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"Пикник на обочине" Раздел по популярному проекту S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Опции темы
Старый 13.04.2007, 21:44   #1
Опытный игрок
Аватар для Jesh
Регистрация: 19.08.2007
Сообщений: 1,050
Репутация: 145 [+/-]
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Создание модов

Мануал по созданию модификаций для начинающих
Часть 1.
Часть 2.

Что необходимо:

Статьи участников:
Скрытый текст:
Активация артефактов
В Зоне только день
В Зоне только день способ 2
Вывод координат на екран
Выдача Волком оружия
Выдача оружия в ЧН
Добавление транспорта
Динамические диалоги
Добавление новых локаций в ЧН и ЗП
Изменение первоначального инвентаря у Меченого(1-й урок читерства)
Имитация намокания дороги во время дождя
Как менять ломкость брони
Качание оружия при хотьбе
Материал про: активацию артефактов, добавление статей в ПДА, редактирование НПС, создание новой группировки, вычисление координат
Настройка AI Wrapper от bardak'a
Настройка конвертора bardak'a
NPC покупают и продают оружие
Носимый вес
Описание Actor.ltx
Параметры оружия с описанием
Прорисовка уровня и изменение дистанции видимости
Прототип динамических новостей
Работа с acdc от Bardak-a
Размер раны
Редактирование мультиплеерных карт, для последующего их запуска в сингле
Создание механика
Создание уровня для сингла
Создание нового оружия
Создание скриптовых роликов
Создание квеста
Создание нового НПС путём редактрирования all.spawn
Создание HUD модели оружия
Спавн предметов в инвентарь (2-й урок читерства)
Свойства костюмов
Cпавн монстра
Транспорт в игре
Уменьшение сытости ГГ

Работы участников:

Разрабатываемые моды:
Скрытый текст:
antdiablon, Минор
Nacek 2

Полезные ссылки

Мод-портал. - Официальная вики по модам для сталкера (Не обновляется)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Inside Wiki. - Фанатская вики по модострою для сталкера.

X-Ray SDK. Ныне все вопросы с ним обсуждаются тут.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Universal Extractor.

Внимание: если Вы новичок, то сперва ознакомьтесь с мануалом по созданию модификаций для начинающих
При вылетах также прилагайте лог ошибки!!!

Последний раз редактировалось DoctorWagner; 26.02.2023 в 22:25.
Jesh вне форума  
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Старый 01.05.2012, 10:30   #3761
Регистрация: 01.05.2012
Сообщений: 23
Репутация: 3 [+/-]
Люди такое дело. Я пытаюсь добавить торговцам оружие которого у них нет. Четко следую инструкциям которые описаны здесь, но оно не добавляется. В чем дело?
h0L0d вне форума  
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Старый 01.05.2012, 12:05   #3762
Аватар для LogruS
Регистрация: 05.03.2007
Адрес: Московская обл.
Сообщений: 6,395
Репутация: 661 [+/-]
h0L0d, проверяй правильность написания и то, чтобы строки оружия были вставлены в нужный блок в файле торговца.
В электронике одно из первых мест занимает кувалда.
LogruS вне форума  
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Старый 01.05.2012, 14:03   #3763
Аватар для Earthw0rmJim
Регистрация: 01.05.2012
Адрес: Беларусь, Гомель
Сообщений: 1
Репутация: 0 [+/-]
Фига се...я и не знал, что уже с апреля 2007 года начали ковырять игру.
Эта тема уже 5 лет существует.

Последний раз редактировалось Earthw0rmJim; 01.05.2012 в 14:25. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
Earthw0rmJim вне форума  
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Старый 03.05.2012, 13:53   #3764
Регистрация: 01.05.2012
Сообщений: 23
Репутация: 3 [+/-]
все я решил данную проблему. Во первых я просто заменял названия имеющегося там оружия на название того что хочу внести. Во вторых в данной статье не дописано что нужно в разделе sell выставлять цену оружия.
h0L0d вне форума  
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Старый 04.05.2012, 06:07   #3765
Аватар для Earth2Space
Регистрация: 20.01.2009
Адрес: Хабаровск
Сообщений: 11,733
Репутация: 1136 [+/-]
Earthw0rmJim, игру с момента выхода начали ковырять.
h0L0d, в каком моде делаешь?
ZTE Axon 7
Nokia Lumia 920
Earth2Space вне форума  
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Старый 04.05.2012, 10:11   #3766
Регистрация: 30.10.2010
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 0 [+/-]
у меня вопрос что нужно сделать чтоб лечить раненых врагов?
я диалоги добавил но диалога "дать аптечку" нету только диалог "что новенького" я не знаю че делать?
warg999 вне форума  
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Старый 04.05.2012, 13:29   #3767
Регистрация: 01.05.2012
Сообщений: 23
Репутация: 3 [+/-]
Да вроде без модов. В оригинале пытаюсь.

Добавлено через 23 часа 34 минуты
Люди вопрос такой. Я изменил цену оружия и костюмов. Где теперь найти параметры улучшенного снаряжения чтобы и в его параметрах покопаться.

Последний раз редактировалось h0L0d; 05.05.2012 в 13:03. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
h0L0d вне форума  
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Старый 06.05.2012, 08:07   #3768
Регистрация: 30.10.2010
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 0 [+/-]
h0L0d, уникальные вещи лежат в gamedata\config\misc\unique_items.ltx
warg999 вне форума  
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Старый 08.05.2012, 15:27   #3769
Аватар для Винtorez
Регистрация: 29.09.2010
Адрес: У меня дома
Сообщений: 208
Репутация: 20 [+/-]
Столкнулся с проблемой но уже решыл и вам подскажу если кто не найдёт.
Не распаковывался и не паковался алл.спавн через АСДС. У меня Виндовс 7. Записал Актив Перл.
Было в бат-файлах(ощыбка):
acdc.pl -d all.spawn
acdc.pl -c all.ltx

Написал perl сначало и все заработало!
perl acdc.pl -d all.spawn
perl acdc.pl -c all.ltx
Винtorez вне форума  
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Старый 09.05.2012, 16:26   #3770
Регистрация: 09.05.2012
Сообщений: 2
Репутация: 0 [+/-]
Люди подскажите плиз как включить сглаживание моделей в XRAY COP SDK 0.7 ато после экспорта в формат ogf в игре модели выглядят не сглаженными как будто их топором обрезали.
WoLf_StAk вне форума  
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Старый 10.05.2012, 11:03   #3771
Опытный игрок
Аватар для Jesh
Регистрация: 19.08.2007
Сообщений: 1,050
Репутация: 145 [+/-]
Никак, могу предложить варианты через Maya:
1. уже экспортированный *.object открой в майке и правильно настрой рёбра жёсткости
2. сделанную в 3ds Max модель перенеси в майку через *.fbx или *.obj и настрой рёбра жёсткости -/
пока решение проблемы упирается в плагин для макса, возможно скором будущем паблик появится уже доработанный, а пока - те способы, что описал.
"Чем больше нас, тем меньше их..."
Jesh вне форума  
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Старый 11.05.2012, 13:09   #3772
Регистрация: 01.05.2012
Сообщений: 23
Репутация: 3 [+/-]
Подскажите плиз, можно ли как нибудь торговцев "заставить" ремонтировать оружие и бронь?
h0L0d вне форума  
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Старый 11.05.2012, 14:59   #3773
Аватар для Earth2Space
Регистрация: 20.01.2009
Адрес: Хабаровск
Сообщений: 11,733
Репутация: 1136 [+/-]
h0L0d, скачать мод и посмотреть как там сделано.
ZTE Axon 7
Nokia Lumia 920
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Старый 12.05.2012, 14:33   #3774
Аватар для Винtorez
Регистрация: 29.09.2010
Адрес: У меня дома
Сообщений: 208
Репутация: 20 [+/-]
Столкнулся с проблемой:
Запуская новую игру моего мода, посвляюсь, и все люди бродят без работы, и старые, которые находились под гулагом, и созданые мною(логика через cfg = scripts\escape\fracture_003.ltx в алл. спавне)
И при общении с любым НПС вылет:
Expression : fatal error
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
File : E:\stalker\patch_1_0004\xr_3da\xrGame\script_engin e.cpp
Line : 73
Description : <no expression>
Arguments : LUA error: ...ino?ie\s.t.a.l.k.e.r\gamedata\scripts\dialogs** ***ipt:34: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Что делать, проблема на ровном месте!
Винtorez вне форума  
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Старый 13.05.2012, 21:17   #3775
Регистрация: 09.05.2012
Сообщений: 2
Репутация: 0 [+/-]
Jesh спасибо!Попробую как ты и сказал.

Добавлено через 6 минут
Винtorez может ты не правильно написал функцию в диалоге.

Последний раз редактировалось WoLf_StAk; 13.05.2012 в 21:36. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
WoLf_StAk вне форума  
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Старый 15.05.2012, 16:40   #3776
Аватар для Винtorez
Регистрация: 29.09.2010
Адрес: У меня дома
Сообщений: 208
Репутация: 20 [+/-]
WoLf_StAk, нет с функциями всё нормально.
Винtorez вне форума  
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Старый 16.05.2012, 16:51   #3777
Регистрация: 30.10.2010
Сообщений: 15
Репутация: 0 [+/-]
народ подскажите есть мородер мод для тени чернобыля для чистой игры, чтоб броня соответствовала визуалу?
нашел только "Nuclear Wind v 0.1.1 beta" но в нем еще есть моды которые мне не нужны, я вырезал остальные моды но меня смущает amk*****ipt
он слишком большой мне кажеться там много лишнего а как это вырезать незнаю.

Добавлено через 22 часа 44 минуты
Здоровте все! кто знает есть мод на тень чернобыля "Зомбирование ГГ" отдельно от глобальных модов?

Последний раз редактировалось warg999; 17.05.2012 в 15:36. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
warg999 вне форума  
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Старый 17.05.2012, 17:44   #3778
Аватар для venom9875
Регистрация: 07.03.2009
Адрес: Галактика Млечный Путь
Сообщений: 615
Репутация: 169 [+/-]
warg999, по поводу брони - могу порекомендовать АИ-пак от XTream'а - там и лечат, и бросают гранаты, и переодеваются в лучшую броньку.

Винtorez, у меня подобное было, когда была допущена синтаксическая ошибка в одном из скриптов гулагов, а именно в gulag_escape.sсript. Проверь на правильность синтаксиса, может в них была допущена ошибка. которая и вызывает вышенаписанную вами.
Кому вообще какая разница, что думают другие, а? Загляните в свое сердце и делайте то, что поможет стать вам счастливее.

Роберт Келсо
venom9875 вне форума  
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Старый 18.05.2012, 15:18   #3779
Аватар для Винtorez
Регистрация: 29.09.2010
Адрес: У меня дома
Сообщений: 208
Репутация: 20 [+/-]
Дело в том, что и новые НПС, у которых отдельная логика тоже начинают ходить и сообщения не выдаются.
Вот gulag_escape.sсript:
Скрытый текст:
local t = {}

function load_job(sj, gname, type, squad, groups)

--- mar лагерь ---
if type == "mar_lager" then
t = { section = "logic@mar_lager_marsh_provodnik",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

--- baza_mar лагерь ---
if type == "baza_mar_lager" then
t = { section = "logic@baza_mar_lager_baza_marsh_provodnik",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
--' Escape blockpost
if type == "esc_blokpost" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_patrol1",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {0},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_blockpost_patrol_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_follower1",
idle = 0,
prior = 7, state = {0},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_blockpost_patrol_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_follower2",
idle = 0,
prior = 7, state = {0},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_blockpost_patrol_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_commander_day",
idle = 0,
prior = 100, state = {0,2},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_blokpost_commander"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_post1",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {0,1,2},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_post2",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {0,1,2},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_camper_day",
idle = 0,
prior = 6, state = {0,2},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_patrol_yard",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0,1},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_watch_tv1",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {0},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_watch_tv2",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {0},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_kamp1",
idle = 0,
prior = 4, state = {1},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_kamp1",
idle = 0,
prior = 4, state = {1},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_kamp2",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {1},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_blokpost_commander"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_sleep1",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {1},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_sleep2",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {1},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_sleep3",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {1},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_sleep4",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {1},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_comander_guard1",
idle = 0,
prior = 6, state = {2},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_comander_guard2",
idle = 0,
prior = 6, state = {2},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_camper1",
idle = 0,
prior = 6, state = {2},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_camper2",
idle = 0,
prior = 6, state = {2},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_alarm_patrol1",
idle = 0,
prior = 6, state = {2},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_blockpost_alarm_patrol2",
idle = 0,
prior = 6, state = {2},
position_threshold = 100,
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_blockpost_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)

--' Спецназ на блокпосте
if type == "esc_specnaz" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_raid1",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_raid2",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_follower1",
idle = 0,
prior = 7, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_follower2",
idle = 0,
prior = 7, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_follower3",
idle = 0,
prior = 7, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_specnaz_follower4",
idle = 0,
prior = 7, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

--' Лагерь новичков на Escape
if type == "esc_lager" then
-- охранники
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_zoneguard1",
idle = 0,
prior = 9, state = {0, 1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone",
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_zoneguard2",
idle = 0,
prior = 9, state = {0, 1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone",
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_walker3",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {0, 1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_walker4",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {0, 1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
-- у костра днём
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_kamp1",
idle = 0,
prior = 6, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_kamp1",
idle = 0,
prior = 6, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_kamp1",
idle = 0,
prior = 6, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
-- Волк, собственной персоной.
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_volk",
idle = 0,
prior = 16, state = {0,1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_wolf"
table.insert(sj, t)
-- Шустрый
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_shustryi",
idle = 0,
prior = 16, state = {0,1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_shustryi"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_kamp1",
idle = 0,
prior = 16, state = {2},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_shustryi"
table.insert(sj, t)

-- Фанат
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_fanat",
idle = 0,
prior = 16, state = {0,1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_fanat"
table.insert(sj, t)

-- спящие ночью
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_sleeper1",
idle = 0,
prior = 3, state = {1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_sleeper2",
idle = 0,
prior = 3, state = {1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_kamp1",
idle = 0,
prior = 3, state = {1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
-- спящие ночью и днёи
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_sleeper5",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0,1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_kamp1",
idle = 0,
prior = 0, state = {0,1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_sleeper7",
idle = 0,
prior = 0, state = {0,1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)

t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend1",
idle = 0,
prior = 15, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend2",
idle = 0,
prior = 14, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend3",
idle = 0,
prior = 13, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend4",
idle = 0,
prior = 12, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend5",
idle = 0,
prior = 11, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend6",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend7",
idle = 0,
prior = 9, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend8",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend9",
idle = 0,
prior = 16, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker1"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend10",
idle = 0,
prior = 16, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_vagon_wounded"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend11",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend12",
idle = 0,
prior = 20, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_fanat"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_lager_defend13",
idle = 0,
prior = 20, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_wolf" and not (has_alife_info("agroprom_military_case_have") and has_alife_info("esc_fanat_spawn"))
table.insert(sj, t)

--' Бандиты на фабрике
if type == "esc_fabrika_bandit" then
-- часовые днём
t = { section = "logic@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker1",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {0},
in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker2",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {0},
in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker3",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {0},
in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker4",
idle = 5,
prior = 10, state = {0,2},
in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor",
redicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_factory_prisoner_guard"
table.insert(sj, t)
-- сидящие у костра
t = { section = "logic@esc_fabrika_bandit_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 1, state = {0},
in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_fabrika_bandit_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 1, state = {0},
in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
-- аларм
t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
-- t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker4",
-- idle = 0,
-- prior = 5, state = {2},
-- in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
-- }
-- table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker5",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {2},
in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker6",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {2},
in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "camper@esc_fabrika_bandit_walker7",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0,2},
in_rest = "esc_prison_zone", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)

--' Солдаты на мосту
if type == "esc_bridge" then
-- часовые днём
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_post1",
idle = 0,
prior = 7, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_post2",
idle = 0,
prior = 15, state = {0,1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_soldier_commander"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_post3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_post4",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_post5",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_post6",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {0,1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_kamp1",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_kamp3",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_kamp4",
idle = 0,
prior = 2, state = {1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_patrol",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "escape_bridge_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)

--' Наемники, атакующие новичков.
if type == "esc_killers" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_leader_raid",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {4},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
online = true,
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_killer_master"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer1_raid",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {4},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer2_raid",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {4},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer1_follower",
idle = 0,
prior = 7, state = {4},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer1_follower",
idle = 0,
prior = 7, state = {4},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer2_follower",
idle = 0,
prior = 7, state = {4},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer2_follower",
idle = 0,
prior = 7, state = {4},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
table.insert(sj, t)

t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight",
idle = 0,
prior = 15, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone",
position_threshold = 400,
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_killer_master"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_fight",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_lager_guard_kill_zone"
table.insert(sj, t)

t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 15, state = {2},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
position_threshold = 400,
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_killer_master"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_wait",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {3},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_wait",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {3},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_wait",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {3},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_wait",
idle = 0,
prior = 15, state = {3},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_killer_master"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_wait",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {3},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_guard1",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {3},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_guard2",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {3},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_guard3",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {3},
online = true,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_killer_kamp_offline",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
position_threshold = 400,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_dogs_to_fox" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_dogs_fox_attack"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_dogs_fox_attack"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_dogs_fox_attack"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_dogs_fox_attack"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_to_fox",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_dogs_fox_attack"
table.insert(sj, t)


if type == "esc_dogs_swarm" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_dogs_swarm2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {2},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_boars_dogs" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs_old",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_boars_dogs",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)


if type == "esc_ambush" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_ambush1",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_ambush_out_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_ambush2",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_ambush_out_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_corps" then

t = { section = "logic@esc_corps_wounded",
idle = 4,
prior = 10, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_vagon_wounded"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_corps_wounded",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_vagon_wounded"
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_assault" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_assault1",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_assault2",
idle = 0,
prior = 9, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker2"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_assault3",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {1},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker1"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_assault1",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_assault2",
idle = 0,
prior = 9, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker2"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_assault3",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker1"
table.insert(sj, t)

t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_fight1",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {2},
online = true,
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_fight2",
idle = 0,
prior = 9, state = {2},
online = true,
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker2"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_fight3",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {2},
online = true,
position_threshold = 100,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "esc_fabrika_bandit_space_restrictor",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker1"
table.insert(sj, t)

t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_home1",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {3},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_home2",
idle = 0,
prior = 9, state = {3},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker2"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_home_leader",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {3},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker1"
table.insert(sj, t)

t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {4},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 9, state = {4},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker2"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_assault_kamp",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {4},
online = true,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.name == "esc_novice_attacker1"
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_zombie_1" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_1_fd",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_fd",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_3_fd",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_4_fd",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_5_fd",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_6_fd",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_zombie_2" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home4",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home4",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home4",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home4",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_zombie_2_home4",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_flesh_1" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_flesh_1_camp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_flesh_1_camp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_flesh_1_camp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_flesh_2" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_flesh_2_camp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_flesh_2_camp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_flesh_2_camp",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_bridge_boar" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_boar",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_boar",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_boar",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_boar",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_bridge_boar",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_small_home1" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home1",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_small_home2" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home2",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_small_home3" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home3",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_small_home4" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home4",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home4",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_small_home5" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home5",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home5",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_small_home6" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home6",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_small_home6",
idle = 0,
prior = 5, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = ""
table.insert(sj, t)

if type == "esc_stalker_camp" then
t = { section = "logic@esc_stalker_camp_provodnik",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {0},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_provodnik"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_stalker_fox",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {0},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_fox"
table.insert(sj, t)

t = { section = "logic@esc_stalker_camp_provodnik",
idle = 0,
prior = 10, state = {1},
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_provodnik"
table.insert(sj, t)
t = { section = "logic@esc_stalker_camp1",
idle = 0,
prior = 8, state = {1},
online = false,
in_rest = "", out_rest = "",
predicate = function(obj_info)
return obj_info.profile_name == "esc_fox"
table.insert(sj, t)


function load_states(gname, type)

--- mar лагерь ---
if type == "mar_lager" then
return function (gulag)
return 0

--- baza_mar лагерь ---
if type == "baza_mar_lager" then
return function (gulag)
return 0

if type == "esc_blokpost" then
return function (gulag)
local actor = db.actor
if not actor then
return gulag.state

for k,v in pairs(gulag.Object) do
if v ~= true and v:best_enemy() ~= nil then
gulag.alarm_start = game.get_game_time()
return 2 -- тревога

if gulag.alarm_start == nil or
game.get_game_time():diffSec(gulag.alarm_start) > 300 then
if level.get_time_hours() >= 6 and level.get_time_hours() <= 22 then
return 0 -- день
return 1 -- ночь
return 2

if type == "esc_lager" then
return function(gulag)
local actor = db.actor
if not actor then
return gulag.state
if has_alife_info("escape_lager_help") and has_alife_info("escape_lager_killers_die") then
return 2 -- оборона лагеря
elseif level.get_time_hours() >= 5 and level.get_time_hours() <= 22 then
return 0 -- день
return 1 -- ночь

if type == "esc_bridge" then
return function(gulag)
if db.actor ~= nil then
if ( level.get_time_hours() >= 5 and level.get_time_hours() <= 22 ) then
return 0 -- день
return 1 -- ночь
return gulag.state

if type == "esc_fabrika_bandit" then
return function(gulag)
for k,v in pairs(gulag.Object) do
if v ~= true and v:best_enemy() ~= nil then
gulag.alarm_start = game.get_game_time()
return 2 -- тревога

if gulag.alarm_start == nil or
game.get_game_time():diffSec(gulag.alarm_start) > 300 then
return 0 -- день
return 2

if type == "esc_dogs_to_fox" then
return function(gulag)
local actor = db.actor
if not has_alife_info("escape_stalker_dog_spawn") then
return 0 -- оффлайн
elseif (has_alife_info("escape_stalker_dog_spawn") and not has_alife_info("escape_stalker_done")) or has_alife_info("esc_dogs_return") then
return 2 -- онлайн
return 1 -- атака

if type == "esc_specnaz" then
return function(gulag)
local actor = db.actor
if has_alife_info("esc_raid1_start") then
return 1
return 0

if type == "esc_boars_dogs" then
return function(gulag)
if has_alife_info("tutorial_wounded_give_info") then
return 1
return 0

if type == "esc_killers" then
return function(gulag)
local actor = db.actor
if not actor then
return gulag.state
if not has_alife_info("escape_lager_spawn_killers") then
return 0 -- offline
elseif has_alife_info("escape_lager_spawn_killers") and not has_alife_info("esc_killers_raid") then
return 3 -- wait
elseif has_alife_info("esc_killers_raid") and not has_alife_info("esc_open_killer_fire") then
return 4 -- raid
elseif has_alife_info("esc_open_killer_fire") and xr_gulag.getGulagPopulationComed("esc_lager") > 0 then
return 1 -- fight
elseif has_alife_info("esc_open_killer_fire") and xr_gulag.getGulagPopulationComed("esc_lager") <= 0 then
return 2 -- kamp
return gulag.state

if type == "esc_dogs_swarm" then
return function(gulag)
if game.get_game_time():diffSec(gulag.stateBegin) > 900 then
if gulag.state == 0 then
return 1
elseif gulag.state == 1 then
return 2
elseif gulag.state == 2 then
return 0
return gulag.state

if type == "esc_ambush" then
return function(gulag)
return 0
if type == "esc_corps" then
return function(gulag)
if has_alife_info("tutorial_wounded_start") then
return 1
return 0

if type == "esc_zombie_1" then
return function(gulag)
return 0

if type == "esc_zombie_2" then
return function(gulag)
return 0

if type == "esc_flesh_1" then
return function(gulag)
return 0

if type == "esc_flesh_2" then
return function(gulag)
return 0

if type == "esc_bridge_boar" then
return function(gulag)
return 0

if type == "esc_small_home1" then
return function(gulag)
return 0

if type == "esc_small_home2" then
return function(gulag)
return 0

if type == "esc_small_home3" then
return function(gulag)
return 0

if type == "esc_small_home4" then
return function(gulag)
return 0

if type == "esc_small_home5" then
return function(gulag)
return 0

if type == "esc_small_home6" then
return function(gulag)
return 0

if type == "esc_stalker_camp" then
return function(gulag)
if has_alife_info("yan_provodnik_spawn") then
return 1
return 0

if type == "esc_assault" then
return function(gulag)
if has_alife_info("esc_kill_bandits_quest_have") and not has_alife_info("esc_assault_start") then
return 1 -- сидят у костра
elseif has_alife_info("esc_assault_start") and not has_alife_info("esc_kill_bandits_quest_kill") then
return 2 -- атакуют фабрику
elseif has_alife_info("esc_kill_bandits_quest_kill") and (not has_alife_info("esc_kill_bandits_quest_done") or not has_alife_info("esc_petruha_great")) then
return 3 -- идут домой
elseif has_alife_info("esc_kill_bandits_quest_done") or has_alife_info("esc_petruha_great") then
return 4 -- идут домой
return 0 -- сидят в оффлайне


-- Dynamic ltx
function load_ltx(gname, type)
return nil

function checkStalker(npc_community, gulag_type, npc_rank, se_obj)

--- mar лагерь ---
if gulag_type == "mar_lager" then
return se_obj:profile_name() == "marsh_provodnik"

--- baza_mar лагерь ---
if gulag_type == "baza_mar_lager" then
return se_obj:profile_name() == "baza_marsh_provodnik"

if gulag_type == "esc_bridge" then
return npc_community == "military"

if gulag_type == "esc_specnaz" then
return se_obj:profile_name() == "esc_soldier_specnaz"

if gulag_type == "esc_blokpost" then
return npc_community == "military"

if gulag_type == "esc_killers" then
return npc_community == "killer"

if gulag_type == "esc_lager" then
return npc_community == "stalker"

if gulag_type == "esc_fabrika_bandit" then
return npc_community == "bandit"

if gulag_type == "esc_ambush" then
return npc_community == "bandit"

if gulag_type == "esc_corps" then
return npc_community == "stalker"

if gulag_type == "esc_assault" then
return npc_community == "stalker"

if gulag_type == "esc_stalker_camp" then
return npc_community == "stalker"

return false

function checkMonster(npc_community, gulag_type)

if gulag_type == "esc_dogs_to_fox" then
return npc_community == "dog"

if gulag_type == "esc_dogs_swarm" then
return npc_community == "dog"

if gulag_type == "esc_boars_dogs" then
return npc_community == "dog" or
npc_community == "boar"

if gulag_type == "esc_zombie_1" then
return npc_community == "zombie"

if gulag_type == "esc_zombie_2" then
return npc_community == "zombie"

if gulag_type == "esc_flesh_1" then
return npc_community == "flesh"

if gulag_type == "esc_flesh_2" then
return npc_community == "flesh"

if gulag_type == "esc_bridge_boar" then
return npc_community == "boar"

if gulag_type == "esc_small_home1" then
return npc_community == "boar"

if gulag_type == "esc_small_home2" then
return npc_community == "boar"

if gulag_type == "esc_small_home3" then
return npc_community == "dog"

if gulag_type == "esc_small_home4" then
return npc_community == "dog"

if gulag_type == "esc_small_home5" then
return npc_community == "dog"

if gulag_type == "esc_small_home6" then
return npc_community == "flesh"

return false

Возможно что-то с запаковкой алл.спавна или АСДС.

Последний раз редактировалось Винtorez; 18.05.2012 в 15:30.
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Старый 20.05.2012, 16:16   #3780
Аватар для venom9875
Регистрация: 07.03.2009
Адрес: Галактика Млечный Путь
Сообщений: 615
Репутация: 169 [+/-]
Винtorez, покажи скрипт dialogs.sсript.
Кому вообще какая разница, что думают другие, а? Загляните в свое сердце и делайте то, что поможет стать вам счастливее.

Роберт Келсо
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