Fixed an issue where players where called up for the MLS All Star Game and therefore becoming unavailable for the CONCACAF Champions League Preliminary Round in case their team was qualified. Now these players can't be called up in the All Star Game.
- Players in the MLS now get league stats generated when the league is inactive.
- Fixed MLS schedule for seasons 2012 onwards to not have crazy long sequences of consecutive home or away matches.
- Removed the "Enquiry" offer type for free agent’s ex-MLS players who have their rights still held by a MLS club.
- Fixed an issue where manager who subscribed to a player from another club where forced to register his roster in the MLS when the player was renewing his contract.
- Fixed a bug where starting the game in December 2011 and managing in the MLS, the user there getting a news item about the Superdraft but the draft wasn't taking place.
- Added the contract filters for "MLS Homegrown" and "MLS salary cap exempt" in the player's search.
- Fixed a bug where among the players selected for the Superdraft, some could have played at Pro level which is forbidden.
- MLS clubs can now loan their under 18 players to their Academies.
- Fixed a bug where big players on trial or just signed at a MLS side could be called up for the MLS All Star Game when they shouldn't.
- Improved Weighted Lotteries to include former US Youth International with no MLS caps who become available after the SuperDraft has been set up.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes players out on loan were included in the Waiver Draft.
- MLS players who have been drafted to a team and failed to get registered in the squad for the MLS are now displayed as free transferred in the transfers screens.
- Improved the MLS All Star game squad selection logic and made sure there is always a valid opponent club.
- Fixed issue with Vancouver not showing Canadian competitions in their achievements.
- MLS players who are included in the Injury List are now marked as "Ineligible" in the Squad Registration Screen as soon as they pick up their injury so the user can spot them easily.
- Generation Adidas players picked from the SuperDraft are now joining the user's club on a sensible wage without rejecting the contract.
- Fixed a bug where MLS Designated Players could go in the Waiver Draft. In fact DP players cannot be waived.
- Fixed an issue in the MLS where if the user was renewing a contract that can potentially break the squad registration rules, he wasn't forced to register again his roster as it should happen.

- Fixed issue where European playoff winner in Wales is described as the league champions.

- Junior Marquee contract request are now correctly dealing with the maximum contract length allowed for this contract.
- MLS SEL/AA/DEV contracts are now correctly upgrading to the newly calculated minimum for the current season on season update date.
- Loan contacts in the MLS are now upgraded to the minimum senior wage in the league.
- Fixed 'Renew' button not being present on news item when player's loan contract is nearing an end.
- Fixed reward for fine form news item wrongly stating contract length for non-contracted player.
- Ensured inactive clubs are more proactive when offering hot prospect players new deals.
- Ensured staff members have more interest in renewing contracts in some situations (Works best from a new game)

- Added missing club home match day fields.
- Skin tone example widget in editor now doesn't generate a colour selection dialog when clicked.
- Can now edit the nation youth rating field.
- Fixed labels for the EURO Coefficient fields.
- Fixed nation sportsmanship field.
- Transfer windows can now be set to start or end on a fixed day of the month.
- Fixed an issue with "Over 19/20/etc In Squad" rules not being used correctly.
- Fixed issue with relegation playoffs with lower custom divisions not working in the game correctly sometimes.
- Fixed issue where original registration dates were being used for customised continental competitions in Asia, Africa and South America.
- Fixed issue with edited team colours for a specific competition not being used for that competition.
- Championship playoffs are now used to qualify teams to continental cup competitions.
- Fixed not entering end date in sponsorship causing the end date to appear as 1900.
- Fixed media source clubs not being ported from edt file.
- Fixed journalist favourite club field not working
- Fixed journalists not always being retained by the game when starting new game with edited .dbc file.
- Fixed issue with a loan rule not being loaded in correctly from compressed files.
- Setting a person to a retired person now adds a change to the changes list.
- Editor now doesn't allow a league with fewer teams than it has promotion and relegation places.
- League matches can now be scheduled for Xmas Day if user wants.
- Fixed Not setting sponsorship end date in editor is making it appear in game with end date 1900.

- Adjusted expenditure at B-clubs
- Fixed issue where only the first processed sell-on clause sent a news item if a starting future transfer had multiple sell-on clauses triggered
- Fixed club debt not loading in when competitions are made active.
- Fixed potentially wage budget not calculated if user cancels a transfer deal until after continue is pressed.
- Adjusted the board provisional estimates of planned stadium expansions to better match what will actually take place at the end of season
- Manager spending stats now updated after transfer clauses are hit.
- Adjusted wages given to MLS managers.
- Adjusted Uruguayan wages.
- Adjusted Greek club expenditure.
- Adjusted Czech Manager wages.
- Adjusted wages given to Spanish youth players.
- Fixed cases where transfer budget decreases after player sale which involves a 'Percentage of Next Sale' clause.
- Fixed cases where club expenditure total not displayed correctly.
- Adjusted Latvian ticket prices.
- Adjusted Slovenia finances.
- Adjusted ROI league manager wages.
- Adjusted Polish First Division - TV Revenue.
- Fixed cases where user can exploit the budget sliders in order to afford wages for a player.
- Adjusted Danish wage budgets.

International Management
- Fixed issue where human would apply for youth national job and the national team would take a long time considering who to appoint.
- Fixed getting a welcome to club scout message when also taking on a national role.
- User is now prompted to give squad numbers to players called up late for national teams.
- Fixed "Capped at Youth Level" (U19 International etc) not being displayed on player attribute panel if capped below U21 level during game.
- Changed '<x> youth apps/goals' to '<x> U21 apps/goals' on main player profile as this is what the value represents.
- Fixed international scouting report news item claims scout 'has only just started this assignment' when he hasn't.
- Fixed issue where stored u21 apps/goals were being updated with u21 and u20 stats for players whose nations had both u21 and u20 teams. It now updates stored u21 apps/goals for the highest youth team in the nation.
- Stopped Team GB and other U23 teams advertising for new manager after Olympics finishes and they don't have another competition scheduled for a while.
- Fixed when user is offered GB U23 role, news item reads <x> offered England role.
- Assistant manager no longer suggests a squad for a finals competition if there is a more recent match in a different competition to play first.
- Fixed international scout searches being automatically setup for humans that become youth national manager as you have no control over scouts in this role.
- Fixed news item being sent with response options to offering manager when human offers another human a job at a nation.
- Stopped Suggest National Squad button appearing on a human national youth team manager.
- Fixed when U21/U19 manager declines a position, news item refers to them as just 'manager'.
- Fixed strings stating assistant manager suggested squad is based on the National Pool when it isn't.
- Suggested players now get added to the National Pool if the user opts to take the assistant manager's suggested squad advice.
- Fixed an issue where AI managers might sometimes not pick 3 goalkeepers in a squad.
- Improved retirements from international football.
- Fixed young players from the home nations gaining ability to play for a different home nation incorrectly.
- Players who are no longer eligible to play for a nation are now removed from that nation’s national pool automatically.
- Friendly instructions can now be issued for U21 friendlies.
- Fixed human senior team manager removing a human U21/U19 manager not giving them any news notification.
- Fixed issue with Call Up To <nation> Squad not being a valid option for player who will reject call-up.
- Fixed being able to offer two national jobs simultaneously when, if both accepted, the staff limit will be exceeded.
- Stopped both managers receive U21 Weekly Fixture List news when two humans managing both senior and U21 in hot-seat game.
- Fixed user occasionally being approached for the vacant international management position he had just resigned from.
- Added Indemnity money for French National clubs.
- Adjusted Scottish club expenses.
- Fixed cases where club is over wage budget but can still offer high wages to players who they have on trial first.
- Fixed case of loan repayment continuing a month beyond the loan end date.
- A player no longer misses Champions League final to play in the Four Associations Tournament.

Manager Interaction
- Journalist seeking a response from another manager’s press conference now only sends one news items

- Fixed bug where youth teams for clubs with no reserve/B team did not play players who had been marked as available.
- Fixed a few cases of different kinds of shots/headers occasionally not displaying correctly on the graphical analysis panel
- Don’t show injured player popup dialog if no more subs can be made.
- Alt-tabbing out of a match highlight in full screen mode now won't pause the match.
- If human is forced to play a friendly match due to no assistant manager or coaches, the match screen now lets him progress through the match setup screens.
- Prevented assistant from giving stats based analysis feedback before a few minutes have been played.
- A couple of very minor tweaks to ME v987
- Replays of all highlights (not just goals) now works when user is watching the full match.

- Tuned team and player morale changes and maintenance through the game
- Tuned player morale changes related to player conversations

Newgens, Player Progression and Retirements
- Adjusted the ratio of newgens originating from the French academies
- Adjusted the creation of newgens in American Development leagues and player eligibility for the draft
- Adjusted the creation of extra players for added leagues
- Signing a virtual (grey) player now keeps their homegrown status as it was when he was still a virtual.
- Adjusted newgen creation date checking so leagues started with a 2012 start date also get newgens generated already in the first season.
- Adjusted preferred formations generated for players turning into non-players to be more often linked to nation preferred formations.
- Adjusted common name generation for newgens (Brazil, Spain etc.)
- Fixed cases of a player deciding to retire due to injury at the end of the season but still coming back and playing rest of the season after recovering from injury
- Adjusted the injury related retirements to make high earning players more likely to fight back from serious injuries
- Adjusted the impact of very long injuries on abilities of older players so they won't decline too much

- Fixed areas of news delivery where it was being sent to club team rather than team overall which could potentially mean humans missing out on news about players who are not in their senior squad.
- Fixed issue where team might not be described as amateurs.
- Some minor improvements to match report news.
- Fixed issue where Conversations button would appear on a news item which wasn't personal to you.
- Fixed an issue where players signed from a trial contract weren't forced to be registered in the squad if the league required it.
- Fixed news item wrongly stating player was 'out of contract' where he was on an Amateur Contract.
- Fixed virtual players being described as 'player' in places like match report instead of using their basic playing position.
- Removed malfunctioning 'Match Report' link button for matches where the match info on the Team Report is not available.
- Stopped user being described as attending a game after ignoring the weekly fixture list news item as international manager.
- View Goal link now will not appear in the goal drought ended news item if the match is unavailable.
- Improved the player's response comment news when replying to a managers praise etc.
- Fixed headline on media praising/criticising player form in relation to internationals potentially mentioning club favourite when not relevant.
- Fixed work permit news mentioning that player is signing on a free transfer when he's signing on loan.
- Fixed pre-season odds news item says B team have 'enough quality to gain promotion' when they can't win promotion due to main club being in the division above.
- Stopped respond to press conferences news item been sent when the other manager is a player/caretaker manager.
- User is now able to say that they do not know a manager when asked how they got on at a personal level when reply to the other managers comment from a press conference.
- Fixed wrong Stadium named in pitch condition manager Comment news item.
- Fixed national squad suggestion news item referring to a player as playing for his national team instead of his club.
- When commenting on an under pressure manager the headline now correctly mentions the manager rather than the journalist.
- Fixed occasional instance of attendance being used as number of goals in match day round-up news instead of goals scored.
- Fixed issue with wrong loan stats being shown on a loan expiry news item.
- Fixed compensation sentence in signing non-player as manager stated as paid to the club that they were at before the one that they are leaving.
- Fixed code appearing in the public unhappiness news about a player been unhappy at the sale of another player.
- Fixed transfer window roundup news item generated for a transfer window which didn't apply to that particular competition.
- Fixed candidate for the vacant managerial position described as 'Manager' when he has a different role.
- Fixed user not being notified about ability to match bid on their affiliated clubs players if the affiliate had accepted multiple bids for the same player.
- Fixed missing full stop in some news items which outline squad rules after making a new signing.
- Fixed Player Will Leave On Bosman news item being generated for players for whom the Bosman ruling does not apply.
- Fixed 'Your manager...' appearing in national Choose Captain message instead of 'Your assistant manager...'
- Stopped user being able to apply for same job again via job centre, having just applied via news item.
- Fixed bug where squad selection news was sent to the manager when no squad selection rules were in place.
- Stopped Offer Contract button appearing in trial finishing news item when a contract has already been offered.
- Prevented misleading strings appearing from player when a loan is about to be extended.
- Fixed player debut news item being described as a return to the team when he had only previously been on trial at the club.
= Fixed 'Offer Contract' button not being cleared down when the user cancels the transfer via the Transfer Centre.
- Fixed issue where physio would recommend you terminate an injured loan player's trial when that option wasn't valid (e.g. for window to window loans).
- When terminating multiple staff contracts, fixed being able to select a sacked staff member to take over another sacked staff member's internal team role.

Player Interaction
- Stopped players asking to stop on the same day they request to terminate their contract.
- No longer can chat to non-contract players about transfer related topics.
- When a player has concerns about wanting first team football the promise to play them is now available if the player doesn't need to be registered.
- No longer can you suggest to co-owned player that they might be transfer listed.
- Players no longer incorrectly become concerned when they are offered to clubs by the user and a team hasn't placed a bid on the player.
- Stopped inappropriate player interaction options been available for non-full national teams.
- When transfer listing a player by request, the player will no longer be unhappy about their transfer request been rejected.
- Stopped co-owned players been unhappy about wanting a new contract.
- Setting up tutoring between an A team and a B team player now works correctly.
- Fixed code appearing when a player references a previous conversation they had with the manager about treating a team mate unfairly.
- Players who are unhappy about the club underachieving and were promised you would turn it around will now have the happiness removed.
- Fixed inconsistences between player reactions to conversation displayed on their information screen.
- When tutoring when asked to change a player’s personality is used the competition news item no longer states little was gained.
- Stopped players becomes unhappy with his manager after the club he is offered to decline to make a bid for him
- User no longer allowed to state to a player that they haven't been playing well or doing poorly in training when the player is injured in the transfer listing conversations
- Limited the number of other players who got upset if you hadn’t made a player happy in a conversation
- The promise end date is now correctly set when you promise a player you will improve the clubs reputation
- When a player requests to be removed from the transfer list and you agree the players transfer status is now fully cleared
- A player’s performance will now go down if you have told him you will be resting him but still plays him
- Players who want to leave no longer refuse to be transfer listed

Press Conferences
- Press conference question asked about player returning from injury but player is away on international duty.
- Fixed press conference question asking if you plan to rest a player due to fatigue but player is suspended for game.
- Fixed club manager being asked question about injured player call-up when he is also international manager.
- Fixed pre-match press conference question about play-off not being treated like a cup stage.
- Re-worded press conference topic to use team name rather than 'your' when a topic concerns a team's elimination from a competition.

- Added strings to scout assignment completion news item to explain why the scout finishes his assignment quickly when he has excellent knowledge.
- Ensured scouts are more consistent with their assignment results with and without prior knowledge.
- Adjusted some the player role calculations contained within report cards.

- Only send agent retiring news for agents you are subscribed to or if you have player(s) belonging to that agent.
- Stopped manager being automatically subscribed to teams he has declared interest in.
- Fixed managers getting other managers' fans' confidence news in network games.
- Stopped other human managers getting spammed about transfer cancellations when another human resigns or retires.
- Fixed news item potentially being marked as Must Respond even though they are only subscription news items and don't require a response.

Team Meeting
- Team meeting suggestions are no longer made when the club doesn't have enough players to hold a meeting
- Toned down the player reactions in team meetings
- Fixed the strings when only one player reacted well or badly
- Stopped the user been able to have a team meeting about pre-season chances directly after the start of the season

Team Talks
- Disabled half-time team talks from being available to players sent off in the first half
- Disabled "Undo Last" in tactics after a team talk is given as team talks cannot be undone
- Fixed some translations for talks aimed at individuals showing up in positional team talk menus when targeting multiple players
- Adjusted the effect of team talks on high reputation players when delivered by low reputation managers
- Adjusted text used for assistant suggestions when it is a 2nd leg match

- Adjusted the workload settings used by assistant manager if in charge of match preparation.
- Adjusted the match preparation workload settings for youth teams.
- Reduced occurrences of coach progression update news from world class players already at the top of their game.
- Fixed some MLS players being set on part-time schedules when claimed from waiver draft.
- Prevented coaches from selecting players who have just recently recovered from long injuries for the training update news.
- Improved the setup of AI manager match preparation training.
- Adjusted learning new positions via training so players with many positions loose familiarity with old positions to prevent attribute drops.

- Fixed some issues stopping players going out on loan to feeder clubs.
- Fixed the transfer offer panel showing a blank offer when using 'change transfer bid' immediately after making the initial offer.
- Stopped transfers having too big an impact on minor club's reputation.
- Stopped board blocking signing of coaches when under allowed limit.
- Stopped lower division teams from targeting too many bosman signings that can't join the club immediately.
- Fixed an issue where some amateur contracted players couldn't be approached to sign.
- Encouraged players who fall foul of maximum style squad registration rules to be listed.
- Fixed an issue whereby a currently co-owned player that was bought outright and the playing rights weren't held by the purchasing team, wouldn't be removed from his previous club.
- Made some adjustments to make clubs with restricted 'B' clubs a bit more severe regarding trying to offload unwanted players.

- Arrows on Transfer Clauses panel now match direction of money
- Fix row colouring on teams that qualify for next round in a league that splits
- Fixed a refresh issue when user changes the Bans section competition on a player profile screen.
- Fixed bug where player stats from previous seasons were showing up in unattached players profiles.
- Added tooltip to the lock in the contract neg.
- Fixed an issue with the offer to clubs panel for co-ownership deals
- Fixed Human contract offer issues
- Fixed MLS/A league contract types shown as "Full Time" instead of Senior etc.
- Issue with -1 positions on the continental competitions panel.
- Fixed Finances graph changes after navigating away then going in to Finances again
- Fixed issue with stat context not refreshing on the Player Search screen
- Aggregate wins/second leg matches now correctly indicate extra time/penalties in competition fixtures
- View scout reports action no longer available on loaned out players
- Scout action menu no longer available clubs affiliated with the human's team (human gets coach reports instead)
- Fixed player asking price not updating on transfer info panel
- Fixed competition rankings leaving out some positions
- Fixed issue with the contract wage being invalid when no contract type selected.
- Fixed bug in match screen where players would not become visible if the user used the match time slider after pausing the match with the players hidden.
- Fixed right clicking on a team on the fixture list and proposing a friendly will lead to the fixtures list getting corrupted
- Fixed lag present when tick boxes are used in Filters.
- Fixed report on player profile is misleading by only showing recommendation/potential ability instead of current ability
- Fixed changing the Squad Numbers screen's drop down menu leads to information disappearing
- Fixed Unable to manually assign a youth player a squad number.
- Fixed After removing the last "shout", the select instructions remain highlighted
- Fixed Player who does not have a biography displays two "Position" panels.
- Fixed Transfer info panel missing some information on player overview
- Fixed creating a note with a one off reminder doesn't store the note in the "Reminder" notes section
- Fixed Drag and drop does not function when placing a player in specific position in a list on set pieces panel
- Fixed Progress for achievement types in player profile achievements panel are misaligned
- Fixed "Contract" panel for free agents has hyperlink for "Contract" which won't do anything.
- Fixed "Contract" panel is present twice by default
- Fixed three of the available views all display the same information on national pool panel
- Fixed Team and Squad widgets go blank on continue on title bar
- Fixed Date not clear in Achievements subpanel
- Fixed After naming less than the available 7 substitutes, players will appear duplicated on the bench following substitution
- Fixed Nation flags not functioning as links
- Fixed Fixture details display incorrectly
- Fixed that on Nations' home page, sub-panels are repeated
- Fixed 'Assistant Reports' View on squad screen not available for B teams
- Fixed Selecting to propose a friendly with a team who is unavailable that day will initially show available days incorrectly
- Fixed editing the columns leads to the Arrange Friendly screen not functioning correctly
- Fixed Work around to add new manager during match day
- Fixed PKD Menu displaying incorrectly after user clears a saved team selection.
- Fixed arranging an international friendly cannot be selected in February
- Fixed International Friendly dates can be arranged which are not listed under available fixtures
- Fixed Unavailable International friendly dates not greyed out and can be selected
- League history graph and table now show years when teams were in inactive divisions.
- Fixed issue where Force Continue dropdown on Network Game Settings panel had duplicate items added to it.
- Fixed misleading squad status for co-owned players
- Fixed Set Transfer Status being allowed for co-owned players when viewing from the non-human club
- Recent Offers now updates properly when new offers are made.
- Fixed a problem where a processing dialog would appear if a user entered a chat message when his machine was waiting in a network game.
- If player is a part of a trial, draft or mills lottery day then convey this to the user on the contract offer screen
- Show the correct previous contract types in the contract offer screen for MLS / A-League special contracts
- Fixed Graphical inconsistency in edit categories drop down menu
- Fixed when you select to create a note via a game object's context menu, focus should be on the Title field
- Fixed Touchline menus appear when switching a match replay to TV View.
- Fixed Upcoming Fixtures missing on overview page following European Championship group stage draw
- Fixed No [Propose Friendly] menu on a Club/Nation screen
- Fixed Create Note icon not working on any Club screens.
- Fixed bug on tactics pitch during a match where the wrong kit would sometimes be used for a team.
- Add/Remove Leagues and set competition detail level panels now display confirmation dialog when leaving the panel
- Status icons for loaned out players now update properly when the user changes the players transfer listing status
- Made the board compensation string a little larger on the contract offer panel
- Stop the game from removing the player's wage from the total wage amount that counts towards the salary cap in the squad registration screen if the player is on a MLS Guaranteed Contract.
- Transfer information panel now considers the context team
- Player status icons now set the correct context team when clicked
- Fixed Substituting the Captain leads to the Captain icon disappearing and confusion over who is captain
- Fixed Player Instructions not refreshing until tick box ticked in Tactics Overview
- Fixed Captain and Vice-Captain listed in the Staff section of a club profile
- Fixed Profile of loan player often displays loan status incorrectly
- Fixed Navigating away from the Fixtures screen does not display the previously selected season upon returning
- Fixed Players are not positioned correctly on the pitch in the formations panel
- Fixed Virtual Player has blank Bans Competitions button on Dashboard panel
- Fixed Missing hyperlink to "Positions" sub-panel on the Attributes and Profile panel's Positions sub-panel
- Allow multiple stalled offers for incoming players
- Removed Clauses and Fees from a MLS internal transfer as they aren't supported
- Made the [Match] Continue button more obvious when leaving the Match screen
- Fixed "[%number#1]" appears when player has scored 1 International goal
- Fixed selecting a team's formation on the split view leads to the shirt colours turning black
- Fixed User taken to empty pitch if they Confirm/Cancel Tactic changes after highlight has ended
- Fixed Team Instructions for Playmaker, Target Man and Target Man Supply are unclear to the user
- Fixed Bans widget not displaying Global Ban
- Fixed Filters not working within Set Piece Creator
- Fixed No space appears between the formation and the words Tactical Changes Pending when playing in Split View
- Fixed Shirts in the formation widget/information box during a match are different sizes
- Fixed Season Stats should show goals conceded for goalkeepers
- Fixed Customised View in fixtures panel not remembered on Continue
- Fixed Reserves not showing when its filter checkbox is ticked
- Fixed Days to fixture no longer displayed in brackets
- Fixed Show player condition tick box is not disabled when viewing highlights of a previous match
- Fixed certain physical stats are missing in the attributes panel on the player profile screen in certain resolutions
- Fixed Order of Team Squads in Filters and Title bar contradict each other
- Fixed disappearing attributes
- Added advice history to staff profile
- Fixed person name colour not changing when scouted
- Fixed Boardroom Budget Adjustment glitch for Australian clubs
- Context actions cache is now cleared on Continue
- Fixed Text cut off in nation profile.
- Custom youth competitions now don't appear in 2 places in the World menu.
- Fixed referees stats page when no matches have been played
- Fixed remembering selected view in team history screen
- Fixed date format for retired staff (i.e. 1999-12 will now be 1999-2012)
- Fixed bug related to youth departures news item not showing the right info when link clicked
- Fixed code appearing in the conversation history comments when the conversation was instigated by an AI manager.
- Fixed a situation where the next match in the manager's profile screen was not being updated correctly.
- Don't show make available for U19s option for a player if the player is too old for the U19s.
- Player links in National match screens now link to the player with the correct team
- World ranking sort order no longer changes when using filters
- Player comparison now selects the most-recently viewed player
- National U21 staff now have a reports tab
- Fixed missing career stat labels in manager history
- Fixed an issue where sometimes a national best eleven would only display 8 players on the pitch.
- Improved error messages in some situations when a player cannot be sent out on loan to an affiliate.
- Fixed the international friendly instructions screen sometimes wrongly (dis)allowing the setting of instructions on some players the first time the screen is entered.
- The end date on the rules screen for leagues which use a split is now shown correctly.
- Fixed text overlap on competition stage panel.
- When backup tactics are added, the game will now try to keep players in the same positions as the starting tactic.
- Saving game progress bar now works correctly when using auto save.
- Players previous wage can now be viewed during MLS waiver draft
- Fixed scrolling layout issue in conversation history
- Added a search box to the search panel when no results are available
- Fixed Keep History after Retirement action
- Number of players in squad label on squad profiles now includes the correct number of virtual players for the team.
- Fixed some issues with the Qualification Places panel for Asia.
- Fixed issue with goalkeeper kits not using correct foreground colour in some situations.
- Fixed issue where player's playing history loses the division last played in when he signs for another team.
- Fixed issue where continent competitions panel doesn't show the last winners of leagues which are not currently active.
- Competition Detail Level now gets a scrollbar
- Fixed right-click issue with physio injury reports
- Squad selection actions now updated properly when selection is changed
- Fixed 0 appearing below U23 Olympics side in sender part of inbox panel.
- Fixed history for international U21/19/etc managers.
- Adjusted the appearance of the different arrows when "show recent attribute changes" is ticked, so even the smaller changes are indicated as evident in the training panel graphs.
- Fixed some issues with picking squad selections for B clubs.
- B team players can now be shown when picking European registrations.
- Scout reports due date now sorts correctly.
- Stopped retired players sometimes remaining on an agent’s client list.
- Fixed issue where opposition tactics aren't updated sometimes when viewing the Opposition Instructions formation panel.

Network Game
- Fixed when a client sends a message via manager chat it would cause other clients on the inbox screen to advance to the next news item.
PS4 pro.

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